Random question for those of you who have demoed psvr to others - As someone who hasn't ever suffered from travel sickness I am trying to be mindful of the issues someone may go through when just getting their vr legs
For example I found locomotion in resident evil fine but someone else I know was almost immediately dizzy
Essentially what are the best games to use to demo psvr to newbies to test/ build up their vr legs? I'm inclined to immediately throw people into resident evil/ superhot but maybe something like rush of blood is a better starting point?
Start them off slow and introduce them to different movement mechanics, types of interactivity and intensity levels. Tell them if they are feeling slightly odd to take the headset off. Same goes for fatigue. I try limit the first time for people to around two hours with breaks in between games for the first time so they don't get overload from quickly switching between them and doesn't put too much strain on the eyes. Basically do what the old manuals in early gaming products recommended. Younger and fitter they are especially if they have good balance the quicker they seem to adapt.