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Playstation Plus Thread 2: How do I hold all these games?


I'm concerned about people who hold off on games they're interested because it might end up on PS+. You might not be such a person, but they do exist, and they are hurting both PS+ and the PS ecosystem. If you want a game, you need to just pull the trigger.

Well my strategy has been to get the games I absolutely must play day one on day one. Maybe one or two a month at best. Everything else that gets left behind a month or so I just don't get until it's on sale or hits PS+. Can't buy everything if you want PS+ to be worth it. That's why you get people saying "Damn, this month sucks. I already have everything on here I want." lol


Keep us informed. I hope you make a thread for the 3 month mark.


Had to. Sorry.
I haven't turned on my PS4 in a month and a half.

It's about to be two and a half.

That's nice. I've used my PS4 almost every day in the past month and half:
- Destiny Beta
- TLOU Remastered
- PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate
- Trine 2
- Resogun DLC

Not to mention, I've watched Netflix, Live from PlayStation, etc.

Also, do people really expect to have new games to play in the middle of the summer? Seems strange to me. And the system hasn't been out long enough to have a huge backlog to catch up on over summer. The complaining is so annoying.
Was there some change that you need a PS Vita to get the free purchases for that system? I only have a PS3 but I'm planning on getting a Vita at some point and I've been getting all the Vita games up to this point.


What the hell do I do in Proteus?

Just explore. There aren't any objectives.

It's certainly a divisive experience. I freaking love it. I love it enough that I paid for it on both PC and Vita. I love the abstract art style and the atmosphere that it creates when mixed with the ambient soundtrack. I loved looking through each nook and cranny and climbing the mountains to look down on the lonely little island kingdom.

There's not much to it, and it's not a "game" in the sense that it has goals and rules. But, I thought it was a really cool experience. When I've had a stressful day, I'll sometimes put on some nice headphones and get lost in Proteus for a few minutes. Pure escapism.

Definitely not for everybody, and it's a thing that can baffle people when they first load it up.
Finally got a PS4, got a Last of Us bundle so I will be busy with that, wondering if I should get PS+ to try other PS4 titles out but reactions seem kind of negative on this page...

Just saw the games for Ps4 this month, nothing that will flex my PS4, so maybe I shouldnt...


Shouldn't you be able to 'purchase' all games in the web store even if you don't have the respectives system (yet)?

I cannot add Metrico to my cart, and while I don't really mind I'm still wondering why.

Btw. PAL user here.
Shouldn't you be able to 'purchase' all games in the web store even if you don't have the respectives system (yet)?

I cannot add Metrico to my cart, and while I don't really mind I'm still wondering why.

Btw. PAL user here.
Yea, this is the problem I'm having. I couldn't grab the Harry Potter game either yesterday but I could today so maybe it's just slow to register as a PS+ for some of us.


Looks like I'm the only one that likes Road Not Taken in here ;)
Hard as nails, couldnt do more than 7 days so far but I'm confident I'll get there ! very satisfying.

Still dont understand what Medecine is used for tho.


Spent about an hour on Road Not Taken now..I think I'm done with it.
Spent about 2 hours wandering around in Proteus, I think I may need to be drunk or high to continue. It's a beautiful game, but I just can't see a point..I got all excited when I saw a house on a hill, nothing happened, saw a huge mountain with what I thought were creatures on the top, just statue-like things, nothing happened. Chased an owl from tree to tree for about 15minutes then gave up.
Proteus is officially the new rock bottom for PS+. I gave it an honest try. I chased a few frogs. I walked up a mountain and into a cloud, which then starting raining. I I held the circle button and reset my game on accident.

Metrico wasn't much better. Got about 5 minutes in. Certainly a cool art style, similar to Mad Men. But the gameplay is rough. Got stuck on this part that just raises a tower up 4 times, blocking your path. I'm sure it's something simple, but I didn't see it.

Every time I'm subjected to games like these, I think back to this article and laugh.


Just go away. Go and laugh at the article if you must. You are being ridiculous.
Finally got a PS4, got a Last of Us bundle so I will be busy with that, wondering if I should get PS+ to try other PS4 titles out but reactions seem kind of negative on this page...

Just saw the games for Ps4 this month, nothing that will flex my PS4, so maybe I shouldnt...

PS+ is needed so you can play TLOU online.


Had some time off tonight, and decided to try this month's ps+ games.

Crysis 3: did the tutorial, got the bow, killed some dudes, and was bored as fuck. Deleted it.

Proteus: chased a rabbit, walked around, closed my eyes, realized it would bring me to a different island, and turned it off. Not for me!

Road not taken: played a few levels, not that good.

Dragon's Crown: played until the harpy, really fun game. Best game this month.

I already played Fez briefly on 360, and always meant to give it a second chance. I will eventually.

If there's one great game I haven't played I'm a given month, I'm happy.


I really enjoy Proteus. It kinda reminds me of Tail of the Sun for PS1.

As a fan of games that let me just walk around and explore I like Proteus, mostly. My only complaint is that there isn't much to discover really. I feel like I found most everything in the one time I played it (I ended up with most of the trophies). Would have enjoyed it a lot more if the island was bigger and there was other hidden things. It's not something I would have bought knowing how little there is to discover, but I like it as a PS+ game.


Two things:

If you enjoy Proteus, the trophies are pretty cool. Well, half are pretty cool. Half involve sitting around for several minutes/doing stupid stuff, but a couple actually teach you some cool stuff I didn't realize
like the special halucinations/events at night in fall
, so I'd look up how to do 'em if you want some more replay value out of it.

I miss the generate crazy worlds checkbox from PC. Neat you can
change the color while sitting
with the backtouch on Vita though. Limited, but kinda neat.

Road Not Taken, what's the "save you from death" effect? IT sounds...ominous, but I offered a sacrifice (of rice I think) because I want to make it through this career (already died once). Like the game, pretty hard though and I can't normally stand rougelikes/permadeath unless it's very short.


Checked my download list and it was there for Ps3 as well. Didn't know this game was cross buy.

Nope. Dragon's Crown is not cross buy. The PS3 allows you to download Vita games to be transferred later to a Vita. That's why you're seeing DC on the PS3 download list.


Nope. Dragon's Crown is not cross buy. The PS3 allows you to download Vita games to be transferred later to a Vita. That's why you're seeing DC on the PS3 download list.

The PS3 version is also being offered on Plus. You have to purchase them separately.
That is a weird way to simultaneously reinforce what you've quoted and invalidate your original post.

How? It is considered a "game", even if I don't agree with it. A game can be both good and bad, depending on who plays it. Just because I am not the target audience, that doesn't mean it cannot be a bad game. Even if I like RPGs, certain RPGs can be bad. Based on the original quote, a game is not able to be bad.

So basically you're agreeing with what you quoted?

No. I don't like the game. It isn't because I am not the "target audience", it is because I think it is boring.


So yeah this month seems to be pretty divisive so I'll give my thoughts.

Absolutely fantastic game. Loved it when it first came out for the 360. Loved the sense of discovery and community working with others to figure things out and find all the secrets and the secret secrets and try and figure out the secret secret secret. Dunno if I'll go though it again but I'm damn tempted to for trophies though it's not as fun once you figure out the symbols and and language and the number system and just go back to your old notes to get the anit-cubes you can't remember how to get off the top of your head. Best of this month by far (and I'm including NA and their Dragon's Crown)

It's certainly pretty I'll give it that. I actually just downloaded it to give it a spin, saw it had trophies and tried tog et the easy ones. Managed to get the walk around the island one just from reading the trophy list but used a guide to find out what to do for the rest. They were easy and fairly quick. It's an interesting and weird "game". Not fun or anything but definitely something. Like the wired events that happen at a certain point during the night at certain landmarks and the ending of an island. Weird. And a bit unsettling too. Low res, empty things always creep me out a bit. Like I can't help but think maybe there's a deeper story here and this cabin s haunted and maybe that circle of statues is for horrific rituals. I can see how some people think this is a wasted slot though.

More like MEH-trico am I right? I don't know if I am actually. Only played like 3 levels so far and it's interesting. It can be a bit frustrating to get the pie-charts(?) and I'm sure I've missed some. I kinda want to know if the door you pick changes the level you get or if it's just something for them to stat track that has no purpose other than to be a social experiment on what people pick when they get give a statistic before making a choice (I always pick the lowest to try and balance the two). Doesn't seem bad or anything and the artstyle is cool.

Road Not Taken
Interesting rouge-like puzzle game. only got a few years in when I played but I love the style and the ghost kid that pops up every now and then is kinda freaky. The combo stuff into items mechanic seems overly complex and I hadn't found a place it was needed in what I played. It's cool when you get a combo by accident though. Not sure how much of this I'll end up playing. I should really play through more Pixel Junk Shooter. I finished the first on PS3 when it came out so need to play through all that again on the PS4 before getting to the stuff from 2.

Oh and Lego Harry Potter something or other
Not a fan of these lego games and really not a fan of them on Vita. Didn't even 'Purchase'.
Counter spy looks like it may be a sleeper hit, it definitely looks pretty interesting. I'm hoping there's more espionage stuff though that shooting from what's been shown in the trailer.
Dragon's Crown comes to PS+ about a month after I buy it from GameFly. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

That's ok, it's the type of game I want to own the physical version of.

I have Fez on Steam, but I haven't played it yet, maybe it's best played on a platform not intended for spreadsheets.


I love how even the non-Cross Buy games like Dragon's Crown and Proteus were "made" cross-buy on PS+ by making sure that we could grab both.

Props all around :)
How long is the BF appreciation sale gonna last? Just picked up the vanilla version of BF4 for PS4 and I wanna get the premium pack but gotta wait til payday.


Neo Member
I know this is a weird connection to make, but if anyone has followed OGLAF.com (Mostly NSFW webcomic), does the doctor from Oglaf look like the doctor from Road Not Taken when she is wearing her mask?
Is this just a coincidence?


Not sure if already posted.


Cross-Buy is confirmed. So if you got the PS3 version from PS+, you will get the PS4 version.

Hell yeah! I did pick it up for PS3. I haven't finished it, but I did play a lot of it. It's just a pain to swap my PS3 and PS4 all the time. So I'll definitely complete it on PS4. Can't wait for the 2nd one though. Does it have multiplayer?
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