This is kinda disappointing but oh well. It's kinda sad how Microsoft nail down all aspects of the console (yes I know 217GBP is a lot for an extra 1TB,but at least it is there at launch as an option), besides the exclusive games. While with Sony it seems the other way around.
MS is selling you a mid spec - soon to be low spec - SSD for 217GBP and it’s only useable in the Xsex/s.
Sony will support off the shelf cutting edge SSDs for the same price and they’ll be useable in any device supporting the standard.
There’s zero need for an expansion day one or month one or probably even for the next 6 months even if you buy every SSD only game. Beyond that only prolific purchasers of PS5 content will hit problems and if you’re that sold on the PS concept, you’ll put up with it. Or just buy a second console! Lol.
I’ll take Sony’s future proofing over settling for old tech and overcharging for it.