Junior Member
That's it I'm done with Sony, buying Xbox One tomorrow.
My guesses:
PS4: ACIV: Black Flag, Knack
PS3: God of War Ascension, The Wolf Among Us
Vita: Child Of Light, Retro City Rampage DX (cross buy)
Pretty average month then really.
Source: my ass
Playstation Plus Thread 3: PS+ has a Knack for missing the mark
My guesses:
PS4: ACIV: Black Flag, Knack
PS3: God of War Ascension, The Wolf Among Us
Vita: Child Of Light, Retro City Rampage DX (cross buy)
Pretty average month then really.
Source: my ass
I'm sorry, I didn't know my guesses had to be empirically and factually correct. Why so hostile over some fucking guesses haha...
I have some ideas to improve the thread.
Knack needs to be louder, angrier and have access to a time machine. Whenever Knack isn't posted all the other posters should be asking, "Where's Knack?"
Sorry if it came out that way, not my intention :-(
My guesses:
PS4: ACIV: Black Flag, Knack
PS3: God of War Ascension, The Wolf Among Us
Vita: Child Of Light, Retro City Rampage DX (cross buy)
Pretty average month then really.
Source: my ass
This is an average month?
Selling my PS4, my car and my house if this months games are not exactly what I want.
That would be a big F you to the people who actually bought it.I don't know if it'll be this month, but I think they'll give the full version o DriveClub to compensate for all the problems. Besides, the majority of the people who wanted the game already bought it.
That would be a big F you to the people who actually bought it.
That's not happening anytime soon.
I don't know if it'll be this month, but I think they'll give the full version o DriveClub to compensate for all the problems. Besides, the majority of the people who wanted the game already bought it.
That would be a big F you to the people who actually bought it.
they have a history of screwing over early adopters of PSN games why stop there?That would be a big F you to the people who actually bought it.
That's not happening anytime soon.
Knack Raider Defiknack edition
Knackfamus Second Knack
Ni no Kuknack
Mortal Knack 9
Rayknack Legends
『Inaba Resident』;162062065 said:I wonder if Killzone's multiplayer is a possibility
Is it delayed yet??
Guacamelee Super Turbo
The Unfinished Swan
Race the Sun
Murasaki Baby
Illuminati confirmed. Let's go.May begins with "MA"
March begins with "MA"
March Plus game announcement was delayed .. I´m beginning to see a pattern..
May begins with "MA"
March begins with "MA"
March Plus game announcement was delayed .. I´m beginning to see a pattern..
What is Knack? Baby don't hurt me.Hey guys, has anyone made a joke about Knack yet?
Hey guys, has anyone made a joke about Knack yet?
Guacamelee Super Turbo
Ether One
The Unfinished Swan
Race the Sun
Murasaki Baby
Hey guys, has anyone made a joke about Knack yet?