Just wanted to link Shroud doing a VSS only run just earlier, wins the game with 17 kills.
*cough, cough*![]()
Just wanted to link Shroud doing a VSS only run just earlier, wins the game with 17 kills.
*cough, cough*![]()
Exactly. In TPP the camper would know I was there but I would know where they were too, giving me an advantage since I could have the jump on them and pre-fire as I turned the corner. In FPP you have to scramble to locate the camper before you can take aim.No, it's more prevalent because lack of free information favors the camper. It turns any blind corner into a viable camping spot versus just areas that have long chokepoints for third person.
Indoor combat is trash in third person as well, though. At least in first person you're on equal footing aside from the camper having a defensible position of course. If there's a longish hallway in the building you might as well shoot yourself in the head if you're trying to take out a camper because it's almost pointless.Exactly. In TPP the camper would know I was there but I would know where they were too, giving me an advantage since I could have the jump on them and pre-fire as I turned the corner. In FPP you have to scramble to locate the camper before you can take aim.
They both have their advantages and disadvantages, but this is exactly why I had issues with people saying that FPP would be so superior. Outdoor combat FPP>TPP, indoor combat TPP>FPP.
Exactly. In TPP the camper would know I was there but I would know where they were too, giving me an advantage since I could have the jump on them and pre-fire as I turned the corner. In FPP you have to scramble to locate the camper before you can take aim.
They both have their advantages and disadvantages, but this is exactly why I had issues with people saying that FPP would be so superior. Outdoor combat FPP>TPP, indoor combat TPP>FPP.
I dont even know why am I talking about this anymore, im never gonna touch TPP again, I dont care if some people want to have the more easy and "relaxed" TPP, what I dont understand is how its so hard to understand the differences with TPP and FPP and see how TPP just isnt balanced, no way around it "but its more balanced here".
Buy orders are up. My Camo Cap has a few around $80, School Pants are around 5, Mandarin Jacket is around $50.
It'll tank, but I'm hoping to get in on it as soon as it goes live.
How can I see camo pants price? Got them on 2nd loot box and can sell on 8/11
Also got the purple rarity track suit top
How can I see camo pants price? Got them on 2nd loot box and can sell on 8/11
Also got the purple rarity track suit top
Shit, camo cap is $80? Maybe I should sell mine, it's really cool but you only get to see it until you pick up a helmet :/
That might be "equal" but god damn it is the least fun thing in this game. It just seems like I've experienced way more sitting and waiting players in FPP mode because they know it's so advantageous.Indoor combat is trash in third person as well, though. At least in first person you're on equal footing aside from the camper having a defensible position of course. If there's a longish hallway in the building you might as well shoot yourself in the head if you're trying to take out a camper because it's almost pointless.
I was just going to say the same thing. I saw a clip from some streamer describing TPP as a little girl's pink bicycle with training wheels and FPP as a manly mountain bike. It's so lame and toxic.Why does everyone sound like a snob when they feel the need to talk about how much better FPP is? "I don't play eeeeeasy mode!!"
That might be "equal" but god damn it is the least fun thing in this game. It just seems like I've experienced way more sitting and waiting players in FPP mode because they know it's so advantageous.
I was just going to say the same thing. I saw a clip from some streamer describing TPP as a little girl's pink bicycle with training wheels and FPP as a manly mountain bike. It's so lame and toxic.
I don't think you can yet. I got mine the day of the loot boxes and can sell them tonight at 8PM EST. I'll post in here after I sell them. Currently the blue hotpants from the free crate are selling for about $300.
It might go more than that, hold off for a little bit and see if you can maximize your return.
I've only played a little bit of FP mode, but I think they both have their place. I mean yes, in TP mode you can look around corners, but so can everyone else so it's just a matter of having to take other things into account when playing. It's not as if one mode gives certain players an advantage over others.
Just seen a vid with someone running this in 21.9. Is this some kind of mod? didnt think pubg supported 21.9.
Ouro! I didn't know you played PUBG. We gotta roll together sometime!
That has just made my x34a purchase that much sweeter!It's supported by default.
How is calling that streamer toxic "talking down to a playerbase"? I'm literally calling them out for talking down to a playerbase. I love both game modes and I'm saying that they both have their advantages.I like both modes. I play both modes. I don't talk down to either playerbase calling them either "kiddy" or "toxic" etc. I understand the merits of both modes.
I really don't udnerstand why people can't be like me or at least play their prefered mode without being a shitbag about it.
Here is an example of where fairness is brought up. Yes everyone can 3P peek, everyone has the same camera. However, late game circle, everyone is behind a rock or tree surrounding an open field. Common scenario. The next circle happens to fall on some people in cover, the rest need to cover open ground and run towards the fortunate players that were given the circle. In 3rd person, all those players are waiting and WATCH your every move, they are preaimed and when they decide to shoot they are prefiring. There is no counter aside hoping they are truly terrible.
In first person, it's a tough break, it's never nice to have to run in the open, however, those players have to expose themselves to get information. They cannot preaim, they cannot wait for the perfect time when you can't react. They have to expose themselves to see you, take aim and fire. In that time I could react and deal with them. if they go back behind cover, I can change direction and go for a flank without them knowing. In first person, they can see everything.
That is the type of situation that becomes a serious problem in 3rd person. Circles decide the winner in a way that does not happen in first person.
I'm tired of arguing about it so I'm not going to commit to this conversation, but I will just say:
Yes, there are plenty of situations in which TPP makes it frustrating because it benefits the people with cover who don't have to move much more than anyone else.
Yes, frontal engagements are much more fun and "fairer" in FPP.
But there are plenty of other situations throughout the game where TPP can save you from a camper or benefit you in other ways, such as being able to react to flanks much faster.
I don't care what modes you guys play, or what you enjoy, or even your reasons for enjoying them. Play, have fun, post and talk about your experiences, but if you feel better about yourself because you play FPP and you think TPP is easy mode and people who play TPP are casuals or scrubs or babies or whatever you wanna call them, just know that you're not better than anyone else.
I hate streamers for normalizing this attitude where the only way to play this game is aggression or you're a pussy. You can win this game with 1 kill, or even without fighting. Being sneaky and camping are valid strategies. Both of those strategies work in FPP or TPP.
I mean, yes, that can be an issue, but there are quite a few things that occur during the game that make it less "fair" for other players. Dropping in on a building in an area that usually has good gear? Enjoy your 12 pistols and a beanie. Picked a spot early on and the circle is on the other side of the map? Better hope no one stole all of the nearby cars.
It may not happen every game to you, but it happens to someone and you just gotta hope things don't affect you at any given time.
The randomness of the circle in the situation I presented already gives some players an advantage, just like looting the right houses gives you an advantage. The argument about fairness comes down to which perspective mitigates those disadvantages the most and allows players to overcome them with player skill. I would argue FPP. The simple need to expose yourself for information is why. That is why I prefer it and where the "fairness" argument comes in. It isn't always the case where the both players have the luxury to utilize their 3rd person camera to peek and in those cases there is very little you can do to counter it.
I'm not arguing that suddenly everyone gets a fair shake in every game. There is a mountain of randomness that can screw you over but at least this one aspect mitigates the issues in player vs player engagements.
Buy orders are up. My Camo Cap has a few around $80, School Pants are around 5, Mandarin Jacket is around $50.
It'll tank, but I'm hoping to get in on it as soon as it goes live.
Had a bug where 20% of the buildings didnt load beyond their hilarious low poly crayon textures
I could run through them freely
Was pretty great for looting
How the hell did some people already sell those pants on the 4th, for example?