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Playstation Meeting trailer: See the Future. Feb. 20th [Will Be Livestreamed]

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FINE. someone kazify this. Kaz Not Tickled


Here you go!



Stig will walk on stage and say "This is what we have been working on since early 2010, a brand new IP by SSM team...enjoy....trailer begins...we see the most stunning game on PS4 (even ND devs go "Ohh shit")...trailer ends with release date fall 2013...stig breaks PS4 controller and walks of stage...gaf goes 404"


Lol, my professor said versus is being shown tonight for the ps4, source from a friend in the gaming field. (Multimedia teacher)

Fun Fact: he know NOTHING about games let alone vaporware. I am fucking hype.

This will be reported by many outlets soon.


Watching the live feed of Giant Bomb watching and commenting the live feed of the event will be epic. Epic, I say.

cynical, trying to be funny with their snark commentary...no thanks. Maybe MS reveal will be fine. But their lack of anything PS is lesson learned to stay away from that site if you are PS fan


Gametrailers and Giantbomb, I think.

Is GB having a live stream with their reactions? Because (and this is the only time I'll ever use this phrase) that would be so totally choice.

cynical, trying to be funny with their snark commentary...no thanks. Maybe MS reveal will be fine. But their lack of anything PS is lesson learned to stay away from that site if you are PS fan

Oh come on. GB is many things but they're not biased. Just because they have used the 360 more than the PS3 means they're biased is ridiculous. The fact is the 360 has sold a shitload more in the United States than the PS3.


I follow about 170 people on twitter, most of which are gaming related feeds.

I need to cut that in half within the next 7 hours or my Twitter will be ape shit.
cynical, trying to be funny with their snark commentary...no thanks. Maybe MS reveal will be fine. But their lack of anything PS is lesson learned to stay away from that site if you are PS fan

Pretty much but their latest Bombcast had some good points regarding tonight and next gen in general.


I just had an awful realization that I'm stuck working until 7 tonight.

Just why.


Hopefully I can catch a recap when I get home.


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her

Still laughing at this one, genius! XD
My theory on Versus XIII is that it's going to get a re-brand along with it's move to PS4. I think they've completely overhauled the story and cut any ties with XIII. I don't know if that means it will become XV or if it will just receive a new name entirely.

At least, that's what I want. I dislike the XIII universe.

[/mad theory]


Neo Member
I think Sony really did themselves a service by seperating this event from E3. I think will gain a lot of mindshare if the event goes off well. The hype for this event is BEYOND! any console reveal before it, and Sony has done an excellent job keeping the Hype going.

PS3 was my console of choice last gen, and I really hope that doesn't change. I'm not buying a Durango, I can't stand Microsoft's business practices.


I think Sony really did themselves a service by seperating this event from E3. I think will gain a lot of mindshare if the event goes off well. The hype for this event is BEYOND! any console reveal before it, and Sony has done an excellent job keeping the Hype going.

Yeah this is pretty much Sony's to lose tonight. They did a great job of getting everyone's attention but now they gotta deliver the goods.


Versus is now a ps4 title, that's why they have been so quiet, I'm calling it now

It's very probable. Back in March, Nomura said preparations to share new info were about finished, but "unrelated factors" were preventing them from doing so. I'm sure they couldn't talk about a game that's gone PS4 while still advertising it as a PS3 title. And they couldn't necessarily say "it's gone PS4" or "it's not PS3 anymore, but we can't tell you what it is" either. Here's that full quote:

Lord Nomura said:
“Preparations for new information are almost ready,” said Nomura, “however due to unrelated factors, we cannot release information.”

He continued, “Since I’m not allowed to talk about it, there isn’t anything I can do but continue discussing it in this way.”

Also, there's a GAF member I believe who supposedly has a source that said it's gone PS4, and is betting his account on it. I don't feel like finding the posts, though.
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