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PLAYERUNKNOWNS BATTLEGROUNDS Early Access Thread: This Is Battle Royale


I've died 3 times this session to someone camping on the bridge. I've tried swerving around and they always manage to kill me. I even tried swimming under the bridge and still some guy sniped me from who knows where. Fuck bridges I'm gonna have to go boating I guess
This is so much more than a quality of life change. This can completely change some interactions. Especially if being able to jump out of windows is still part of the plan

Driving a car up on a building with people in the second floor. Jumping on the car and climbing into a second story window. The first few weeks of this update are gonna be fun.


Just bought this game out of curiosity, just to see what the fuss was all about.
I decided to try it five minutes.

...Five hours later I think I can foresee a potential addiction problem.

Can't some soon enough.

Or more likely the developers, but you get the idea.
Probably the single feature I wished to have the most in these few games I tried.


Just bought this game out of curiosity, just to see what the fuss was all about.
I decided to try it five minutes.

...Five hours later I think I can foresee a potential addiction problem.

Or more likely the developers, but you get the idea.
Probably the single feature I wished to have the most in these few games I tried.
Same here haha.

Reminds me of my socom addiction honestly


Directional hit markers would ruin any kind of careful sneaking and/or preparation. No way it should be added to the game. The way you can use the confusion to your advantage is what makes most encounters as great as they are.

Use headphones and look at the shots that land around you and you'll be able to locate the source pretty quickly. And if not, you simply get dead. That's life. Someone got the drop on you.


Directional hit markers would ruin any kind of careful sneaking and/or preparation. No way it should be added to the game. The way you can use the confusion to your advantage is what makes most encounters as great as they are.

Use headphones and look at the shots that land around you and you'll be able to locate the source pretty quickly. And if not, you simply get dead. That's life. Someone got the drop on you.

I'm talking about markers for when you've been actually hit. Not when being shot at. It makes sense to know if you get get hit in the chest, the back, the ribs etc. I'm not talking about some giant aarow point the exact direction, but something indicating where the bullet hit your person.

Vaulting update is going to be sweeeet. If we can come in and out of windows the indoor dynamic is going to completely change. If by some miracle they add siege levels of destruction and penetration down the line this will be the best games ever made.


I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but... crates doubling in price at every purchase sounds like a dreadful idea.
Is this designed to deliberately discourage player from spending their points quickly?


Directional hitmarkers sounds like some third person babby shit 👶 👶

What are you guys smoking? Directional hitmarkers would be a massive downgrade.
I think the general gist is not giant arrows saying "hey guys look over here someone is shooting at you" but more subtle, like a hit indicator on a small body image in the bottom right or something. Take for instance WoW, when pieces of armour are broken or nearing breaking point they pop up and turn a yellow/red. Something like that where when you get shot it shows on what body part you got hit.

Could be for entire duration of damage before healing or just a few seconds after being hit. I'm not a massive fan of the idea but that's where I think others are coming from.


Neo Member
I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but... crates doubling in price at every purchase sounds like a dreadful idea.
Is this designed to deliberately discourage player from spending their points quickly?

Its to keep the crates somewhat rare, you basically get 1-2 cheap ones each week (resets on mondays). Instead of just making them all super expensive to slow down how many crates people get.

Had a lot of clutches today in squad fpp, here is one. https://streamable.com/0ve41

Managed to steal a groza and 40 7.62s and was 1v5 (killed 2 people in the warehouse but could not get their stuff due to the bluezone)

Blowing up cars, NEVER gets old:


Wow, that's incredible! The dude shot people who weren't firing back! That second man even watched him slaughter his friend and wasn't ready.

Yeah they were bad, but the point was still "camping is stronger in FPP", in TPP those bad players could kill tons of people because they clearly see when someone is coming.


I think the general gist is not giant arrows saying "hey guys look over here someone is shooting at you" but more subtle, like a hit indicator on a small body image in the bottom right or something. Take for instance WoW, when pieces of armour are broken or nearing breaking point they pop up and turn a yellow/red. Something like that where when you get shot it shows on what body part you got hit.

Could be for entire duration of damage before healing or just a few seconds after being hit. I'm not a massive fan of the idea but that's where I think others are coming from.
I don't like that idea because it's predicated on the fact that you'd know where you were shot in real life, this isn't real life. You're drinking Red Bull's to heal gunshot wounds. All this does is make the game easier for people who can't locate shots.


I think the general gist is not giant arrows saying "hey guys look over here someone is shooting at you" but more subtle, like a hit indicator on a small body image in the bottom right or something. Take for instance WoW, when pieces of armour are broken or nearing breaking point they pop up and turn a yellow/red. Something like that where when you get shot it shows on what body part you got hit.

Could be for entire duration of damage before healing or just a few seconds after being hit. I'm not a massive fan of the idea but that's where I think others are coming from.

Pretty much. Just an emulation of the awareness you'd have in real life if you were hit. I don't think think it's too unrealistic or gamey.

@Bread Fair enough. I disagree, not for skill reasons but it just seems it would fit well with the game and provide some more sitautional awareness that's lacking atm.


I don't like that idea because it's predicated on the fact that you'd know where you were shot in real life, this isn't real life. You're drinking Red Bull's to heal gunshot wounds. All this does is make the game easier for people who can't locate shots.
Oh no my example was in no way going to give the player directional awareness of hits, it was more body awareness which is what some were suggesting with hit markers. I don't like the idea of directional markers in the sense of I get hit and it tells me it was from the left side.

The entire point of PUBG is that you can and will get into fire fights from distance, and you may not know where your target is located and need to use audio location and spotting. Adding directional hit markers removes that completely and makes a player lazy in not being as aware, instead waiting for hit markers to tell them.


Oh no my example was in no way going to give the player directional awareness of hits, it was more body awareness which is what some were suggesting with hit markers. I don't like the idea of directional markers in the sense of I get hit and it tells me it was from the left side.

The entire point of PUBG is that you can and will get into fire fights from distance, and you may not know where your target is located and need to use audio location and spotting. Adding directional hit markers removes that completely and makes a player lazy in not being as aware, instead waiting for hit markers to tell them.
Ohhhh ok yeah I understand what you're saying. Id have no problem with a thing that showed where you were hit on your body if it just told you right leg/left arm etc, not back of left arm/front right leg.
The worst feeling when playing solo is when you reach a new settlement that looks like it hasn't been looted only to go into one of the buildings and someone is just camping upstairs just waiting for someone to show up (this just happened to me, btw)

This way of playing doesn't seem fun at all. I'm really curious how long he/she was just hanging out up there waiting for just one person to kill.

I really hope they died shortly after I did. So lame.

Getting into shootouts with teammates and have no idea where the enemy is ever. So frustrating

Im also hoping for in game marking like in siege
Jesus, my best game ever, not bad considering I was on life support miles from the zone at the start.

How to clean campers in FPP, "camping is stronger in FPP"


I don't get it...

Is this video supposed to be treating this like some way to elude campers?

All I see is two guys laying prone went AFK at the wrong time.

The worst feeling when playing solo is when you reach a new settlement that looks like it hasn't been looted only to go into one of the buildings and someone is just camping upstairs just waiting for someone to show up (this just happened to me, btw)

This way of playing doesn't seem fun at all. I'm really curious how long he/she was just hanging out up there waiting for just one person to kill.

I really hope they died shortly after I did. So lame.

Probably not that long. They likely got to the building around the time of a prior Circle change, realized it hadn't been looted, looted all the buildings nearby while making sure to cover their tracks by shutting doors and had been waiting maybe a minute or so before he heard you running around.


So i bought this game yesterday and put in about 2 hours.

Any tips for actually locating people? In that time, Ive only ran across 4 people (and not for lack of trying). I tried chasing one from a distance only to lose sight of him, got killed by a camper with one shot, ran over one guy, and was killed from a distance from an unseen dude.

Because of this, Im not seeing the appeal so far.


So i bought this game yesterday and put in about 2 hours.

Any tips for actually locating people? In that time, Ive only ran across 4 people (and not for lack of trying). I tried chasing one from a distance only to lose sight of him, got killed by a camper with one shot, ran over one guy, and was killed from a distance from an unseen dude.

Because of this, Im not seeing the appeal so far.

Land in hotter areas (school, military base, big towns). Run towards gunshots.


So i bought this game yesterday and put in about 2 hours.

Any tips for actually locating people? In that time, Ive only ran across 4 people (and not for lack of trying). I tried chasing one from a distance only to lose sight of him, got killed by a camper with one shot, ran over one guy, and was killed from a distance from an unseen dude.

Because of this, Im not seeing the appeal so far.

Land in a hotspot. Try and emerge from said hotspot as the victor. This is a satisfying accomplishment on its own, and will typically result in you being well geared out.

School and military base are super concentrated hotspots at the beginning in the majority of games. Alternatively, land in a medium hot spot, like roz, pachinki, crater, or estate.

If you land far off from anyone you're more likely to have one of those slow paced dawdling games, but getting in a car and driving around going towards gunfire can rectify that.


I've died 3 times this session to someone camping on the bridge. I've tried swerving around and they always manage to kill me. I even tried swimming under the bridge and still some guy sniped me from who knows where. Fuck bridges I'm gonna have to go boating I guess

I used to detest bridge campers but I've embraced it and become one now. People in buggies and on bikes are easily dispatched, you may as well not cross a bridge if that's what you're attempting to cross a bridge on. I can easily take out 6 or more people in a single bridge camping session. EZ loot.

Directional hit markers would ruin any kind of careful sneaking and/or preparation. No way it should be added to the game. The way you can use the confusion to your advantage is what makes most encounters as great as they are.

Use headphones and look at the shots that land around you and you'll be able to locate the source pretty quickly. And if not, you simply get dead. That's life. Someone got the drop on you.

It's absolutely fine the way it is, the onus is on players to be more aware of their surroundings and where shots might be coming from.
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