A few impressions from the games on sale that I've bought (and played):
F 2nd - I've bought this along with the Song club pass since I like the DLC songs with it. If the linked Star notes are not here, I can easily recommend this over the original. Better graphics, faster loading times, More content but that pesky mechanic plus its tendency to sometimes obsfucate the keys through their arrangement can easily overwhelm a newcomer to the series. Still a great game though.
Monster Monpiece - Yay! I can finally understand what they are saying (had a JPN cart before). Suprisingly good game. Its more like a tower defense game than trading card where you have to protect your HQ (or don't have any more remaining cards left in the deck) from monsters of your enemies. Tip: Don't upgrade every card you have in the deck. Sometimes their LV3 versions are gimped than the LV2 ones.
EDF Vita - Bugs galore. Just shooting tons of BUGS while not minding the tanking framerate when so many things are onscreen feels great. I really don't know why I haven't bought this before.
Castlevania DXC - Tizoc recommended me this game. Boy, it feels like a nostalgia trip to the good 2D Castlevania games of yesteryears. Plus that sexy Japaneses voice. Haven't delve much into this but this surely remain on my memory card for weeks. Now to unlock the bonus games in it...
So far everything I've bought made me happy. I could have completed the Ateliers but I'm not feeling the charm of Totori so it, along with the Nep game will be moved to the Nov-Dec (or Golden Week sale) budget. Until then, no new purchases from me,