So... PS Plus for NA.
PlayStation 4
- FEZ (Cross-buy PS4/PS3/PSV)
- Road Not Taken (Cross-buy PS4/PSV)
PlayStation 3
- Crysis 3
- Proteus (Cross-buy PS3/PSV)
PlayStation Vita
- Metrico
- Dragons Crown
Dragons Crown is cool, and I own it. However didn't Sony say they wouldn't offer free games on Plus right after a sale? I thought the game was on sale recently.
Another shitty month for PS4.
GWG wins with PS+ for the first time, historic moment
I think we should monitor his twitter account. Can't wait for the "Thanks cheap PS+ users for downloading MY game for free 1.5 million times, you cunts"
Plus on PS4 = 75% or more discounted indie PC games. \
I doubt I will resub if some full fledged title doesn't come in next 3 months.
Some people here post the most ridiculous nonsense.because there's no value, even Vita got better treatment, they shouldn't introduce PS+ for PS4 that quick, it's just never ending disappointment
Thats a good point actually, they normally try to prevent that form happening so maybe we will get flower (or something else).I hope EU doesn't get Fez. Would be kinda crappy for it to be free so soon after I bought it on sale.
Wow, that is a lot of games for the Vita; two Vita-only games and three cross-buy ones
. While I own Fez and Proteus, I don't own the rest (Dragons Crown, Metrico and Road Not Taken look really awesome
), so it should be a great month for PS+
I hope EU doesn't get Fez. Would be kinda crappy for it to be free so soon after I bought it on sale.
There's no way to claim licenses for the games if you don't own the system right? Like I can't grab Dragons Crown before I have a vita?
There's no way to claim licenses for the games if you don't own the system right? Like I can't grab Dragons Crown before I have a vita?
There's no way to claim licenses for the games if you don't own the system right? Like I can't grab Dragons Crown before I have a vita?
I think we should monitor his twitter account. Can't wait for the "Thanks cheap PS+ users for downloading MY game for free 1.5 million times, you cunts"
Yup, I have my Twitter alerts set. Meltdown incoming.....
I love 2d platformers and retro style games but fucking hated Fez. Could be the opposite for you. You never know.I haven't liked 2D platformers since the 90's and son't really like retro style games. I am assuming I won't like Fez.
There's no way to claim licenses for the games if you don't own the system right? Like I can't grab Dragons Crown before I have a vita?
You can. You don't even need any of the three devices to claim your games. If you have a PC or anything that connects to Sony Playstation, you can purchase them on your account during the selected month.There's no way to claim licenses for the games if you don't own the system right? Like I can't grab Dragons Crown before I have a vita?
I know you didn't ask me, but I own both of them so will answer for you anyway. Fez is a borderline masterpiece. I completely fell in love with it. It consumed me until I 100%ed it. Proteus is a very odd tech demoey thing that might hold your attention for about an hour.So how's Fez and Proteus in your opinion ??
Well Driveclub is a given for October. Still, I feel like we're due some additional value. If all they're ever gonna bundle are US$10 games, the nature of the program is significantly different from what the PS3 treatment would have suggested.
Not that that's a bad thing, but I'm sure many people came into it expecting something different.
Dragon's Crown, cool! Not sure what Metrico is, I'll check out Proteus, already played Fez, Crysis looks horrible, and don't have a PS4.
Well, yeah, that's what I meant. But I thought I'd leave that for new players to discover...I've completed it at209.4%![]()
What are the odds of PS+ EU being the same for PS4?
I played Fez already, got it in so many fucking indie bundles and whatnot. It literally is a filler game for the list.
Sony under delivering.
Yeah. It's been quite disappointing for me that Sony hasn't' really cared about putting any retail PS4 games. It's been more than 8 months and still we are getting some random indie PC game that must have have popped up in hundreds of bundles.
I haven't liked 2D platformers since the 90's and don't really like retro style games. I am assuming I won't like Fez.
Still no confirmation about remaining EU titles?
I know you didn't ask me, but I own both of them so will answer for you anyway. Fez is a borderline masterpiece. I completely fell in love with it. It consumed me until I 100%ed it. Proteus is a very odd tech demoey thing that might hold your attention for about an hour.
Leaving PS Plus:
6th August: TowerFall Ascension
6th August: Strider
6th August: Dead Space 3
6th August: Vessel
6th August: LEGO Batman 2 DC Superheroes
6th August: Doki Doki Universe
Entering PS Plus:
6th August: Road Not Taken
6th August: FEZ
6th August: Crysis 3
6th August: Proteus
6th August: Metrico
6th August: LEGO Harry Potter 5-7 Years
So how's Fez and Proteus in your opinion ??