this GT pre show is awful, what a joke
GT Stream not loading for anyone else?
Thanks it works now, I had it on progressive.
Just over half an hour to go. This is history in the making!
Getting hyped up. Got myself sorted with my drinks. And now won't be disturbed
Quite funny that a certain someone is shaking her head at my excitement and "acting like a child". hehe
Just the calm before the stormGaf is up and running smooth, the GT stream is running great, the stars are aligning, there's no other explanation!
Take notes, Nintendo... this is how you reveal a console. :\
GT link
If you can't get it to work go to another video and switch from progressive to streaming.
Is it possible to stream it on the PS3?
Just takes me to a collection of playstation videos...
Finally got GT to work. I think. Is the current video supposed to be totillo and gertsman talking?
why is gametraielrs feed not working?