Rack N Ruin is more Zelda than I thought--it's (mostly) missing the item/equipment collection stuff (most items are consumable vs being puzzle solvers), but the second dungeon is far more puzzle based. The insides of the dungeons also look very 2D Zelda inspired.
Was that game on sale >_>;
Guess when did I buy my Vita.
Chris Owen said:EU: We've created a PlayStation Home theme for the PS3 as a little thank you gift for your support.
It's really hard not to die at the boss, though.
I have a similar peak, mostly due to MotorStorm RC and SoundShapes
Edit: https://twitter.com/Envisager_/status/580377613048410114
TOTP: Jump on that Toukiden train, people.
And get on the new and improved VitaGAF Line chat. I'm sure people will be hosting games there once the full version is out.TOTP: Jump on that Toukiden train, people.
Child of Light Vita is now availible physically for us 'Mericans. $20. Appears to be real, not a download code
I actually got my first working online room in the demo going an hour ago. It's still 2 active rooms max right now, but hey.
Surprisingly I think the AI is better than real players. And way better than me. At least at not dying.
But the demo only seems to give out pure steel and similar items now, and with no monster drops, I'll hold off on further sessions until friday I think.
It's not even out yet (but it's not embargoed except formal reviews). I don't even know the final price. Comes out the 31st (oof) on PS4, I'll probably have a video around when it launches. It seems to have no press, I didn't even hear of it until they emailed me. They're not super organized (which is surprising, the art has decent production value, game is generally fairly polished), it's launching on PS4 and PC and I don't know where or when the PC version is, haven't heard back from them on that.
bonus: You can be eaten by rabbits:
I just want a co-op Senran Kagura game.
AI is definetely better on Kiwami, and they got some awesome Ability (Area) skills (now Nagi's healing skills affects everyone on the same area, instead of just laying a healing circle on the ground, for one).
As for them being better than real players, maybe you're just stumbling on people that don't yet know what they're doing
And I still didn't find an online room on the demo, on both consoles ( ._.) I blame timezones.
The BL2 Vita 2000 bundle is $170 on Best Buy right now, if anyone is interested: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/sony-pl...mited-edition-bundle/4683005.p?&skuId=4683005
Söldner-X 2 is great. It's like an 80s/90s shmups (non-bullet hell) that's pretty intense, great port, though the UI is a little small. Perf/visuals are great. It's got a health bar which can be kinda weird, but I've had a lot of fun with it. Main game, going for score or playing the challenges are all fun. Good amount of content, shame there aren't more modern shmups like it. It's pretty accessible in that it has an easy modo and it's one of those games where you earn more credits by playing. I think you can either continue from level X or at least play individual levels.
Child of Light Vita is now availible physically for us 'Mericans. $20. Appears to be real, not a download code
edit: just noticed the memory requirement, definitely physical card
Nope, not reading that article. It sounds great, but I don't have time to juggle Bloodborne, Toukiden, and multiple 3DS games at the same time.I've been reading this article on Kotaku about Bloodborne, and now I am so hyped. I could never really get into the Demon / Dark Souls series, but Bloodborne sounds like it ticks all the right boxes for me
Nope, not reading that article. It sounds great, but I don't have time to juggle Bloodborne, Toukiden, and multiple 3DS games at the same time.
VitaGaf, hold me, I am about to jump into Bloodborne.
It's gonna be hard not to :X only thing stopping me right now is this goddamn 2.69GB patch. Speed it up already, god knows I'm gonna spend about an hour on the character creation alone...Have fun and don't come back in here gushing about it please. I'm hardly able to hold back as it is. And I really should.
That doesn't solve my time problem.Bloodborne on PS4, Toukiden on Vita. Problem solved.
I don't know where to post this or if it's thread worthy or old but in the Powers app when they ask you if you want to try PS+ for 2 days, I was able to get it even though I was previously a PS+ member and trial shouldn't work with my account. So if anyone is looking for a week end with PS+ for free they should try that.
I'm in EU btw.
Bloodborne sounds like it ticks all the right boxes for me:
- It's faster-paced (making it closer to a Platinum brawler)
- It has a slightly more forgiving beginner curve (but still doesn't compromise on difficulty)
Gotta warn you about those 2 things. It's not close to any of Platinum games in term of fast pace, just not feel as clunky as DeS/DS, and I can't really be sure about the more forgiving beginner curve, seeing I have more trouble in this game than DeS. The 2nd boss has bodied me all night.
Holy shit, patching is done. Off I go.
- It has a more interesting setting (I really hate medieval settings and think they're boring and dumb)
- No loot. I hate loot systems.
Thanks for the impression. How does it compare to Super Stardust Delta, or is that an unfair comparison?
Taptap stop coming up with bogus reasons to put off buying your soon to be GOAT. You are welcome.
I know localizations have slowed down a bit but can we get Girl & Punzer and Bullet girls before they are forgotten forever.
Exactly an hour to create my character lol. Gimme a minute and I'll post her here, I actually like how she turned out. Usually I am awful with custom creation.
If it is what I think it is, it ain't that great. My character has that slider maxed for instance, and it isn't anything out of this world ahahahaDoes the game have The Most Important Slider.
Does the game have The Most Important Slider.
If it is what I think it is, it ain't that great. My character has that slider maxed for instance, and it isn't anything out of this world ahahaha
Downloading Metal Slug 3 on my Vita.
Also who in here is buying Damascus Gear?