Octodad has a price on it. Doesn't look like a freebie to me.
Good games, but I have both on Steam, so meh.
EDIT: Could you link a source?
Octodad has a price on it. Doesn't look like a freebie to me.
What are the chances Lego Marvel is the German replacement for something like Wolfenstein?I'd be super happy if Lego Marvel turns out to be one of the Ps4 Games.
Let's see if this random german leak is real lol
Octodad has a price on it. Doesn't look like a freebie to me.
Octodad has a price on it. Doesn't look like a freebie to me.
Octodad has a price on it. Doesn't look like a freebie to me.
I kinda wanted to check out Octodad. What's the LEGO Marvel game like? Any good?
What are the chances Lego Marvel is the German replacement for something like Wolfenstein?
Apparently image came from 4Chan
Octodad has a price on it. Doesn't look like a freebie to me.
Lego is also first spring themed franchise sale, no?
I'm yet to play a Lego [Franchise] game and actually enjoy it. They always seem really... dull.
I hope it's not that and I own Octodad anyway, so all I can say is that it's amazing fun in co-op.
LEGO Marvel is terrible. I was really disappointed in it when I played it on PC last year.
Lego games are always used as replacements on PS+.
If confirmed, it means that something was planned to come but went kaput last minute. Please tell me Olliolli 2 isn't that "something"
Lego batman PSP was in place of a game in germany due to rating issues. Little King Story was part of a legit leak but eventually didn't came that month, but the month after. Lego LOTR took its place.Is there a history of this? What was the last time a game was known to be replaced by a lego game?
Wait a second, the leak is from germany. It could well be that it's just another game with german rating issues
This is absolutely false. Great game with tons to do. Lots of characters to unlock and a very lengthy single-player/co-op story mode.
Is there a history of this? What was the last time a game was known to be replaced by a lego game?
Apparently people are linking this saying this is what's coming for PS+ due to a leak.