Name of game please?
Yeah. It's... rough. I used to play so much Battlefield 2 that I would intentionally limit myself to only my C4 and a knife, and still often get the highest kill count. I was tank killer and house destroyer incarnate.
Now I'm playing HardLine, which is cops and robbers Battlefield... and I might as well just have my controller upside down. And i hate that I'll never be 'good' again, due to lack of time. I mean, don't get me wrong, i'm spending the time well [i'd rather spend time with my kid than a game] but I miss the sense of [virtual] community/etc.
You'll be fine if you played Elminage.
there is dlc? if i preordered it do i get it? I checked the vita's store and didn't see any... am i just blind?
That's sad. Hope they aren't perms.
Tokyo Xanadu.