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Playstation Meeting 2013 Thread: Go Fourth


I probably sound like a party crapper even though I really want to enjoy this....

I want to cry, but I can't. Not because of this event, but because my tooth got a small cavity from not flossing enough that's giving me a small abscess which is giving me so much pain that I literally can't cry from how painful it is. The root canal got moved to tomorrow, I haven't slept all night because of the pain and it has been like this in all day long. The painkillers are doing nothing.

and then I have to attend class at 6:30PM. I'm curious if I can keep my sanity through the night. I really hope whatever comes out of this event (and this thread) will entertain me enough to tolerate the pain. :/

I already see all the hype stuff by people and it is distracting in a good way. Hopefully it stays like this!

Oh and OMG PS4!
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