All I want is a nice variety of games. Please don't give us 85% shooters and then a glimpse of Gran Turismo 6.
I want to see a new Ratchet and Clank, early Madden footage, maybe something to show what the MLB series will look like, etc.
Everyone in attendance should be given a small bag of Doritos chips to munch on during the conference.
P.S: Tonight, there will be so much F5 raping.
Bookmark here:I have kind of an odd request that I hope someone on GAF can help me with. I will have to work/commute through most of the event, but I still want to watch the entire thing. The only thing is, I want to go into it blind and it will be practically impossible to find the video of the stream without getting "spoiled" on some of the news. I want to completely avoid GAF and the internet after 6 until I watch it. Can anyone email me a direct link to the video of the full conference so I can watch it when I get home later that night? I would be very grateful, PM if interested. thanks!
Are UBI Montreal the Watch Dog guys? Also Bungie? Didn't expect more on Destiny so soon.
Is there any PS3 compatible streams (not Home) available?
Will game trailers going to have any guests on the pre-show?
Welp. I guess that's what I'm going to be doing!If you simply must leave the warm, soothing embrace of PlayStation.Blog, youll also be able to follow along live on, inside the virtual world of PlayStation Home, and even via your PS3s Xross Media Bar just look for it under the Whats New section.
Our guy in New York says the Square Enix bandwagon just rolled into town. :O
If you're using Firefox, Opera, Chrome or Safari you could just my Live Thread extension.
I made it for things like this you know
Will game trailers going to have any guests on the pre-show?
Our guy in New York says the Square Enix bandwagon just rolled into town. :O
A lot of people here are overestimating Sony's E3,they don't give a damn about E3.
Welp. I guess that's what I'm going to be doing!![]()
Welp. I guess that's what I'm going to be doing!![]()
I think so.
I asked earlier but no one answered. Is Naughty Dog going to be there? Chances of an Uncharted title being shown?
Would it be too early to show anything of the next Uncharted game?
I know its very early, but do we have any informed
predictions for the most stable, clean streams?
Welp. I guess that's what I'm going to be doing!![]()
All it takes to blow me away is:
- Show the PS4
- Show GT6
- Price below 449 dollars/euro's.
- Killzone 4
Our guy in New York says the Square Enix bandwagon just rolled into town. :O
An early reveal wouldn't be unheard ofI think so.
Portal,TLG are big games? lulz I sorta agree about PS+ if that becomes big now.
Luminous Engine and a tech demo probably.
I fear with this much hype train, can the conference really deliver to the expectation?
Welp. I guess that's what I'm going to be doing!![]()
Sony money-hatting? Megatons confirmed?
Dont know if its been posted here but PS4 has just made BBC's frontpage
I have kind of an odd request that I hope someone on GAF can help me with. I will have to work/commute through most of the event, but I still want to watch the entire thing. The only thing is, I want to go into it blind and it will be practically impossible to find the video of the stream without getting "spoiled" on some of the news. I want to completely avoid GAF and the internet after 6 until I watch it. Can anyone email me a direct link to the video of the full conference so I can watch it when I get home later that night? I would be very grateful, PM if interested. thanks!
I think so.
Sony money-hatting? Megatons confirmed?
Everyone in attendance should be given a small bag of Doritos chips to munch on during the conference.
Is there any PS3 compatible streams (not Home) available?
Our guy in New York says the Square Enix bandwagon just rolled into town. :O
Our guy in New York says the Square Enix bandwagon just rolled into town. :O
Welp. I guess that's what I'm going to be doing!![]()