I have heard that there are no new games this month and that all subscribers will get an Anniversary PS4 instead.
And a life-size Knack figure.

I have heard that there are no new games this month and that all subscribers will get an Anniversary PS4 instead.
Too good, try harder.PS4: OlliOlli2 (Crossbuy Vita) Lego Marvel
PS3: God of War Ascension, Ratchet and Clank HD Collection (Crossbuy Vita)
PSVita: Resistance Burning Skies, Little Big Planet
Lol at least try to make them believablePS4: OlliOlli2 (Crossbuy Vita) Lego Marvel
PS3: God of War Ascension, Ratchet and Clank HD Collection (Crossbuy Vita)
PSVita: Resistance Burning Skies, Little Big Planet
I kind of think they will push back the release to March 11 this time....
This would be so awesomeIf it means free Hotline Miami 2 for PS4 then fuck yes
I kind of think they will push back the release to March 11 this time....
If that happened I'm sure this thread would transend.
Someone should make a game representing the furious reloading of this thread for new information about PS Plus.
Ps plus March just announced!
Sunset Overdrive
Watch Dogs
Super Mario Bros
Whoa no wonder it took so long to get announced
Damn... Bought ryse in the Nintendo sale last weekPs plus March just announced!
Sunset Overdrive
Watch Dogs
Super Mario Bros
Whoa no wonder it took so long to get announced
Damn... Bought ryse in the Nintendo sale last week
Helldivers and Octodad for PS4
Helldivers and Octodad for PS4
Why is the announcement so late? Any particular reason?
Ryse isn't available on Nintendo platforms
Why is the announcement so late? Any particular reason?
I bet it was Driveclub but at the last minute they decided against it again
Does anyone think there might be a delay with the plus games being released now?
I've a backlog I should probably look to clear first but I still can't wait to see what we're getting.
I'm new to PS+, so correct me if I'm wrong, but don't they usually give out old games for this? Why are people guessing games that haven't even been released yet like OlliOlli2 and Helldivers?
I'm new to PS+, so correct me if I'm wrong, but don't they usually give out old games for this? Why are people guessing games that haven't even been released yet like OlliOlli2 and Helldivers?
I'm new to PS+, so correct me if I'm wrong, but don't they usually give out old games for this? Why are people guessing games that haven't even been released yet like OlliOlli2 and Helldivers?
The plus games have been announced on the day they come out in the past, so it's not the end of the world. I just hope it's sooner rather than later so I can decide whether to buy Ico and Shadow of the Colossus HD or not.
DriveClub will be in addition to to the regular PS+ games when it hits.I bet it was Driveclub but at the last minute they decided against it again
They've given new indie games before like Veloicty 2x and Resogun but usually don't.
The plus games have been announced on the day they come out in the past, so it's not the end of the world. I just hope it's sooner rather than later so I can decide whether to buy Ico and Shadow of the Colossus HD or not.
The plus games have been announced on the day they come out in the past, so it's not the end of the world. I just hope it's sooner rather than later so I can decide whether to buy Ico and Shadow of the Colossus HD or not.
Thanks to the hacks in the past Sony's new data privacy measures are so on point that no one knows March's PS Plus offerings.
Was already on PS+.
Already been on Plus.
Edit: beaten.
Well there we go, that makes things much're late to the party, we already had them some time ago.
The blog guys forgot the new code to the safe.
It's "KazR0!eZ".
The blog guys forgot the new code to the safe.
Leaving PS Plus:
3rd March: Apotheon (PS4)
3rd March: Transistor (PS4)
3rd March: Thief (PS3)
3rd March: Yakuza 4 (PS3)
3rd March: Rogue Legacy (PS4, PS3, PS Vita Cross Buy)
3rd March: Kick and Fennick (PS Vita)
Entering PS Plus:
3rd March: Apotheon (PS4)
3rd March: Transistor (PS4)
3rd March: Thief (PS3)
3rd March: Yakuza 4 (PS3)
3rd March: Rogue Legacy (PS4, PS3, PS Vita Cross Buy)
3rd March: Kick and Fennick (PS Vita)