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Playstation Plus Thread 2: How do I hold all these games?


For you.
Seeing these oliolies and la mulanas and people wanting them, kind of funny people wanting games that look like they came from megadrive but then beat on games that are cross gen because you know, graphics.

You are going to have to post some proof that the people complaining about cross gen are the same that want these games. Otherwise you are just shitposting. Which you actually are anyways by saying that the games look they came from mega drive. Have you actually played on a mega drive? If so, can you send me your mega drive? Because yours is apparently a special exclusive edition that has better graphics that anyone's else mega drive.
Seeing these oliolies and la mulanas and people wanting them, kind of funny people wanting games that look like they came from megadrive but then beat on games that are cross gen because you know, graphics.

The issue with cross-gen games, for me, is not only one of graphics but also that of games being constrained in their design/scope because of console power on the previous generation. Size map, number of enemies, destructible environments, AI, etc are things that are severely hampered in a game that is cross-gen.

I have no interest in OlliOlli (not because of graphics/scope, but because I don't care about skating) but I do love Metroid-like exploration/adventure games, so I am looking forward to La Mulana. And a game "that looks like it came from megadrive" probably has a lot more content/freedom (not to mention better design) than a game like, say, Thief or Soul Suspect.

I know your post wasn't addressing me but that's kind of the issue when you make broad statements like that.
You are going to have to post some proof that the people complaining about cross gen are the same that want these games. Otherwise you are just shitposting. Which you actually are anyways by saying that the games look they came from mega drive. Have you actually played on a mega drive? If so, can you send me your mega drive? Because yours is apparently a special exclusive edition that has better graphics that anyone's else mega drive.
Or that too.
Maybe it's a nice, fat, juicy multi-month announcement, that's why it's taking all this time?

If not, then yeah, you have to wonder what's going on there.
I'm telling you guys. Every. Single. PS3 Game. Ever. I'm not an insider though.
They shouldn't even bother announcing it at all if people are going to be impatient.

Just launch 'em on the first Tuesday and let the internet roll over.


Seeing these oliolies and la mulanas and people wanting them, kind of funny people wanting games that look like they came from megadrive but then beat on games that are cross gen because you know, graphics.

Another great Jingo shitpost just like in the Driveclub-GAF threads. You'll go far here Junior.


Seeing these oliolies and la mulanas and people wanting them, kind of funny people wanting games that look like they came from megadrive but then beat on games that are cross gen because you know, graphics.

Id rather have a good indie game than some shitty AAA game


Seeing these oliolies and la mulanas and people wanting them, kind of funny people wanting games that look like they came from megadrive but then beat on games that are cross gen because you know, graphics.

Thank god I don't think like this.


How would you guys feel if Sony started giving away psone classics? Like, let's say they gave La Mulana and FF9

Would rather not have them, since I've already played pretty much every PSone game that interests me on the store and I don't really replay games often.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
PSOne classics in EU suck because of 50Hz so no thanks. I'd take PSP games though
I have like 25 PS1 games from PSN and have zero issue with this. Unless you've actually played the US versions and feel the downgrade it's not going to matter since the games still play just fine. I mean this is how all PS1 games were for us. It didn't make the games or the console shit. They play fine.


They're really taking forever. Two days in a row of "Meh, we'll do it tommorow", so maybe today we'll get "Meh, we'll do it next week".
I have like 25 PS1 games from PSN and have zero issue with this. Unless you've actually played the US versions and feel the downgrade it's not going to matter since the games still play just fine. I mean this is how all PS1 games were for us. It didn't make the games or the console shit. They play fine.

I actually played all those games as US versions. I notice the difference and it's really bad
Just because you don't notice doesn't mean that they aren't inferior


How would you guys feel if Sony started giving away psone classics? Like, let's say they gave La Mulana and FF9
Don't give them ideas. I have Plus on my european account but I only buy PSOne games for my NA account because of the 50hz thing, so that would be a huge waste of IGC games for me.

I have like 25 PS1 games from PSN and have zero issue with this. Unless you've actually played the US versions and feel the downgrade it's not going to matter since the games still play just fine. I mean this is how all PS1 games were for us. It didn't make the games or the console shit. They play fine.

They're slow, but I agree that's something you would notice only if you played the original version (in most cases at least). The messed up aspect ratio however is definitely noticeable.


Because clearly those games must be better than Transistor and Rogue Legacy.
Transistor, yes. Rogue Legacy, no.

Transistor is one of the most disappointing games in a long time for me. I loved Bastion and waited since release day of that (it was a bit on the short side) for their next game. I just can't see what people like about it.

Give me Killzone or Knack any day.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
I actually played all those games as US versions. I notice the difference and it's really bad
Just because you don't notice doesn't mean that they aren't inferior
Fair enough. I didn't say they aren't inferior. I just think missing out on them for it is weird and the games certainly don't suck because of it. If they did then the PS1 would have flopped back then.


You are going to have to post some proof that the people complaining about cross gen are the same that want these games. Otherwise you are just shitposting. Which you actually are anyways by saying that the games look they came from mega drive. Have you actually played on a mega drive? If so, can you send me your mega drive? Because yours is apparently a special exclusive edition that has better graphics that anyone's else mega drive.

I was just saying a fact around here, didnt said that i think like this or neither i dont like indies, hell, my ps4 is more indie games than aaa, i was stating that sometimes people complain a lot about graphics but in the same time want games like this, everyone can play what they want just found it funny to compare that.


It's going to be the Last Guardian.
It's taking so long because they will reveal it next week "Ps Plus March is The Last Guardian, go download it NOW!!!!"

Because clearly those games must be better than Transistor and Rogue Legacy.

I have yet to play Rogue Legacy, but I had more fun with Killzone than Transistor.
Fair enough. I didn't say they aren't inferior. I just think missing out on them for it is weird and the games certainly don't suck because of it. If they did then the PS1 would have flopped back then.

I'm not missing out on them since the 60Hz versions are readily available. Back in those days you had region locks and no easy way of comparing the versions. That stuff shouldn't be acceptable today. Putting up a 60Hz version on EU PSN as an option should be no problem.


I feel like If it was going to be a good month they would have jumped on the announcement.

But you never know!

They're leaving it until just before they go home. So when it ends up being a dissapointment to people it will have died down by Monday. I'm not expecting alot at this point tbh. Would love to be proven wrong.


Can't believe the month is coming to an end already.

<--- hasn't played any of February's games yet.

Oh wait...Apotheon. I tried that.

The first level was cool, but not spectacular. Then, after I got into the game a bit more it really opens up and shines. Sure, there are some issues here and there like not being able to drop/sell items/weapons but the game is actually really, really good. I just finished Hades and I have to say, I am more engrossed in this game than the last 2 "AAA" title I purchased. (Unity / Far Cry 4)


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
Love the sense of annoyance in som people in this thread lol, maybe they are trying to make a deal last minute aka last few days for a game to be on plus. That or something small going on behind the scenes, chill people
Played and finished Rogue Legacy

By that did all the bosses once.

I could see it was going to be a huge time sink if I stuck around beyond that though so gave it the swift boot when 'finished'

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