I went back and forth on this more than any gaming purchase I can think of, and Ive been gaming since Atari. However, despite that it used the Move controllers, which I dropped like a brick a lifetime ago, and was worried about the "gimmick" aspect, I took the plunge and purchased the launch bundle, Rigs, and Rush for Blood. Only got 2 hours with Rigs, but it's way better than I thought it'd be! Watching videoes on YouTube or Twitch does NOT do this thing justice and must be experienced. Although near the end I did get a little motion sickness, Rigs was a blast and genuinely an experience that felt newer than anything that I've played in quite some time. It's awesome! The graphics arent amazing, but it doesnt take long not to care as they are good enough, and it's such an unique experience.
Cant wait to dive in this weekend! Would love to try to squeeze BattleZone, Thumper, and Rez in, but man... all this is expensive! Lol
Quite the gaming weekend coming up!