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Playstation Meeting trailer: See the Future. Feb. 20th [Will Be Livestreamed]

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It's amazing. Since I got a real gaming PC last year, I have left my PS3 pretty much alone.

But I am really hyped for this.

Could anyone kazify my avatar? Thanks :)



I personally think that Sony will just announce the console and release date. And maybe A few titles.

They'll go all out during E3

rdrr gnr

Just realized something, there is no chance that people will end up being happy with 20th :).

No matter what Sony does... am I right? These things always turn south after the end of the conference.

Was there any gaming conference by anyone where We collectively ended up being happy?
GAF in aggregate will almost certainly be disappointed. Everyone has their range of expectations -- that's why the chronological order of the event is so important. They need to really prime their viewers with what they are going to show in the context of the event -- not rampant speculation. And they need to absolutely end with a bang. It has to be a megaton. All I want to see is the box's form factor, a few games (2 minimum), and some OS level functionality. Anything else is a bonus.
Just realized something, there is no chance that people will end up being happy with 20th :).

No matter what Sony does... am I right? These things always turn south after the end of the conference.

Was there any gaming conference by anyone where We collectively ended up being happy?

You are probably right. I think the only way everyone is happy Is if they show either Last Guardian or FFVXIII running on PS4. Either or both of those would make the meeting a resounding success. That and maybe MGS5. Killzone 4 alone won't do it.
For the best conference (Konami 2010 aside ;) ) I'd prolly say Nintendo E3 2010. Well that does repair some damage for unleashing the worst conference also. The abomination only known as Nintendo E3 2008 conference.


Just realized something, there is no chance that people will end up being happy with 20th :).

No matter what Sony does... am I right? These things always turn south after the end of the conference.

Was there any gaming conference by anyone where We collectively ended up being happy?
This is true. The number of satisfied/disappointed Sony fans will be drowned by the people that were not interested in Orbis from the outset.


At first I was mostly excited at what new games they would be unveiling, but as the recent leaks have been trickling out I have been getting more and more curious as to what new additions the controller will have and also all the different OS stuff. What they will use gaikai for has piqued my curiosity especially after the last WSJ article.
If The Last Guardian doesn't show up I'll be disappointed. :<

Since we officially "don't know" what's coming, I honestly feel as if Sony needs to show the PS4 hardware (duh), The Last Guardian, and Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Anything else is icing. Missing any of the three would be a massive let down.
Maybe they'll do it like bungie. Show some animated concept art of what the ps4 and controller might look like. Talk about the console being gaming centred but not quite. They will mention social networking and an always on connection. NDA will be lifted and press will ask questions where Sony will answer with their own set of questions, "yes, what is the ps4 really? That is a good question, but here's a better one...what isn't it?" Troll face kaz. Conference ended.


GAF in aggregate will almost certainly be disappointed. Everyone has their range of expectations -- that's why the chronological order of the event is so important. They need to really prime their viewers with what they are going to show in the context of the event -- not rampant speculation. And they need to absolutely end with a bang. It has to be a megaton. All I want to see is the box's form factor, a few games (2 minimum), and some OS level functionality. Anything else is a bonus.

i am thinking, if they show:
a. good design of PS4
b. good design of DS4
c. announce Gaikai for Vita and Xperia and Bravia

people will be quite happy... then close with:

d. showreel of great titles
e. some first party crazy graphics
f. few pics from unknown 3rd party exclusive

Damn if we dont end up happy after that... this is perfect time to get everyone excited because you can just show some pics without reality of pricing, actual sales and delivering finalized games getting in the way :).

Come September or whenever it is realed, there is no way as many people could possibly be happy as on 20th. Reality of things will hit by then....
Since we officially "don't know" what's coming, I honestly feel as if Sony needs to show the PS4 hardware (duh), The Last Guardian, and Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Anything else is icing. Missing any of the three would be a massive let down.

I'm a bit miffed why people think we will see Versus at this event. Doubt we will see that (if ever) until E3 or TGS
It really did, which is why I personally don't believe the IP should be abandon. All it really needed was a gameplay revamp, which is not unheard. The conceptual stuff behind the game is pretty great. The battles were also a brilliant spectacle that you got to participate in.

I never actually played LAIR. Was it a really badly done Panzer Dragoon with ground combat? I guess kinda like a bad version of Kid Icarus Uprising. Didn't they patch in regular controls too to help with the mandatory Sixaxis input?


For the best conference (Konami 2010 aside ;) ) I'd prolly say Nintendo E3 2010. Well that does repair some damage for unleashing the worst conference also. The abomination only known as Nintendo E3 2008 conference.

They all had at least one horrible conference.

Sony E3 2006
Nintendo E3 2008
Microsoft E3 2010


I never actually played LAIR. Was it a really badly done Panzer Dragoon with ground combat? I guess kinda like a bad version of Kid Icarus Uprising. Didn't they patch in regular controls too to help with the mandatory Sixaxis input?

i never played it but pretty much everyone said it was technical disaster so bad that you couldnt play it at all. Very few found few positive things about it but overall it was hyped through the roof and they did nothing to deliver the game.

I dont think anything like that can happen with PS4, simply because the weeded out the bad and pretty much only the good is left with 1st/2nd party... nobody from SCE could make such bad game these days.
They all had at least one horrible conference.

Sony E3 2006
Nintendo E3 2008
Microsoft E3 2010

Quite so but N2008 was the one where I knew my Wii was a dust collector. MS 2010 you still knew youd get all the kickass 3rd party games and while S2006 was a disaster it did show them fuckin games.
I never actually played LAIR. Was it a really badly done Panzer Dragoon with ground combat? I guess kinda like a bad version of Kid Icarus Uprising. Didn't they patch in regular controls too to help with the mandatory Sixaxis input?

It was basically Factor 5's Star Wars games but with dragons and really bad Sixaxis controls.
GAF in aggregate will almost certainly be disappointed. Everyone has their range of expectations -- that's why the chronological order of the event is so important. They need to really prime their viewers with what they are going to show in the context of the event -- not rampant speculation. And they need to absolutely end with a bang. It has to be a megaton. All I want to see is the box's form factor, a few games (2 minimum), and some OS level functionality. Anything else is a bonus.

What exactly constitutes a 'megaton' at an event such as this though? For me it's quite a big deal to be getting new hardware, potentially a few games shown running on said hardware. I can't see the big gaming megaton announcements being at Playstation meeting 2013, as they may overshadow or take away from the main event - the console itself.

Sony don't, I imagine, want the press going crazy over The Last Guardian reappearing - they want them talking solely about PS4.


I'm a bit miffed why people think we will see Versus at this event. Doubt we will see that (if ever) until E3 or TGS
Yeah, TLG is seeming more and more likely, but people expecting to see versus 13 are out of their minds. Did I miss a bunch of rumours or something, I thought the focus was on Lightening Returns at the moment? Has there been anything recently that indicates development is making progress?
Yeah, TLG is seeming more and more likely, but people expecting to see versus 13 are out of their minds. Did I miss a bunch of rumours or something, I thought the focus was on Lightening Returns at the moment? Has there been anything recently that indicates development is making progress?

Square Enix, I can almost gaurantee will be there, but not with Versus. I'm assuming they will be there with a Luminous Tech demo.

People need to quell their expectations, certainly.

What about the video tomorrow?

Tomorrow's vid will be a dedication to this thread.
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