So we will get both version of Dragon's Crown huh?
Q: Dragons Crown isnt cross-buy
A: Youre correct, it isnt cross-buy, but Ive been told Plus members will receive both versions. ^_^
Q: Please tell me we get Fez for PS3 and Vita as well.
A: You do
Q: People really? They are obviously typos because Crysis 3 is only on PS3 and Dragons Crown isnt Cross buy. Use some sense.
A: Crysis 3 was a formatting issue, but Plus users will receive both the PS3 and PS Vita versions of Dragons Crown
Waaaiiit whaaaat? We also get PS3 Dragon's Crown? That's awesome!! My wife loves VanillaWare games, that would be perfect if we could co-op it up instead of share the Vita!