its a rumors , nothing confirmed but SMB
plus games for October
Grim Fandango Remastered Cross Buy with Vita
Super Meat Boy Cross Buy with Vita
Assassin's Creed Chronicles China (one of the smaller games so it is likely maybe)
Badlands Game of the Year Edition Cross Buy
Watch Dogs
Badlands Game of the Year Edition Cross Buy with Ps4 and Ps Vita
Ps Vita
Badlands Game of the Year Edition
Super Meat Boy
Grim Fandango Remastered Cross Buy with Ps4
Senran Kagura Shinobi Versus
Late to respond, but I really could see this list happening outside of SK: Shinobi Versus (and that is only because the amount of people getting pissed with that being a Plus game isn't worth it coming to Plus, even if it would be a nice addition to the Plus line up).
I guess we will find out this Wednesday/Thursday if that list is right or not