Sony getting cocky means one of two things... They got Kevin Butler back, or they've got something amazing.
EVERY Playstation game ever Backwards Compatible, through SENLIVE, Sony's new Gaikai-ish service. You will be able to play ANY Playstation game that you own the rights to on ANY qualifying device. Android, Ipod, PC, Wii U Browser (lol), Vita, ANYTHING that has a connection to the internet and can display the site. Just bought Uncharted 5 and want to play it but you're out of the country? Pull out your Vita or Phone with a WiFi Connection and your PS4 controller with your PSN ID (Not needed with Vita). Any game you own rights to is instantly available. All saves are backed up in the cloud, so when you get home, you can continue where you left off!
PS+ Members get free access to a number of games for free which rotate every few weeks!
Take OS level Screenshots or video! The system streams them onto a cloud where you can download them onto your PC or just directly compress and upload them to youtube!
Don't like split screening? Use the new Vita with HDMI out and go head to head on different TV's with one player using Sony's streaming service to emulate multiple copies of the game!
I was going to make up more crap, but that is honestly all I want from PSQuad to be my machine of the century...