For those who don't know, Mighty Flip Champs! DX (PSP, PS3, PSVita) is now free for NA PS+ as part of WayForward's 25th Anniversary.
Any reason to go with PS3 vs PSP besides portability? No Vita for meFor those who don't know, Mighty Flip Champs! DX (PSP, PS3, PSVita) is now free for NA PS+ as part of WayForward's 25th Anniversary.
Do you at least get to keep the weapons, equipment and money you found if you start back again on day one?I'm enjoying Counterspy, but the game does get pretty cheap in some of the later missions.
I'm also a little frustrated. I made it to the final mission late last night, tried it a few times, and died on my last attempt (edit: the rockets launched, I mean). It gave me the option "Continue? Yes / No" and since it was time for bed, I clicked "no" thinking it would just take me back to the main menu. Nope. That ended the game with no warning and put me all the way back on day one.
Not a huge deal because like I said I like the game and I don't mind playing it through again now that I know what I'm doing, but what the hell? At least warn the player that they're about to start over from the beginning before you wipe their progress.
Any reason to go with PS3 vs PSP besides portability? No Vita for me
So I just finished Valiant Hearts
Loved it on many levels.
-The art style looks great and is another sucess for ubiart framework
- Not only does it look great, it also sounds great. Amazing soundtrack
-While having a "cartoon" art style it has some striking imagery that represents the horrors of war
- It's a war game that, in terms of gameplay, is more about helping people than killing them
- It's a war game with a story that's more about how war affects people than about killing
- I actually learned stuff
- Fun puzzles. It's definitely on the easy side but never stuck on a level gave this particular game a good flow
You know. It'd be nice if we got messages from Sony when games became free (other then those we expect on PSN). The PS store is a mess at the best of times.
Thanks btw.
Sherlock Holmes is an awesome game. I very much enjoyed it. It's the perfect Ps plus game, as I have no inclination to replay it, but the first play through was mesmerizing.
It's about 6 hours long for a single playthrough. Plus another 2 hours if you want to replay levels to mop up the collectables and trophies.How big/long is Valiant Hearts?
I just started chapter two tonight. Interesting I know.
I'm enjoying Counterspy, but the game does get pretty cheap in some of the later missions.
I'm also a little frustrated. I made it to the final mission late last night, tried it a few times, and died on my last attempt (edit: the rockets launched, I mean). It gave me the option "Continue? Yes / No" and since it was time for bed, I clicked "no" thinking it would just take me back to the main menu. Nope. That ended the game with no warning and put me all the way back on day one.
Not a huge deal because like I said I like the game and I don't mind playing it through again now that I know what I'm doing, but what the hell? At least warn the player that they're about to start over from the beginning before you wipe their progress.
This. =(Argh, this happened to me too. WTF? It never occurred to me that they would delete my saved progress.
I know it's last month's game, but damn if Rogue Legacy didn't sink it's hooks into me. Enjoying it so much I'm back to bringing my Vita to work!
Do you at least get to keep the weapons, equipment and money you found if you start back again on day one?
Valiants Hearts is the kind of game that should be financed by governments and be part of the school curriculum. It teaches about WWI in ways that a manual just can't.
Valiants Hearts is the kind of game that should be financed by governments and be part of the school curriculum. It teaches about WWI in ways that a manual just can't.
For those who don't know, Mighty Flip Champs! DX (PSP, PS3, PSVita) is now free for NA PS+ as part of WayForward's 25th Anniversary.
"People Who Bought This Also Bought:"For those who don't know, Mighty Flip Champs! DX (PSP, PS3, PSVita) is now free for NA PS+ as part of WayForward's 25th Anniversary.
Isn't that just the ps3 or vital version your eligible to, because you own the ps+ version for ps4?Can anyone verify that Resogun is showing up as free on PSN Store.
At least in Ireland anyway?
Isn't that just the ps3 or vital version your eligible to, because you own the ps+ version for ps4?
If you "buy" the PS3 and Vita versions it'll go back to normal.Can anyone verify that Resogun is showing up as free on PSN Store.
At least in Ireland anyway?
Well just completed valient hearts, legit teared up. That ending is brutal! Such a good game I hope we get more like that.
Can someone lead me to the official PS Vita thread? I can't seen to find it, as it isn't made like in the old days.
Finished Counterspy today (100%) and I enjoyed it. Sometimes the game is just plain unfair (walking trough a door and you get spotted immediately) but other than that it's pretty fun.
Stringing kills together feels good once you get the hang of it.
I also played CounterSpy for a bit, but it's too frustrating for me. I love the map desgn and general handling, but one fuck up and it becomes a poor shooter, really drags every thing down. Any tips, especially for those larger rooms, were there is basically no stealth possible??!
I'm assuming that this is just a general code for everyone's use, because I was able to redeem it successfully over two weeks after the fact. So have at it, whoever sees this post. Oh yeah, it's definitely the UK version, so you'll need a UK/EU account to redeem it. It's also PS Vita only, despite the post above.I have a downloadable code for PS3 TxK. It's from Game UK, so I'm assuming it's region locked. Anyone want it?
It was one of the free games a few months ago, so preferably only someone who missed it.
Huh? I didn't have a single glitch the whole time...Valiant Hearts is super cool, but surprise surprise Ubisoft, it's buggy as hell. I've put about 3-4 hours in and have had multiple glitches (character stuck in place, puzzle doesn't trigger).
So when do we start predicting next month's games? Lolz.
So when do we start predicting next month's games? Lolz.
Should be announced this week, right?
No idea. Perhaps Dishonored on PS3 after if fell through last month?
Huh? I didn't have a single glitch the whole time...