What do you guys think the chances of La Mulana EX being free this month are?
I wouldn't mind paying for it again(got it on steam), but I'll take it for free lol
No chance, dev denied it on Twitter
What do you guys think the chances of La Mulana EX being free this month are?
I wouldn't mind paying for it again(got it on steam), but I'll take it for free lol
Thanks guys!yeah its perma bound to your acc
The ps3 doesn't have a digital version of Dark Souls.PS4: Driveclub
PS3: Dark Souls and Child of Light
PS Vita: Freedom Wars and Gunslugs
Source: my wish list.
Wouldn't that be a great month?![]()
I seriously can't wait for that day. The ongoings of PSN are such a mystery and so dang baffling! At least once a month I catch myself going "What the hell?"
We've been in this thread for five days.
I think we're suffering of cabin fever.
I wonder if Somy is planing to change things up with PS+ games. Wouldn't it be better to spread-out releases of the for 3-4 weeks every month? That way we could get new PS+ games even if it doesn't release in the first week.
I don't get the "PS plus got that ___ months ago!" argument.
Sure, it did. And that month's PS plus deals were great back then. But in terms of what is available this month, Xbox Live Gold is a better deal imo. That argument would work better if the game was available permanently instead of just for one month.
The delay can only mean one thing....Driveclub.
The delay can only mean one thing... invasion.
I'm done
I'm done
So you're comparing the Games with Gold lineup to...2 out of 6 (1/3) of the PS+ lineup?Assumed the Oddworld/Valiant Hearts thing was pretty close to a confirmation. Forgive me if wrong.
I wonder if Sony is planing to change things up with PS+ games. Wouldn't it be better to spread-out releases of the for 3-4 weeks every month? That way we could get new PS+ games even if it doesn't release in the first week.
No shit that it's better in terms of what's available. PS PLUS DOESN'T HAVE ANYTHING TO COMPARE TO YET.
OlliOlli is not PS+. That's why it isn't free.
I wonder if Sony is planing to change things up with PS+ games. Wouldn't it be better to spread-out releases of the for 3-4 weeks every month? That way we could get new PS+ games even if it doesn't release in the first week.
Post it on Sony's tweeterI'm done
Giving away Driveclub is akin to giving someone a STD
No chance, dev denied it on Twitter
Its not exactly a fair comparison. GwG doesnt give portable games cause MS doesnt have one.
Also, most of PS4 offers were pretty damn weak. I prefer Super Time Force and Rayman Legends more then almost any PS4 PS Plus game offer (except for Resogun). So I think that besides being a 2x1 competition GwG usually endure pretty well.
That's how it was when the IGC launched.
Giving away Driveclub is akin to giving someone a STD
Good idea, brbPost it on Sony's tweeter
Seriously. There's so many things I want to know about what goes on behind the scenes at PSN. How does the US team fuck up so much compared to the rest of the world?
And Helldiver's discount isn't live. Games go up and then are updated with any plus benefits later, not both at the same time.OlliOlli is not PS+. That's why it isn't free.
Sony's community team have really let themselves down here.
Just a quick update would do really.
Too true. Not sure why I am bothering :/LOL, why bother, just don't... my lawd...
1 Contrast
2 Resogun
3 Don't Starve
4 Outlast
5 Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition
6 Mercenary Kings
7 Stick It to the Man!
8 PixelJunk Shooter: Ultimate (cross-buy)
9 Trine 2: Complete Story
10 Doki-Doki Universe (cross-buy)
11 Strider
12 TowerFall: Ascension
13 Fez (cross-buy)
14 Road Not Taken
15 Sportsfriends (cross-buy)
16 Velocity 2X (cross-buy)
17 Dust: An Elysian Tail
18 Pix the Cat (cross-buy)
19 Spelunky (cross-buy)
20 Escape Plan (cross-buy)
21 SteamWorld Dig
22 The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
23 Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition
24 Secret Ponchos
25 Titan Attacks
26 InFamous: First Light
27 The Swapper
28 Apotheon
29 Rogue Legacy (cross-buy)
30 Transistor
Can't wait for page 300
Xbox One:
1 Halo: Spartan Assault
2 Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
3 Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition
4 Crimson Dragon
5 Strike Suit Zero
6 Super Time Force
7 Chariot
8 Völgarr the Viking
9 Worms Battlegrounds
10 D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die
11 #IDARB (It Draws a Red Box)
12 Rayman Legends
1 Contrast
2 Resogun
3 Don't Starve
4 Outlast
5 Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition
6 Mercenary Kings
7 Stick It to the Man!
8 PixelJunk Shooter: Ultimate (cross-buy)
9 Trine 2: Complete Story
10 Doki-Doki Universe (cross-buy)
11 Strider
12 TowerFall: Ascension
13 Fez (cross-buy)
14 Road Not Taken
15 Sportsfriends (cross-buy)
16 Velocity 2X (cross-buy)
17 Dust: An Elysian Tail
18 Pix the Cat (cross-buy)
19 Spelunky (cross-buy)
20 Escape Plan (cross-buy)
21 SteamWorld Dig
22 The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
23 Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition
24 Secret Ponchos
25 Titan Attacks
26 InFamous: First Light
27 The Swapper
28 Apotheon
29 Rogue Legacy (cross-buy)
30 Transistor
Only 151 more to go.
The Xbox list is an extreme embarrassment in comparison.
Can't wait for page 300