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PlayStation Network Thread (Vita/PS4/PS3) | March 2015


Hey I keep getting error messages when I try to buy stuff off the PSN. It tells me my 'card is unavailable' and to check back in a day or so. What gives?


Hey I keep getting error messages when I try to buy stuff off the PSN. It tells me my 'card is unavailable' and to check back in a day or so. What gives?
I was trying to grab the free dlc for Conception 2 like an hour ago and was getting a bunch of connection errors on my Vita. Seems like the store's just having some issues.


How about you guys? Again, don't disclose anything that you aren't comfortable with, but I thought since the weekends are slow, it would be nice to have a conversation like this.

I'm 19 and I live in Italy. Last year I started studying for a bachelor's degree in Control engineering, my first year hasn't been great, but this year I'm taking it more seriously.

My nickname doesn't actually have a particular meaning, I'm not good at creating nicknames and I often create random, meaningless ones.

I'm 24 (25 next month), American, people have a lot of trouble with my name as well (my first name is a last name and if you butcher it, my last name is a first name). I've got bachelors degrees in Informatics (with a Human Computer Interaction cognate) and Psychology. I'm a systems analyst/programmer though I'd love to be self employed writing/making videos/doing freelance programing or UX design. Probably hard to believe with my post count but I'm generally extremely shy.

LOL same here. Actually my last name is a first name, while my first name is a pretty unusual first name, so people tend to call me with my last name.

I'm very shy as well, I've got better since my last year in high school but I still have a lot of problems in relationships of any kind. :/
How about you guys? Again, don't disclose anything that you aren't comfortable with, but I thought since the weekends are slow, it would be nice to have a conversation like this.

25 year old, Belgium, Bachelor Political Science, currently looking for a job.

Almost beaten Hotline Miami 2, liked the first one better. Levels are a bit too long in the sequel.
Also working slowly on Danganronpa, at the start of Chapter 4.


I'm 24 (25 next month), American, people have a lot of trouble with my name as well (my first name is a last name and if you butcher it, my last name is a first name). I've got bachelors degrees in Informatics (with a Human Computer Interaction cognate) and Psychology. I'm a systems analyst/programmer though I'd love to be self employed writing/making videos/doing freelance programing or UX design. Probably hard to believe with my post count but I'm generally extremely shy.

I understand how being shy feels man :(; in high school I could barely talk to anyone but I still managed to make friends their. College really helped me with this thankfully and while I still panic/feel nervous in large crowds, I got a much better handle on that compared to high school.

Guess I'm so chatty on Gaf because I'm just typing to a screen :); no worries about people making fun of me or anything by my looks or my voice, and my tone/message comes across just as well through my posts as when I speak :D.

One of the beauties of the internet I suppose :).


What is the best no-commentary Final Fantasy XV demo video I'll find on YouTube? I want to watch the whole thing since I don't have a PS4.


I do too but seeing the backlog get trimmed over all the platforms I have gives me satisfaction that can easily overcome the thirst for new games. Getting older, I now see the value of money that I generally spend on necessities and hobbies. So doing things that can make me get the best value from a purchase is now my priority. I do realize some like to collect things too, but collecting digital goods that can be erased or gone the second a company implodes sounds like a bad impulsive decision to me.

Sorry to be such a downer, but work + school at the same time opened my eyes a little bit to earning a salary / value of the ever depreciating money.

You're not a downer at all, I just don't have that issue. I have a gaming budget and I stick to it. I dislike collecting physical things because I hate clutter, but picking up 10 digital games for $10, even if I only end up playing one, ultimately doesn't bother me. Whether we like it or not, part of the game is finding games to play, even if we don't have time to actually play them.

I used to live in NYC -- people would spend $10 (or more) on a single drink. I don't drink. I no longer go out regularly (I have a family). Gaming is where my personal entertainment budget goes, so I have no reason to beat myself up about spending a couple bucks here or there. Most of my money gets spent on far more important things -- my family, my house, food, etc. It's okay to spend some on me.

I'm definitely not worried about PSN going down. It just isn't an issue that I fear nor do I think worth worrying about. Plenty of catastrophic things happen all the time, but it's not worth worrying about when they're so unlikely.

Regarding Rack N Ruin, it's good, SNIP

hmm. sounds interesting. i hope the price is right.


This thread is making me feel old now.
This made me curious about everyone here. Of course, don't disclose personal details, but, who are we? What do we do outside of gaming?

33, mostly from Denver, Colorado since that's where I've lived the longest (on and off, currently on). I'm Irish and Sicilian, was a hairstylist and barber for about 10 years... outside of gaming I write lyrics/poetry, love hip-hop, movies of course, read a couple comics still, and get by.
As crazy as that flash sale is, absolutely nothing interests me.

Tennis In the Face was the best thing I got from it. Played that game for about a half hour before going to sleep and was like "fuck yeah"

Also picked up Dead Nation AE for PS4 (will probably never play again, but it was 96 cents), Mega Man X4/X5, Dino Crisis & Tekken 2. Immediately moved them to my laptop with content manager and then deleted them. Anything else good/decent, I already had.

It actually is pretty good imo. It's dated, but a great version of Castlevania imo. I got it onto my Vita with that 3 day compatibility store glitch, and got to play it not long after I finally played through Rondo of Blood. I was really in the mood for more traditional Castlevania, and it gave me that.


As crazy as that flash sale is, absolutely nothing interests me.

Well, if you never got these, I highly recommend the Mega Man X4/X5, Klona, BoFIV, and Dead Head Fred :).

The Mega Man X games are a blast to play and while they are different from the classic series (no dashing for example), they are still fantastic tittles that scratch that 2D Action Platformer itch :D. While I personally find X4 to be better then X5, both are great tittles and utter steals for a buck :).

Klona is a very good game, as it melds 2D and 3D very well; it is a bit like DKCR in a sense, with you playing with the foreground and background at times. The controls are great, the music is fantastic and the gameplay gimmick (using your foes to double jump and other abilities) is well done :D. Got it full priced a while back and I never regretted it :).

BoFIV looks to be a great game as well :). It is a JRPG by Capcom (which for me, is very rare, as they are mainly known for 2D Action Platformers, Arcade games, and Fighting tittles around the time this series came out) and it is from their golden age of the 80s/90s; it means it is a quality tittle :D. Beautiful 2D art, fun combat system, and great soundtrack were the big draws I took away from the two or so hours I put into the game :).

Dead Head Fred is a game I've always wanted get for my Vita but never got around to getting; this sale makes it a great deal :). It is one of the few quality western handheld tittles out there and its head-gimmick looks to be quite well done.

Despicable Me also looks to be an okay game as well, but have little knowledge on that one :l. For a buck, it cant be that bad through :).
Klonoa is an absolute classic, and Breath of Fire IV is pretty awesome... one of the best looking 2D rpgs still. I wish BoF3 was available in NA... I want just the regular PSOne version, though.
So I just realized that Castlevania: Lament of Innocence was put on PSN some time ago.

Can the PS4 play games from older PS consoles if they're downloaded from PSN?


This made me curious about everyone here. Of course, don't disclose personal details, but, who are we? What do we do outside of gaming?

I'm Adam, and I'm 11 days shy of being 26, and as probably a bunch of you know (because it affects my gaming so much) I'm just starting my third year of medical school. Live and go to school in NY, got my BS in Biochemistry and did a Masters in Public Health before med school. So many of my classmates are the med student stereotype stuffy guy who studies all the time and has no fun, and roots for everyone else to fail so they can get ahead, but I need gaming to keep me sane in between all the stuff they require from me in school. I'm not that typical med student at all, I need my games to look forward to to get me through studying. Only wish I could play games online here... This thread especially has been my safe haven to come talk about all the things I enjoy and de-stress from school, and I appreciate everyone here for being so awesome (and always showing love to my favorite gaming device).
How about you guys? Again, don't disclose anything that you aren't comfortable with, but I thought since the weekends are slow, it would be nice to have a conversation like this.

My name is Kyle, and I'm a 25 year old former computer tech born (and living) in Canada. I like long walks with my Vita, tons of TV (including movies & anime) and stuffing my head full of knowledge and facts. I work over at The Vita Lounge writing Vita stuffs, and I use the internet way too much.

C'est moi.


Ok, I don't even know my age: I'm actually 19 (close to 20 though)

As crazy as that flash sale is, absolutely nothing interests me.

I'd have probably got just Dead Nation Vita and something for PS3 I'd have never played, if this were on the european store. Still a crazy sale, though.

Not a fan of Megaman, which is odd since platformers are my favourite genre, but somehow they never clicked with me
I find it kinda funny that people have this general mentality that gamers are boring farts that have no lives, specially those such as myself and others here that like anime or anime-looking games, yet here we all are either with careers or on a pathway to creating them. This should honestly be an eye opener for lots of people that think gaming is for kids, and that it will take us nowhere


I find it kinda funny that people have this general mentality that gamers are boring farts that have no lives, specially those such as myself and others here that like anime or anime-looking games, yet here we all are either with careers or on a pathway to creating them. This should honestly be an eye opener for lots of people that think gaming is for kids, and that it will take us nowhere

Well, the media doesn't really help paint a better picture for gamers (more so thanks to this GamerGate crap X(), so theirs that too :l.

Your right though :); gaming is so wide spread, that it appeals to a number of different types of people :D.


I find it kinda funny that people have this general mentality that gamers are boring farts that have no lives, specially those such as myself and others here that like anime or anime-looking games, yet here we all are either with careers or on a pathway to creating them. This should honestly be an eye opener for lots of people that think gaming is for kids, and that it will take us nowhere

Yea it frustrates me when people lump "gamers" into the categories of "cursing CoD kiddie" or "boring fart shut in" or "creepy otaku pervert" when so many of the "gamers" I have met are the most well adjusted interesting and career driven people I know. For me, most of the experiences were being in a WoW guild and really getting to know the people there. Everyone knows the stereotypes of WoW players, but I met more 25+ professionals and really mature teenagers/20 year olds in WoW than I did in my daily life outside of games. And tons of people that enjoy Anime/japanese games that are the polar opposite of the gross otaku stereotype. That one bothers me the most.

Hell, I am in medical school, in the future people's lives will depend on me, and I watch the shit out of Anime and play tons of japanese games. And I'm old enough not to care what people thing about it. I watch Crunchyroll on my iPad while running at the gym and it doesn't bother me if people see what I am watching.


I find it kinda funny that people have this general mentality that gamers are boring farts that have no lives, specially those such as myself and others here that like anime or anime-looking games, yet here we all are either with careers or on a pathway to creating them. This should honestly be an eye opener for lots of people that think gaming is for kids, and that it will take us nowhere

I think it's mostly the mentality some people have that "Gamers are those people that spend 8 hours playing videogames every day", so they think Gamers don't have enough time to study or to work properly.
What most people don't know that gaming is a hobby, which we usually do in out spare time (which, depending on where you work, study, and if you do both of these things) is a very limited time.


Just wondering did LittleBigPlanet Karting's servers go down or something? First time i've played it in months with my brother and online functionality isn't available.

I dunno how you all can live without cash in your PSN wallet/just using paypal/a credit card. I can't imagine buying a PSN card for every sale/game I want.
It makes it easier to budget myself on expenditures for gaming. Plus ever since psn got hacked a while ago i've been extremely reluctant and paranoid to add any type of credit card info.
Which reminds me i still managed to not get a card today.....

Since I consider us all a big family here on this thread, seeing "I'm a lonely old gamer" on the Gaming side made me realize how this person thought he was all alone, and felt too old to be playing games. Tons of people have showed up, have related to him and given him some kind words about how he really isn't alone.

This made me curious about everyone here. Of course, don't disclose personal details, but, who are we? What do we do outside of gaming?

As for myself, just to start things off, I'm a 20 year old Portuguese guy, soon to be 21, currently living in Canada. I have a really Portuguese name that most can't say properly, hence why my nickname is names2hard4you aha. I am now getting a degree and hope to become a Software Developer, I have grown to like Web design/development. Being a Starbucks barista part time is what pays the bills, and keeps the games coming in lol.

How about you guys? Again, don't disclose anything that you aren't comfortable with, but I thought since the weekends are slow, it would be nice to have a conversation like this.
Might as well join in on this as well since i've lurked here long enough.
I'm a 20 year old Hispanic/Native American living in the great country of Texas. Anybody here with a Hispanic/Latino knowledge should know why i call myself Chuy and for those who don't it's the nickname to Jesus(hey-seus not Jesus). I'm currently attending the local community college due to it being thousands of dollars cheaper than most universities here and i'm currently majoring in Computer Science. Bit of a introvert online but incredible social in-person


Im Sebastian im an Uruguayan illustrator and programmer in my free time, next friday im going to celebrate my 30 years since i was born. in case you dont know i love the Ps Vita
This thread is making me feel old now.
With the thread going slower than usual, yeah I too feel like an old man reading a snail mail thread. To stop the earlier conversation, a 10$ meal / drink here would easily satisfy a huge man's appetite easily. So getting to 10usd and spending it on games here usually isn't a daily impulsive buy territory as that price can still be high for some. So that could be one of the reasons F2P games thrive here, as they spend small, manageable amounts of cash which will only accumulate higher with every purchase.
I find it kinda funny that people have this general mentality that gamers are boring farts that have no lives, specially those such as myself and others here that like anime or anime-looking games, yet here we all are either with careers or on a pathway to creating them. This should honestly be an eye opener for lots of people that think gaming is for kids, and that it will take us nowhere

Truth: Studying Psychology, most of my classmates are females and yet when I play naughty anime games they are the ones who mostly finish the games for me. I once brought my Vita with the Monster Monpiece game left on, but instead of berating me for playing naughty games, they seem to like it. The rubbing part too is dubious for them but the card game in it overwhelmed the ecchi bits. Most of them watch anime too, and it sometimes causes arguments between them over who's the best husbando. Although that's mostly in jest and no one will be harmed for saying her chosen husbando.

Gaming has been stereotyped into a lazy, whiny kids hobby and anime is staged as a misogynistic, tits and ass filled medium while not looking for non-offensive material. It's like going to a bookstore, finding that most of the magazines they sell are magazines for men, and they concluding that the whole bookstore is just for men.
Finally !!



Gaming has been stereotyped into a lazy, whiny kids hobby and anime is staged as a misogynistic, tits and ass filled medium while not looking for non-offensive material. It's like going to a bookstore, finding that most of the magazines they sell are magazines for men, and they concluding that the whole bookstore is just for men.

Stereotypes are dumb, even in the most "niche" genres there's crazy variations. ON this very forum I know someone who collects Senran Kagura figures and collector's edition Call of Duty games. I know 3 lesbians who love Senran Kagura. I know the most boisterous of extroverts and timid of introverts that will sit down and play the same game. It's amazing how much people discredit the variety of tastes and personalities in their own species.

But comics got hate too, and movies, dime novels, computers, any new medium is drug through the mud.
Stereotypes are dumb, even in the most "niche" genres there's crazy variations.

It's funny, because stereotypes only apply if you try to group people - and really, the issue is that we can't be grouped because we're each our own little universes.

Even with the same qualities, the smallest variation in our thinking skews the results dramatically - which is why even twins (who share SO much) can't be thought of as the same person, and won't always agree on everything.


It's funny, because stereotypes only apply if you try to group people - and really, the issue is that we can't be grouped because we're each our own little universes.

Well, I mean, that's what stereotypes are for, really... grouping. Human minds handle large data sets by grouping. Stereotyping is a natural outcropping of that, and can be extremely useful. I mean, humans build their identity through complex systems not far off from tribalism (what we wear, our hair, body art, etc) so it's only natural we 'read' into the stereotypes we associate with those tribal signals.

The problem arises when people hold stereotypes based on garbage information; for example, building a view of a ethnicity through lies and propaganda about groups of people they've never even met. 'Any one with tattoos is a drug user'. 'A cop is alway good/bad'. 'x are bad drivers'. That's just ignorance wrapped up with a fancy name.

The other problem arises when people hold stereotypes and refuse to recognize that any specific individual can buck the trend. That is, even if a given stereotype holds up 95% of the time, recognizing that any individual element of said stereotype can be part of the 5%.

Note I'm not talking about racial stereotyping - that almost always falls into the garbage category. But that doesn't mean stereotyping can't be useful - there is a reason our minds do it naturally in the first place. We just need to be mindful and not confuse ignorance for knowledge.


Whoa, you can take screenshots in Klonoa. Wonder how many other PS1 games allow it.

Top of page: Buy Klonoa for less than a dollar.

The Klonoa screenshots weirdly credit Capcom, which makes me think they encouraged Sony to enable screenshots on some PSone Classics.
How about you guys? Again, don't disclose anything that you aren't comfortable with, but I thought since the weekends are slow, it would be nice to have a conversation like this.

I mainly lurk here, but might as well join in.
I'm almost 21, Italian, currently studying programming at University. Other than video games I also like animes and Vocaloid (as if it wasn't clear enough from my avatar :p).
My nickname has no particular meaning, it's just the result of a bored 13 year old me mixing "Raider" from Tomb Raider and a piece of my surname together, and from then it just stuck.
I'm EXTREMELY shy in real life but I tend to loose up a bit online. It's a bit of a problem since I only have a few friends and I can't really bring myself to talk to new people, but I'm slowly trying to improve.

Since the discussion shifted to stereotypes I can say that I really like Dead or Alive, something that people may call a game for "lonely male perverts", but the interesting thing is that among all my friends are the women who enjoy all the fanservice more and always want to shake the controller to move the characters' breasts. Just thought it was interesting since I was kind of expecting them to enjoy the fighting but despise the fanservice. :p


Am I doing something wrong in the FFXV demo
behemoth rematch
or is this just the most boring, MMO-esque kiting match in the world? I hit it, it takes a tiny bit of damage, it randomly actually hits me or doesn't, I hide and restore, blah blah, this is going to take all day at this rate.
Am I doing something wrong in the FFXV demo
behemoth rematch
or is this just the most boring, MMO-esque kiting match in the world? I hit it, it takes a tiny bit of damage, it randomly actually hits me or doesn't, I hide and restore, blah blah, this is going to take all day at this rate.
Have you collected all of the Phantom Swords? That ability nets a ton of damage on the monster.


Oh wow, only played one level but it seems they weren't kidding about the Soldner X2 port, I guess it's mostly 2D art and all but still, impressed how good it is.

Have you collected all of the Phantom Swords? That ability nets a ton of damage on the monster.

...have I collected what now? Apparently not. I don't see anything about that in my quests and no one does anything interesting in the chocobo ranch.
...have I collected what now? Apparently not. I don't see anything about that in my quests and no one does anything interesting in the chocobo ranch.
You start with one from the start, it let's you teleport. The second one, you find in the cave. The third, you get it after u beat the Behemoth the first time. The last one is in the wild and you need to find it yourself. After you get all of them, you get a new attack.


Okay, maybe not quite a perfect port...the UI is pretty small. Still, performance is great

You start with one from the start, it let's you teleport. The second one, you find in the cave. The third, you get it after u beat the Behemoth the first time. The last one is in the wild and you need to find it yourself. After you get all of them, you get a new attack.

I'll wander around for a while then. I figured it was safe to just get right to it, being a demo and all
I'll wander around for a while then. I figured it was safe to just get right to it, being a demo and all
I had to go online to find where it was lol. You could find it just by exploring but may take a while since Duscae is pretty large aha. I'll leave this here if you wanna see the ability in action, but to be honest, I think it's worth you finding the last sword and seeing it for yourself :p
(Hoping this is the right place for this, it's a Vita PSN-related issue.)

Any idea why I keep getting connection errors when trying to download something on the Vita's built-in store? I was downloading the Project Diva f 2nd content and PSN would say that it ran into an issue, but if I backed out to the home screen and I saw it downloading. Although other times I'd be browsing the store and it'd give connection error prompts over and over and quit back to the home screen. My PS TV also did the same thing a few weeks ago.

PS TV is hardwired and the Vita has full wireless bars, my computer/phone/tablet and consoles work fine. So I'm not sure what the issue is --- is it just the store screwing up like it does sometimes or is there something else I should do?
If you count me as a regular.

Everyone who posts here is a regular in my eyes. I may not agree on all the statements floating around here but as long as you post here, and engage in the discussion in the thread, you're a regular.We're basically visible to the whole internet anyway, and will be seen as a community by others as a whole so everyone else is in here.
I'm actually glad I'm bought that Megaman X4. IMHO the game plus the Vita made it a perfect for short bursts of gaming, as I'll just suspend the game and play it later after finishing some more work.

I still don't feel Wild Arms though, I'm not sure why.


wilflare is 26 and he studies History <3
and he is now writing an essay on the History of Nintendo and he is growing to respect the kind of company that Nintendo has grown to become - and really hopes they stay in business because they do offer something different (and something fresh)

he is trying to find the joy in writing long and exhaustive essays and articles again but oh well - and even trying to find joy in playing games again :/

TOTP - Buy a Vita and buy Soldner X-2 Vita :D #BestOnVita
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