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PlayStation Network Thread | June 2015


Just saw that Amazon.ca Blood Drive price. Holy shit, if this isn't a pricing error I'm gonna be pissed. I want it so bad but there's no way in hell I'm paying 85$ for a video game.


Just saw that Amazon.ca Blood Drive price. Holy shit, if this isn't a pricing error I'm gonna be pissed. I want it so bad but there's no way in hell I'm paying 85$ for a video game.

I posted earlier, Best Buy has it for $59.99. Most likely just a pricing error on Amazon's part.


If the (new)ps4 version will be the only one being localized(like i feared but never said to avoid giving bad ideas to bamco) then there must be a riot!

I could imagine the Vita Version to be digital only which would explain it not being listed on Amazon.


I hope you're right. Just seems like an odd price to mistakenly enter.

They also have EDF 2 for $49.99, despite Best Buy having it for $34.99. Either XSEED did something to piss of Amazon, or Amazon confused Vita games pricing with PS4 pricing. I'm going to bet on the latter ;).

I could imagine the Vita Version to be digital only which would explain it not being listed on Amazon.

Or Gamestop/EB Exlusive, like OP: Unlimited World Red.


Hey guys, was Digimon Cyber Sleuth ever announce a localization? Because a PS4 listing for it just showed up on Amazon.ca

If that is true....welp, that sucks for Vita owners :(.

I mean, the Vita version was the one many of us wanted, so if the PS Vita version is not coming over but they are more then happy to make a PS4 version, that really sucks X(.

But at the very least Bamco gave the Vita a ton of tittles (One Piece Red, SAO:HF, SAO:LS, ect), so if this is true, it would sting a lot less then what Square did with Typo-0, as they only gave us Army Corps of Hell at Vita's launch and a remaster of X and X-2....not a lot of games honestly :l.

I have high hopes in Bamco with Vita support :), so I think the PS4 version is being listed first due to it being the 'main' platform for the tittle, with the US/EU versions of the Vita build being the 'extra' version in there eyes. Not the best deal, but we will still be getting the game over here at least.

Besides, if there plans changed regarding the Vita, we wouldn't have gotten confirmation of SAO: Lost Song's localization for the Vita; it would only be on PS4.

I could imagine the Vita Version to be digital only which would explain it not being listed on Amazon.

And that is another great point; SAO Hallow Fragement was a huge tittle for them and that was digital only for the Vita and its still digital only on the PS4. Vita does better for its digital sales compared to retail sales regardless, so it being digital-online for the west is reasonable. Shame about no retail version but like what Tapejara said, it could be a limited print run through GameStop/EB games.


I keep hovering over Diablo 3 PS4 on sale, thinking of giving up Batman season pass to get it. How is the remote play on VIta, has anyone tried it? Going to get ragnarok tactics anyways. I mean $4 why not right?
Hey guys, was Digimon Cyber Sleuth ever announce a localization? Because a PS4 listing for it just showed up on Amazon.ca

This is Bamco to the fans:


"HEY! We heard your pleas fans! We heard you wanted Digimon Cyber Sleuth on your Vitas! But guess what? We can do better and will do better *cough*
because the Vita is dead anyway
*cough* by releasing the game you all wanted on PS4!
Also, fuck God Eater, that shit won't sell since the PS4 version is inferior.
You guys need to stop with your overreactions. If they make a PS4 port of it there's a 90% chance they will release the Vita version as well, at least digitally.

How about waiting for something official?
I'll buy it on whatever it releases, Digimon was always the best


Question...are Canadian region PS4/Vita games compatible with US PSN DLC =X

As calc said, US/Canada share the same region (NA), so it should work. There are differences between the Canadian and US Store, but they're both technically from the same "region" so it should work.

Besides, if the game is showing up at Canadian retailers then it's definitely getting a US physical release as well, so this might not end up even being a problem.

I'm pretty sure we knew that already

Ah okay, I thought it was known the Vita game was coming, just that Namco hadn't clarified if it was also getting a physical release. Good to know :).
as they only gave us Army Corps of Hell at Vita's launch and a remaster of X and X-2....not a lot of games honestly :l.

And Deadman's Cross! :p

If that is true....welp, that sucks for Vita owners :(.

I honestly don't mind at this point, because I still think the Vita version will come across in some form even if a PS4 version does.

And as long as I have a choice of playing on the platform I want, I don't mind.

I'm still an advocate for seeing more ports of specs-appropriate titles on Vita if possible (i.e. more Resi Revelations 2 esque stuff), so I really can't complain about exclusives being ported across to somewhere else :p


Well, now I really hope Amazon.ca fixes their shit because I was about to pre-order Blood Drive and Trails of Cold Steel from Best Buy since they have a promotion, but apparently they can't ship either game to the province of Quebec because of some fucking language restriction or whatever.

This better not be an issue with Amazon.ca, holy shit. It's never been before but I'm kinda worried this might be a new thing...


You guys need to stop with your overreactions. If they make a PS4 port of it there's a 90% chance they will release the Vita version as well, at least digitally.

How about waiting for something official?
I'll buy it on whatever it releases, Digimon was always the best

This is GAF.
Overreacting is what we do.
Well, now I really hope Amazon.ca fixes their shit because I was about to pre-order Blood Drive and Trails of Cold Steel from Best Buy since they have a promotion, but apparently they can't ship either game to the province of Quebec because of some fucking language restriction or whatever.

This better not be an issue with Amazon.ca, holy shit. It's never been before but I'm kinda worried this might be a new thing...

We have these good deals once in a blue moon but always remember we always get the short end of the stick. With the conversion rate as it is too, it's worse than ever now.


We have these good deals once in a blue moon but always remember we always get the short end of the stick. With the conversion rate as it is too, it's worse than ever now.

Yeah, the pricing hike really sucks. But it's something I can live with in general. Paying an extra 10 bucks here and there is annoying but not that big of a deal, imho. And that's only if I really want a game because honestly, I'm more likely to pass on buying some games day one as a result of this, so whatever. Their loss. Most of my gaming is done on PC these days so I can wait for Steam sales pretty easily.

But this is different. Now I'm kinda worried it might actually be difficult to even buy the games. With Blood Drive being a limited physical run, that could be really annoying.
Yeah, the pricing hike really sucks. But it's something I can live with in general. Paying an extra 10 bucks here and there is annoying but not that big of a deal, imho. And that's only if I really want a game because honestly, I'm more likely to pass on buying some games day one as a result of this, so whatever. Their loss. Most of my gaming is done on PC these days so I can wait for Steam sales pretty easily.

But this is different. Now I'm kinda worried it might actually be difficult to even buy the games. With Blood Drive being a limited physical run, that could be really annoying.

Amazon is my preferred way of buying my stuff because I know I get my shit on the day of. It's just annoying when we have these deals and either I see stuff like this with Corpse Party, or when games that I want aren't there but are on the .com side, like for example the new Trails.


Well, now I really hope Amazon.ca fixes their shit because I was about to pre-order Blood Drive and Trails of Cold Steel from Best Buy since they have a promotion, but apparently they can't ship either game to the province of Quebec because of some fucking language restriction or whatever.

This better not be an issue with Amazon.ca, holy shit. It's never been before but I'm kinda worried this might be a new thing...

I think it's due to laws requiring game packing to have bilingual box art, and XSEED typically forgoes that.

Amazon is my preferred way of buying my stuff because I know I get my shit on the day of. It's just annoying when we have these deals and either I see stuff like this with Corpse Party, or when games that I want aren't there but are on the .com side, like for example the new Trails.

Amazon is my preferred retailer as well, but they are so slow at putting new releases up. Sometimes I'll go check .com just to see what they have listed because .ca takes forever.


Amazon is my preferred way of buying my stuff because I know I get my shit on the day of. It's just annoying when we have these deals and either I see stuff like this with Corpse Party, or when games that I want aren't there but are on the .com side, like for example the new Trails.

Amazon is also my main way of buying physical games but in my experience the Canadian side has always been kinda shit. I only rarely get stuff on release day and they're often very last minute in listing some of the more niche titles. Especially compared to their US counterpart.

I think it's due to laws requiring game packing to have bilingual box art, and XSEED typically forgoes that.

Yeah, I'm aware of the reason behind it. It's just fucking annoying if it actually gets in the way of buying the few new Vita releases that actually interest me. I looked at some other XSEED titles and I'm hopeful that won't be the case, though. Best Buy has the same restriction on Senran Kagura 2, for example, but it looks like I could order it from Amazon.ca no problem.
Amazon is also my main way of buying physical games but in my experience the Canadian side has always been kinda shit. I only rarely get stuff on release day and they're often very last minute in listing some of the more niche titles. Especially compared to their US counterpart.

The most recent example of a game that doesn't offer release date shipping, and I'm really shocked about it considering how big the release is, is Batman. The Witcher also didn't get day 1 release for me. Sometimes I wonder why I am Prime.


Huh? That should be possible with content manager.

Sorry, that was part 2 of a previous post. My 32 GB card was corrupted and most of my games wouldn't start. I couldn't even get into the content manager without forcing the Vita to reboot. A black box would pop up telling me the system encountered a serious error and needed to restart.

It's not a HUGE deal but I'm bummed that I lost my save data for Persona 2, Corpse Party, and Fate/Extra.


OK look at what's getting released in the coming months on PS4...
i'LL get some games retail so I can trade them off when I had my fill =_=
i WANTEd to go all digital but dem US PSN prices, I can get the games for $50 retail and then trade them off to get other PS4 games for $40 or less.

Li Kao

Oh God, it's that time of the year again. The time when I get the ridiculous urge to learn Japanese, spend a week remembering hiraganas and suddenly realize the sheer amount of Kanjis to learn.
But then again, if I had been more serious in my previous attempts, I could have played the Trails games in order. Uguu, that's a good argument.

What's keeping me from going all in is the state of the industry. I swear if I learn finally learn Japanese and all there is left is Monster Strike clones I will commit sudoku.


I went to ask information for Vita titles for a specific publisher and they told me that they weren't feeling confident pursuing the Vita after the platform holder calling the platform a "legacy device" and saying that they aren't supporting it like they used to anymore.

I seriously wouldn't worry about this. Game publishers care about sales forecasts and other things, not one word being misconstrued that was mentioned in a meeting with investors. It's not like any sane business would have 5 games lined up because they think they'll be profitable, then hear the word 'legacy' and run away.

As for Vita, he probably has to talk about AAA games because that's what he's asked about. we still get middle tier games all the time, even if they aren't always talked about in interviews. Interviews generally go where to what the public wants to hear about, and sadly, middle tier games get none of that love since they aren't indie darlings or aaa juggernauts.

I feel like so many people are ridiculously bipolar about Vitas... loving on it all year long, till there's a conference or some word in some interview or whatever that sets people off and people go screaming in every direction.

The vita is in the same state it's been in for ages -- indies, localizations, some ps4 psn games, some mobile games. We might even get lucky and get stuff like xcom/civrev. It's been like that, it'll be like that. We didn't buy the AAA games, so don't go blaming Sony for it. Nothing changes when House says 'legacy', or Shu mentions 'no AAA games', or anything else. The ecosystem trucks along on our purchases.

If anything, we're in a small localization renaissance thanks to stuff like Demon Gaze and SOA doing well. That's better than nothing.

It'll never be given a lot of coverage in something like E3 because they're clearly [and rightfully] focused on turning the ps4 into the next ps2.
I can't really say the publisher's name since I don't want this to become a Siliconera article or something like that. It should become clear with the next year or so who this publisher is.

Can you PM me the info? I'm really intrigued!

And since there's like, 4 publishers left who support Vita at this point (all 4 of whom I like), that's a pretty worrying thing to hear.
Could someone confirm what counts to the $100 deal on PSN?

If I add $100 to my PSN wallet using Paypal, and use that on some sale content, and a few pre-orders, does that all count?


Ugh is it possible for Dead or Alive 5 LR on PS3 getting a sale soon?

I really want a DoA fix but getting it for $30 for an inferior game (lack of ps4 features and stages) kinda doesn't sit well with me.

Should have bought the ultimate when it was on sale for $20

The core version is a bit too bare. But I might use that as a demo......


Could someone confirm what counts to the $100 deal on PSN?

If I add $100 to my PSN wallet using Paypal, and use that on some sale content, and a few pre-orders, does that all count?

As long as you spend $100, yes. Just adding money to the account is not enough, it has to leave the account too.


I seriously wouldn't worry about this. Game publishers care about sales forecasts and other things, not one word being misconstrued that was mentioned in a meeting with investors. It's not like any sane business would have 5 games lined up because they think they'll be profitable, then hear the word 'legacy' and run away.

As for Vita, he probably has to talk about AAA games because that's what he's asked about. we still get middle tier games all the time, even if they aren't always talked about in interviews. Interviews generally go where to what the public wants to hear about, and sadly, middle tier games get none of that love since they aren't indie darlings or aaa juggernauts.

I feel like so many people are ridiculously bipolar about Vitas... loving on it all year long, till there's a conference or some word in some interview or whatever that sets people off and people go screaming in every direction.

The vita is in the same state it's been in for ages -- indies, localizations, some ps4 psn games, some mobile games. We might even get lucky and get stuff like xcom/civrev. It's been like that, it'll be like that. We didn't buy the AAA games, so don't go blaming Sony for it. Nothing changes when House says 'legacy', or Shu mentions 'no AAA games', or anything else. The ecosystem trucks along on our purchases.

If anything, we're in a small localization renaissance thanks to stuff like Demon Gaze and SOA doing well. That's better than nothing.

It'll never be given a lot of coverage in something like E3 because they're clearly [and rightfully] focused on turning the ps4 into the next ps2.

I agree with everything you said autoduelist; the Vita has always been in this spot and nothing is going to change.

This year we have TONS of localization happening, big JP publishers like Bamco and Atlus supporting it with tittles, and now even Square Enix is on board for the platform with an original Final Fantasy tittle for the system (was shocked to hear that 'The World of FF' is coming to Vita; thought it was a PS4 exclusive).

I have a number of games line up to pick up (Hyper Demension Neptuina Rebirth 3, P4D, SAO: Lost Song, Mighty No. 9, Shantae: Half Genie Hero, Freedom Planet (please come to Vita!), Axiom Verge Vita and Super Meat Boy)....and that doesn't count the games that will be going on sale over the summer and my immense backlog of 230+ games XD. The Vita is life, as it is overflowing with games to play.

And this publisher that is withdrawing from the Vita next year? I think they will be changing their mind once there game lands on Vita and the Vita audience eats it up :D.

E3 isn't really the best place to discuss the platform, as all it brings is negativity (like the lovely Typo from last year...), but by this point, we should expect this treatment of the platform and embrace the line-up it has set up for the next few years :).

I will say this about the Vita; it is the inverse of the Wii U and it is all the better for it :'). Vita will always have something from either indies, JP studios or its large backlog of PS1/PSP/Minis. The Wii U only has a few indies and Nintendo supporting it sadly :(. The Vita is in a much better spot than that platform, so I am thankful Sony re-positioned the platform as an indie-friendly PSP to developers from both the independent community and JP publishers/developers.


Knowing our VitaGAF taste, what are the PS4 exclusives worth having (released and releasing in 2015)? I'm thinking Type-0, Omega Quintet, Oneechanbara, Disgaea 5, what else?


Knowing our VitaGAF taste, what are the PS4 exclusives worth having (released and releasing in 2015)? I'm thinking Type-0, Omega Quintet, Oneechanbara, Disgaea 5, what else?

Mmm....if you mean right now? I think you hit pretty much all of them :l. Right now there really isn't that many great JP tittles for the PS4 on the market, but by the fall tittles like SAO: Lost Song, SAO: Re-Hallow Fragment, Digimon CS (if that rumor is true), J-Stars Vs. (which I think comes out this month? Not sure), Earth Defense Force (I think that got announced?), SK: Verses PS4, and a few others are coming by this fall.

The new Transformers PS4 game that is coming this fall by Activision is by Platinum, so that counts too I think (the game looks like a re-skined MGR in a few ways :D).

I hope this helps somehow :).


Mmm....if you mean right now? I think you hit pretty much all of them :l. Right now there really isn't that many great JP tittles for the PS4 on the market, but by the fall tittles like SAO: Lost Song, SAO: Re-Hallow Fragment, Digimon CS (if that rumor is true), J-Stars Vs. (which I think comes out this month? Not sure), Earth Defense Force (I think that got announced?), SK: Verses PS4, and a few others are coming by this fall.

The new Transformers PS4 game that is coming this fall by Activision is by Platinum, so that counts too I think (the game looks like a re-skined MGR in a few ways :D).

I hope this helps somehow :).

If it's on Vita, I'll get it on Vita. EDF 4.1 is something I'd skip if I got EDF2 Portable. There is the Platinum games (Transformers, Korra) like you said, maybe Bloodborne as well.


If it's on Vita, I'll get it on Vita. EDF 4.1 is something I'd skip if I got EDF2 Portable. There is the Platinum games (Transformers, Korra) like you said, maybe Bloodborne as well.

Forgot to mention Bloodborn X(. That will be getting an expansion or something I think (likely a TGS announcement?), so thats something :).

I feel that next year will be the time we get a 'lot' of JP games on PS4, so that will be nice :D.

And you can't beat Platinum, so having Transformers and Korra on PS4 is great in my book. And despite 'Fuck Konami', I hope Rising gets a remaster on PS4, that way PS3/360 owners who never got it give it a second shot.


Knowing our VitaGAF taste, what are the PS4 exclusives worth having (released and releasing in 2015)? I'm thinking Type-0, Omega Quintet, Oneechanbara, Disgaea 5, what else?
Bloodborne, Type-0 if you don't brazilieve (and it's not exclusive), Disgaea 5 and that's it.
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