Not sure if already posted.
Cross-Buy is confirmed. So if you got the PS3 version from PS+, you will get the PS4 version.

Not sure if already posted.
Cross-Buy is confirmed. So if you got the PS3 version from PS+, you will get the PS4 version.
Wish they'd do a "second chance" title or three every month, for those of us who bought our systems late in the cycle and now subscribe but have slim pickings.
Hell yeah! I did pick it up for PS3. I haven't finished it, but I did play a lot of it. It's just a pain to swap my PS3 and PS4 all the time. So I'll definitely complete it on PS4. Can't wait for the 2nd one though. Does it have multiplayer?
I want my money back, Crysis 3 plays like ass.
I read that is was bad but I had to see for myself.Did you really expect it to run properly on PS3?
Not sure if already posted.
Cross-Buy is confirmed. So if you got the PS3 version from PS+, you will get the PS4 version.
Not sure if already posted.
Cross-Buy is confirmed. So if you got the PS3 version from PS+, you will get the PS4 version.
When it launches, if you hav le it on PS3/V, you will get it free on PS4.I REALLY hope there is a seperate trophy list for the PS$ version. Would be soooooo nice and so much fun.
So since this month is in full swing this won't be a plus game/ take up a slot for next month? It will just show up in the next three updates and we can just play it for free?
Crysis 3 is bad. Like, legit bad.
Untrue, but GAFhivemind
Crysis 3 is bad. Like, legit bad.
The mechanics can be fine with the game still being bad, though. Level/mission design, enemy AI, etc. Tomb Raider (2013) is a good example of a game that's competently programmed with fluid mechanics that is just a completely vapid gameplay experience.Crysis 3 is better than 2. It is objectively not a bad game. It's unmemorable, but the mechanics are fine. Crytek knows how to make a shooter, and claiming otherwise is just stupid.
Not sure if already posted.
Cross-Buy is confirmed. So if you got the PS3 version from PS+, you will get the PS4 version.
The PS3 version is also being offered on Plus. You have to purchase them separately.
Not on Europe, unfortunately...![]()
Not on Europe, unfortunately...![]()
I wasn't talking about Hotline Miami. I meant Dragon's Crown.Hotline Miami was in EU PS+ already.
Unfortunately the german version is borked. No way to install the game. Always poping up an PSN errorcode. At least this is how it was a month ago. Don't know i f they have fixed it yet.
Me playing Fez
I just keep entering to doors and reaching new areas while getting cubes.
I wasn't talking about Hotline Miami. I meant Dragon's Crown.
Americans are claiming they got the Vita AND PS3 versions. In EU we only got the Vita version.
Really? Fez is a great game and not hard to understand at all.
Pay attention to the areas thumbnail images while standing at a door, and check the map with Select.
Not sure if already posted.
Cross-Buy is confirmed. So if you got the PS3 version from PS+, you will get the PS4 version.
Me too. I thought it was going to be a good month.This month has been a let down for me...
Who thinks we may get SC Blacklist next month?? it's been about 1 year since release...Also maybe AC4 ps3 by the end of the year?? Not many other AAA ps3 candidates really...
US or EU?
I think it'd be weird for them to give us AC4 in the US without first giving us AC3. Not that I would mind given I dislike everything about AC3, but, yeah.
They also seem to have a habit of giving us big games months after they come to EU+. I am actually surprised we haven't had AC3 yet.
Dragon's Crown is awesome. Been playing it both on PS3 and Vita.
My only complaint is that there can be significant slowdown on the Vita version when shit hits the fan. Also half the time I can't tell what the hell is happening.
Really fun though.