do the BP prices of the Gamescom crates not reset?
It does.
do the BP prices of the Gamescom crates not reset?
One of my friends does this. We've corrected him every time but he just can't rewire his brain to go to First Aid. Some other common name errors of his:
Compensator -> Compressor
Suppressor -> Compressor
7.62 -> 7.76
M416 -> M16
M16A4 -> M4
Vertical Foregrip -> Vertical Stock
Tactical Stock -> Tactical Grip
Looks like people are hammering their servers.
There's backpacks to find yeah, but you can equip stuff off the ground if that slot is empty even if your inventory is full.made top 10 on my first game. had about 7 people left. question whats the deal with the not enough space thing. do I need to find backpacks around the world? i kept trying to take someones first aid but it wouldnt let me but i was able to pick up things like headgear? I can see why this game is pretty popular. it has some tense moments!
Clothing, guns, and your first grenade will all go into their own inventory slot and do not take space. You need a backpack (levels 1 to 3) to carry more stuff after your pocket space runs out.made top 10 on my first game. had about 7 people left. question whats the deal with the not enough space thing. do I need to find backpacks around the world? i kept trying to take someones first aid but it wouldnt let me but i was able to pick up things like headgear? I can see why this game is pretty popular. it has some tense moments!
Headshots deal a lot more damage and it depends on what level your helmet is. And the blue circle is just something you have to pay attention to and adjust your strategy to account for. I highly doubt they'll change it considering it's one of the staples of the game mode.Alright, so after yesterday, I most definitely am growing to like this game. But I think 4 FPP is just so much better than all else, partly since it helps noobs like me stay alive, and also because Im not a total burden on my teammate in Duo since I can't get my mic to work.
It was very enjoyable getting pinned in a house while overlooking a field because a supply box dropped there. We got into a long range shootout, but then noticed a different squad coming up behind us.
Spotting them moving through shrubbery was really intense. Managed to get a kill, but took pot shots on others. Im a little unsure how I seem to get 1 shotted while others take beefier shots. Are headshots instant down? I admittedly didn't aim for the head but Im curious about the difference/multiplier.
Also, I really dislike how forceful the blue circle is. I understand it needs to constrain the player area, but it just feels incredibly unfun to die to it in the later stages. I just wish there was more time in later stages. And I don't know how I feel about the fact that some players inherently get the advantage based on the location drop.
Are there any big plans to change how the game is played in that way?
Playing this game just to get crates and sell them. Made over 20$ so far on crates! I love this game and I don't need to wear clothes so selling it all is great!
8$ for a blackshirt? Who buys these things! LOL
That's the trick- sell the crates. I happened to get a $2 beanie my first week, but now that I've got a sense of the math I'm going to sell all crates without opening going forward. Then I'll buy myself a dollar's worth of dirty tank tops when the holds clear.I haven't gotten anything worth more than 8 cents.![]()
Wait I can buy and sell crates?
Like I should buy the gamescom crates and sell them for money?
And make the money i spent back?
If you open a crate can you still sell the item?Yes, on the steam marketplace.
If you open a crate can you still sell the item?
You don't know why people would use a free, open source program over one that isn't?
Why does OBS suck?
From my experience with it it's bloody brilliant.
I tried nVidia Shadowplay. Didn't work.
I tried nVidia Shadowplay. Didn't work.
I was in the police station and had eyes on a guy across from where I was. I shot him about 15 times in the head (no hits registered, at all, despite having a clear view of his head) He killed me in one shot with a Kar98. I wasn't very happy and wanted to post the cideo, but Shadowplay wouldn't create a video. Think I'm going to try OBS. I was using an M4 with an 8x scope, I believe. I'm still kind of annoyed with that, as I had great gear and a few kills that game already.
Same here. Audio is out of sync, files sometimes don't work and occasionally shadowplay simply doesn't show work when I'm playing games.My Shadowplay got broken with the beta update that added options to split audio into multiple files. Downgraded to the old one and it works perfectly everytime.
If you open a crate can you still sell the item?
This game needs directional hit markers. Hate not being able to tell where I'm getting shot from.
This game needs directional hit markers. Hate not being able to tell where I'm getting shot from.
This game needs directional hit markers. Hate not being able to tell where I'm getting shot from.
Do not agree.
It's what makes the game, the game. Wearing headphones and constantly being paranoid, nothing else like it.
That's definitely not %100 accurate. Circumstances would vary and then a suppressed weapon would make it even harder to locate someone.In real life if you were hit, you'd know where it came from.
That's definitely not %100 accurate. Circumstances would vary and then a suppressed weapon would make it even harder to locate someone.
That's not entirely accurate as well, my friend had no idea he was shot until someone checked him, obviously circumstances may and will vary.I meant as in, if you were shot in the back you'd know it's coming from behind, or in the side, front etc. I'm not talking about knowing where the person is, just where the bullet hit on your person because in real life you'd feel it.
That will ruin half of the fun in firefights.
Also got this.[IMG][/QUOTE]
Have you seen the prices in the market for this? o.O
Oh god that would be the absolute worstThis game needs directional hit markers. Hate not being able to tell where I'm getting shot from.
So is it best to just sell unopened crates? How much do you get for that? Or should one just open them and see if there's individual items one can sell?
This game needs directional hit markers. Hate not being able to tell where I'm getting shot from.
That's not entirely accurate as well, my friend had no idea he was shot until someone checked him, obviously circumstances may and will vary.
Being a video game nothing is perfect of course this isn't Arma 3 I think this game needs some improvements without a doubt hit markers may be one of them but it's not absolutely necessary.
Fair enough, I've got zero experiance at being shot. Just something to indicate where the bullet entered on the body would suffice. I know this might sound heinous to some people, but it's just to remedy the lack of situational awareness that you would otherwise have. Also note I only play FPP so not talking about TPP here.