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Playstation Meeting trailer: See the Future. Feb. 20th [Will Be Livestreamed]

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Junior Member
In other news, MS has announced a surprise last minute conference to be held today also at 6:00pm....................... .......




We're so close gaf.


Got class from 1:30pm-3:45pm and then get home by 4 to start getting ready for Sony to DROP. THE. BOMB.


So usually the way these things go the last few years is all heavy rumors are true and all that's left is a little extra video and announcements much smaller than the rumors. That would mean showing Gaikai and showing the touch screened controller, and that's basically it right?

This time it's a little different. We know broad strokes but the specifics still elude us. We know there is a touch controller but how will it work with the gameplay experience? We know specs but how will these games look? We know there is a PS4 but what the hell does it even look like? Another household appliance like last time? Will they pick another grill? What's the general tone of PS brand? This is a chance for them to start over and stop being so sheepish and apologetic about their console because none of that matters anymore. They're showing their hand first, and this is the most hyped event in some time.

What more do they have to show? Everything.


Also currently being featured on Sky News, had a lengthy piece on it and now talking to someone from the Wall Street Journal.

Sony have built up so much hype for this aha, insane.

They really have. Sony's marketing used to be unquestionably one of the best things about their business. The PS1 marketing really captured the moment of its own time.

I dunno, something about this PS4 stuff suggests to me they might be "back" in that regard. I really hope the reveal delivers and they build on that. It's still such a strong brand, really.


Some crazy stats I thought of not too long ago. I was 14 years old and in 8th Grade when the PS3 was first announced at E3 2005.

Now I'm a Junior in College, WTF where has the time gone my friends. Shall be fun bringing in the future of PlayStation with such an awesome group of people and community.

Lesssss gooooooo



This meeting is doing exactly what it's supposed to do: generate a HUGE amount of buzz for Sony and the PS. Regardless of how it goes later & whether people see what they want to see, this was smart planning by the Sony suits. Kudos.
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