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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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Was there any safety warning for pregnant women using this? I dont see how it would matter, but Id rather be safe.

Not going to let her do anything crazy, but I think it would be cool for her to try a little demo.


Got my unit last night and I'm really pleased.

It's really comfortable, and the picture quality, even in cinema mode is a lot better than I was expecting. The screen door effect is a lot less noticeable than the Vive, the field of view seems a bit smaller though.

The Move controllers are definitely no comparison to Vive's. They're playable, but bringing your hands to you face or hands crossing over throws things off for a moment. It's definitely worth having them, but they're pretty mediocre in comparison.

I had it set up in 10 mins without following instructions.

I played:

Batman VR
Rigs demo
Driveclub VR
London Heist
Ocean Descent

I'm pretty impressed with how some of the games look, batman, thumper, rigs and london heist all look great. DC looks a little rougher than I was expecting, but I didn't get motion sickness from it thankfully.

I let my partner try the headset first, and she absolutley loved it. She only played Ocean Descent, but a few minutes into the shark going H.A.M she ripped the headset off, lol.

The only game that really started to make me feel a bit iffy was the Rigs demo, after the match I exited the game before things got too bad for me. It looks amazing, I might give it another go later and take things slower.

Batman was the only game I had head tracking issue with, similar to GiantBomb. I managed to finish the game and loved it, but jerkiness was annoying. I'm going to try give it another go and see if I have the same issues tonight.

Overall, super impressed, and I've had a lot of time with the Vive we have at work.

Batman, London Heist and Thumper are the highlights so far. I'm looking forward to jumping into some other games and demos.


What games use the move controllers?when I plugged them in there was no calibration fir them. I've tried using them in VR worlds and they don't show up.



Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I have a sony w802 and i have no bending. RGB is at full and the other stuff on automatic. I even tried the particle theme where it should be obvious. But what i have is very rarely some artifacts in the psvr or the tv (white little squares only some pixels wide). I think the included hdmi is just ultra shitty. Ill get a new one soon i think.
I've got Sony W805c and no bending either.
Does anyone know of a good, detailed set of instructions for getting the ideal set up for psvr?

I set it up quickly since I didn't have much time to play today and probably won't have time tomorrow and am actually moving on Saturday so wanted to get a good step by step process for when I move.

What I'm looking for is how to do the options set up perfectly like the eye distance, how the camera should be angled and zoomed in or out etc. Since I wasn't sure if I was doing them the most optimal way.

Any help would be great.


Oh shit, think I've fixed it!

Had a lamp just behind and to the side of my tv. Gave off a soft light but seems that was enough to totally mess with it. Was in the Playroom crane game room and it was perfect versus my headset jittering about.!


Loving your guys impressions so far, got mine but won't Have time to set it up for couple hours still. Super excited tho and even more so now.
This is my first VR experience.
I set everything up and had to wait for my wife to get home to try it.
First impressions were not that great. 2 minutes in thumper and I had to stop. I started sweating and I felt the motion sickness rising. I stopped and switched to the sea demo from VR worlds. Bad idea... It made everything much worse. Had to stop and I felt woozy for about an hour.

It looked like VR wasn't for me.

After dinner my sceptical wife was next. 10 seconds into thumper she was completely sold and she was completely losing it during the rigs demo.

Next up was my turn. I took my time adjusting the headset. Lowering the back until it was about in my neck, the image became much sharper. Started with rez and everything just clicked. No more motion sickness.

I've returned to thumper, played some playroom (amazing) and then decided to go all out. Driverclub, muddy grafics, but an amazing sence of speed and driving... And no motion sickness. Rigs, amazing all round, no issues. Until Dawn, real rollercoaster feeling and very fun, no issues either. Thumper, no problem any more. Feeling cocky I tried EVE and again just an amazing experience without any issues.

Guess I already found my VR legs. 3 hours of VR and feeling great.

Only thing that's a bit disappointing is that the cinema mode for regular games drifts as hell to the left. During VR I noticed zero drift, but when the lights go out and the screen is only positioned through the gyroscopes, the screen just doesn't stay in the same position.

Looks like the drifting is primarily a gyroscope issue.


You guys didn't lie, the platformer of Playroom VR is amazing. Like a Ratchet and Clank game with (adorable) VR gimmicks.
Had a grin on my face the whole time, and loved having to move a bit to check behind the rocks above the camera or such.


Just finished with my launch day session, now getting ready for bed, wanted to give my thoughts.

I cautiously bought just the headset and 'VR worlds' thinking that I didn't want to sink too much money into this without knowing how I'd react in terms of motion-sickness. Very relieved to say my VR legs are pretty decent! This from a guy who gets car sick easily. Two playstation move controllers are now on the way, I need more!

Here's how it went, motion-sickness wise:

1. Into The Deep: felt good, then felt at maybe 98% about half way down first descent, then got used to it, felt fine by the end.
2. The London Heist: Felt great throughout
3. VR Luge: Played a mission, felt fine throughout, heard bad things about this one so that was a relief!
4. EVE Valkyrie demo: Was really trying to push the limits here, barrel rolling everywhere, loop de loops, but felt great, maybe at the end I felt at 99%, a long play session might be different but I feel like a have a great foundation to work with.

So only the slightest of off-feelings, which all reports state will disappear as your VR legs harden. Feels great that I can enjoy VR and even enjoy some of the more testing games.

As for the games themselves:

1. Into The Deep: Really cool experience, but the lack of motion tracked hands were striking, this needs hands!
2. The London Heist: Incredible experience, was thrilling to use a gun and tonnes of fun to mess with all the objects.
3. VR Luge: terrible game, once was enough.
4. EVE Valkyrie demo: very short demo but it was an exciting glimpse of the possibilities of VR.

On the hardware:

Head tracking is seriously impressive.
The sense of presence is truly a sight to behold, the VR Worlds opening menu left me staggered.
Some tracking issues, the odd reset needed.
Display is obviously notably low res, but it more than does the job, this is just the beginning
Headset is great for comfort.

The future of VR is exciting.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I am actually preferring PSVR to my Oculus Rift, which is a bit of a surprise considering the Rift is technically better. I'm not sure what it is. Maybe it's just comfort but the games are a lot of fun as well. I am really digging this.
OR headset is not technically better in every regard. It has better resolution. But PSVR headset has RGB (not pentile) pixel arrangement, higher refresh rate, and optics that don't produce those light streaking artifacts, which is why a lot of reviews claim it produces the most clear image. Plus almost everyone is saying that it's more comfortable. That in particular was an issue with me with Vive, which I've tried once - very impressive tracking, but my face got really sweaty after less than 10 minutes - in an airconditioned room, which was really weird to me as I generally sweat very little.
Holy shit guys. Holy shit. I've played with the PSVR like three times before today and I'm still blown the fuck away.

I basically haven't stopped smiling and giggling since I got it like 3 hours ago.

I love this thing so much!!!


Picked one up a launch bundle from Best Buy on the way home from work. Took about 20 20 minutes to get it all set up. Adjusting the camera on top of my tv took the longest. I usually sit off to side of the tv, so had to swivel it a good bit to be facing it head on.

Waiting for wife to get home to really jump into the playroom (the bubble/claw machine was pretty cool. Definitely put a big stupid grin on my face and found myself reaching out to try and touch different things in the world.

Only gripe so far is trying to get everything charged! Two move controllers and need to recharge the dualshock as well. One more controller has been charging for almost 2 hours now and it's still charging. Still need to charge the other one! Might look into some kind of usb hub or one of the charging stations for the thing.

Glad I picked it up though! Excited to see what all they do with this!


2. The London Heist: Incredible experience, was thrilling to use a gun and tonnes of fun to mess with all the objects.

Oh yeah, I forgot about this! I was in the menu for like 10 mins before I played a game lol. So awesome how each ball reacts differently. So simple but it was a lot of fun just sitting there grinding the ball, punching them about, putting your head in the water ball etc.


Woof, the right stick movement on rigs is the first thing to make me nauseous, but everything else has been a blast. Can't wait to show it to friends.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Woof, the right stick movement on rigs is the first place thing to make me nauseous, but everything else has been a blast. Can't wait to show it to friends.
I am not sure if Rigs allows it, but turn your head to look around any time you can - avoid using right stick for this, if at all possible. Also, be very careful/slow when strafing left/right. Those two types of motions are killer for inducing nausea.


I've been gaming for many years and consider my first day playing PSVR as a defining moment. Sure it's got a way to go technologically but goddam it's so immersive. I haven't had any sickness but definitely felt the need for timeout now and then. Had a couple of moments with tracking and leaving the gaming area but that's down to me and once I sorted it it was fine.

It really came alive when I used the duel motion control in batman and rush of blood. Moving and twisting your hands and seeing it in the game is surreal, I was just happy picking shit up and poking around. I really enjoyed some of the more unexpected games too like wayward sky and tumble. There's so much content I've barely scratched the surface. Can't wait to jump back in.

Is anyone else finding that the aliasing gives off a weird swirling shimmer? I notice it more in playroom and the demo disc menu.


Played uncharted 4 on the 120 inch screen. That resolution is the only reason I would go back to the TV instead of full time VR. The resolution is the only neg for the VR.
I am not sure if Rigs allows it, but turn your head to look around any time you can - avoid using right stick for this, if at all possible. Also, be very careful/slow when strafing left/right. Those two types of motions are killer for inducing nausea.

I feel fine with these. Been using the right stick primarily as it's a little easier imo.
I managed to have some time to play before I left for work today, and so far I've played: London Heist, Kitchen, and Eve Valkyrie. I was fine for most of my time playing, although I'm still having some trouble getting the front part of the headset comfortable on my head. There's just slightly too much pressure being applied. As far as nausea goes, I did feel it a little bit, however I hadn't eaten anything at all prior to playing so that might have been why.

Eve definitely felt the most unnerving as I played, although in a good way. Whenever I had to turn or loop, it felt like I was actually in that cockpit flying around, and so my stomach was almost instinctively turning like I was there.

London Heist was really cool in terms of use of the Move controllers. The tracking for the wands and the head were a lot better than I was expecting!

As far as the resolution is concerned, it's definitely noticeable, although I never had any issues with it. SDE came in to play whenever there was a lot of darkness, but it only bothered me slightly. And as far as cinema mode goes, there has been so much hyperbole over the resolution. To me, it looks like a projector quality image, nothing worse, nothing better. Whether that bothers you or not will be up to you, but for me it was just fine, and I'll definitely be using the feature more often.

All in all, I've been very impressed having coming in with tempered expectations. I can't wait to try it out some more, this has some serious potential.


I've struggled with getting the camera right. My couch seems to be slightly too far back but even when I play in front of that cant seem to set the camera up in a way that will let me play both seated (beanbag/floor) and standing adequately and I end up adjusting it back and forth. I guess to vertical field of view just isn't good enough and I might have to live with chair/standing.

Having said that, pretty impressed with the quality of the Move tracking when it works, e.g. in Until Dawn and Batman, but Rez wouldn't track my Move controller at all. Kept displaying a warning and my cursor was stuck off in the far upper right.

Is it just me or does Driveclub look absolutely terrible? That was the first thing I tried and although it played great I was very disappointed with the blurriness. Since then tried Ocean Descent, Batman, Thumper, Rez, RIGS, Until Dawn, Super Stardust which have all been fine. No nausea or headaches to report after a fairly long session either, which is something I seem to be prone to on poorly designed Rift/Vive stuff.

As a daily user of Vive/Rift in my job I'm reasonably impressed with PSVR. You can tell it's a little bit low res but it still looks good (Driveclub aside), optics seem great, motion controls (while a step back from Vive obviously) work pretty well and the design of the headset itself blows the others away in both form and function.

A few of things I'm hoping to see in future:

- Really high quality antialiasing or supersampling for VR games on Pro for improved image quality
- WebVR support in the browser, or even in a special separate browser that gets full system access for decent WebGL performance, ideally with 6DOF controller support as well. This would be awesome to mess around developing for and would no doubt lead to some great free experiences.
- Using Move as a pointer in the system UI. I'm not a big fan of the "waggle in the 4 cardinal directions to approximate a dpad" thing, possibly because I suck at it.
- Notifications popups in VR (optional). (This might already be there but if so I can't work out how to enable it). Quick menu in VR works well enough so this should be doable.
I am not sure if Rigs allows it, but turn your head to look around any time you can - avoid using right stick for this, if at all possible. Also, be very careful/slow when strafing left/right. Those two types of motions are killer for inducing nausea.

Rigs defaults in a head-look turning mode. You have to manually enable right stick movement. Head look is default for a reason :D

Looking forward to hearing what settings people are using for the games with various comfort modes.

For me, Rigs so far has felt best with head-turn (because there are limits on the head aiming in stick-turn mode), but with the field of view restriction turned off.
Wow there's protective plastic on the lenses and I didn't even notice.

Big image


Been playing the little adventure mode in tomb raider
Vr is really a game changer for adventure games

I want a vr mode in the new sherlock holmes or better a gabriel knight VR


So what is causing the drift and how do you fix it? I calibrate facing the camera 100 times and my center gradually drifts 35-45 degrees to the left without fail. I've rerun the advanced light tracking set up 4 times.
My headset won't arrive for a couple days, but all my physical games have arrived and I've been getting everything installed/downloaded ahead of time. Hopefully things will be nice and smooth when it finally does show up. I even managed to download the Godzilla and Danganronpa experiences off of the foreign stores.
I have a bit of work to do today so I've only been able to dip in with PS VR here and there, but my two initial impressions are:

Batman Arkham VR is an amazing VR experience. Even if it's not a full game, it does so much amazing "I'm Batman" fanservice that most people will get a huge kick out of it.

Someone is going to die of cardiac arrest playing a VR horror game before the end of the year. That RE 7 Kitchen demo is just... I got through it, but it was actually unpleasant, and left me feeling very disturbed afterwards. VR horror is almost too effective, and some people are going to be damaged by it. If you thought letting a young kid watch a horror movie was too traumatizing, this is the next level of childhood trauma.

I would strongly advise any parent with young children to NEVER, EVER let them play a good VR horror game. It's going to mess them up, probably for life.

And I am sold. I want to shit myself playing this thing. Can't wait for my next paycheck lol


For all that talk about VR being an isolating experience, it's actually suprisingly fun with groups. The social screen was a really good idea. and playing PSVR in a dark room looks neat, colours waving about like a friggin rave.
This is my first VR experience.
I set everything up and had to wait for my wife to get home to try it.
First impressions were not that great. 2 minutes in thumper and I had to stop. I started sweating and I felt the motion sickness rising. I stopped and switched to the sea demo from VR worlds. Bad idea... It made everything much worse. Had to stop and I felt woozy for about an hour.

It looked like VR wasn't for me.

After dinner my sceptical wife was next. 10 seconds into thumper she was completely sold and she was completely losing it during the rigs demo.

Next up was my turn. I took my time adjusting the headset. Lowering the back until it was about in my neck, the image became much sharper. Started with rez and everything just clicked. No more motion sickness.

I've returned to thumper, played some playroom (amazing) and then decided to go all out. Driverclub, muddy grafics, but an amazing sence of speed and driving... And no motion sickness. Rigs, amazing all round, no issues. Until Dawn, real rollercoaster feeling and very fun, no issues either. Thumper, no problem any more. Feeling cocky I tried EVE and again just an amazing experience without any issues.

Guess I already found my VR legs. 3 hours of VR and feeling great.

Only thing that's a bit disappointing is that the cinema mode for regular games drifts as hell to the left. During VR I noticed zero drift, but when the lights go out and the screen is only positioned through the gyroscopes, the screen just doesn't stay in the same position.

Looks like the drifting is primarily a gyroscope issue.

You may have a faulty gyroscope then. I'd probably try to get a replacement before the warranty wears out.
Played uncharted 4 on the 120 inch screen. That resolution is the only reason I would go back to the TV instead of full time VR. The resolution is the only neg for the VR.

Did you notice any screen drift?
When I use the screen mode it tends to drift to the left.

I've like to hear some more impressions on this functionality.


Having an issue where I can't find the perfect height for my camera so that it's good for both sitting and standing games. If standing, I can't lift my hands (moves) too far above my head. For instance, using the bat grapple in Arkham VR. If sitting, I can't lower them, for instance to pick up an ammo clip in the London Heist.


Hey guys, before making the purchase on a headset, I'm worried that I don't have enough room for this to work properly. Here is a picture of my bedroom and where I sit when I play games.

First of all, don't judge on the fact my wardrobe is missing a drawer, it's a sore subject, and yes I know my TV is resting on loads of books, I haven't found a replacement for them yet!

As you can see, I normally sit in the black chair on the left which is pretty close to the TV. I was thinking of putting the camera on top of one of the books right next to the grey TV stand so it will be at eye level sight. Will it be enough room?



Felium Defensor
The Kitchen demo reaction I saw earlier in the thread needs to go viral. Can you imagine how many of these headsets are going to be sold simply because of people inviting their friends round to experience this?

Saw that earlier and was almost in tears ahahaha. Sooo freaking good. I want more reactions like this & people recording their relatives playing VR for the first time.


Been calling around, can't find one anywhere. A gamestop 30 mins away has a launch bundle on pre-order, but if we're the first to call about it after 8 we can grab it...

Still dunno if I should purchase or not but I think if I get the opportunity I'm gonna take it...


So what is causing the drift and how do you fix it? I calibrate facing the camera 100 times and my center gradually drifts 35-45 degrees to the left without fail. I've rerun the advanced light tracking set up 4 times.

I'm in the same boat. Really not sure how to fix it but all of a sudden I have to turn to the left or right to view the 'centre' of my view and holding options does next to nothing.

I just don't understand how it messes up so much when it has so many light points in the front.
Hey guys, before making the purchase on a headset, I'm worried that I don't have enough room for this to work properly. Here is a picture of my bedroom and where I sit when I play games.

First of all, don't judge on the fact my wardrobe is missing a drawer, it's a sore subject, and yes I know my TV is resting on loads of books, I haven't found a replacement for them yet!

As you can see, I normally sit in the black chair on the left which is pretty close to the TV. I was thinking of putting the camera on top of one of the books right next to the grey TV stand so it will be at eye level sight. Will it be enough room?


Not enough room.
Hey guys, before making the purchase on a headset, I'm worried that I don't have enough room for this to work properly. Here is a picture of my bedroom and where I sit when I play games.

First of all, don't judge on the fact my wardrobe is missing a drawer, it's a sore subject, and yes I know my TV is resting on loads of books, I haven't found a replacement for them yet!

As you can see, I normally sit in the black chair on the left which is pretty close to the TV. I was thinking of putting the camera on top of one of the books right next to the grey TV stand so it will be at eye level sight. Will it be enough room?


You should be fine but I think you are going to have to sit on the edge of the bed, instead of that flat lifeless chair. It will be better to sit up anyways so you can look around and maneuver,
Having all three I can say PSVR is by far the most comfortable for people who wear glasses. It is amazingly comfortable with no added pressure on the bridge of your nose.


Hey guys, before making the purchase on a headset, I'm worried that I don't have enough room for this to work properly. Here is a picture of my bedroom and where I sit when I play games.

First of all, don't judge on the fact my wardrobe is missing a drawer, it's a sore subject, and yes I know my TV is resting on loads of books, I haven't found a replacement for them yet!

As you can see, I normally sit in the black chair on the left which is pretty close to the TV. I was thinking of putting the camera on top of one of the books right next to the grey TV stand so it will be at eye level sight. Will it be enough room?

Hmmm. Hard to say. Maybe if you moved the black chair and sat on the bed it would be enough room for sitting games. Things like job simulator or batman VR might be harder to play.


Don't forget to go through all the VR setup options (calibrating the lights/eye distance etc) in the actual PS4 settings (settings/device settings via the XMB).


Got mine all set up and played the demo stuff for a couple of hours. It's a great experience. I've tried the Vive and Occulus and a friend's place and I enjoyed them as well. My PC is shite so I couldn't really invest in those but I am very happy with the PSVR. I think it is great especially for its price.
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