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PlayStation VR Thread 2: Reloaded


Super Stardust Ultra (already own the base game)
Stick to that, don't get the VR version! You can even play the base game in VR with that, IIRC, and the extra specific VR level of the other version is rather not great.

Other than that, whatever your heart desires, welcome to the family, son! :]
Is this happening to anyone else?

I have noticed while playing Injustice 2, that when I go to turn on my PS4 from rest mode the PSVR box does not turn on. It will stay with the red led displayed. I have to physically remove the power cord from the PSVR box and put it back in for it to turn on. Its getting pretty annoying to do this each time.
So I just bought myself a psvr on a whim and I've been a bug fan of it so far. I do have a few questions though. Did anything from from that thread that researched splitter solutions so that hdr can be used when I'm not using the vr without unplugging a bunch of wires?

My other question is if there is anything out there to help blocking out the bottom? I have to wear glasses while using the headset so the bottom stuff is still exposed. I was wondering if anyone came up with a solution for that?


^^^^ The manual solution is to slightly pull up the back of the headset. That will push the goggles down on the bridge of your nose, which pushes the bottom closer to your face and eliminates any light coming in (as long as the rubber flaps aren't bunched up).

Also be aware that you can tighten the headset with the dial on the back. I wear glasses too, and this works perfectly.
Does anyone still have issues with their headsets video and audio cutting out in PS4 Pro? Oddly it happens to me more with certain games. Farpoint does this all the time, but I played Summer Lesson for about as long and it didn't happen once.


Farpoint has got me thinking about what sorts of games I'd like to see.

One of the most surprising things for me was how each weapon feels different, despite holding the same aim controller for each of them. The shotgun gives me a pretty good sense of security, the sniper rifle feels super powerful (thanks to the vibration when you squeeze off a shot) but makes me feel really exposed. It's a great, immersive feeling and really adds a personal connection to the weapon you a holding.

I want Battle Royale VR, a multi-player game where you basically have to kill the other players by crafting various weapons, and most items can be used (or augmented) to bludgeon, shoot, trap and generally fuck up the other folk.

Maybe some game modes like reach the evac point first, last man standing etc, and having the social voice aspect to allow people to form up adhoc teams then stab each other in the back, similar to werewolves within.


FORM from Charm Games is coming to PS VR

In a world where puzzles are built from memories and dreams, explore impossible and mysterious spaces that transform around you. FORM takes you on a journey only possible in virtual reality.

Reveal Trailer: https://youtu.be/H0VyldRP46I

Jernigan said the game will be released on HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR.


Puzzle games work really well in VR and this one looks very interesting. It has been in development for a couple of years.


Light Tracer Announced for PlayStation VR.

Light Tracer is story-driven puzzler adventure title which has some similarities with Ico, only with some unique VR features; perspective is key as some puzzle solutions lie in the way the player looks at things. The aim is to guide a princess up an ancient Babylonian tower as part of a quest to save her country, which has fallen victim to some mysterious malaise.

Source: https://www.vrfocus.com/2017/05/oasis-games-showcase-playstation-vr-titles-at-japans-bitsummit/


It's too bad there's no trailer for that Light Tracer game, the concept sounds interesting enough, but I would definitely like to see more.


Kowloon’s Gate VR: Suzaku

The original Kowloon’s Gate was an adventure video game where the demolished Kowloon Walled City suddenly reemerged. Seen as a sign of imbalance between the realm of Yin, and the living world of Yang, this event would need to be reversed or disaster would strike. For the VR version players will be able to walk around the city, as it twists and changes.

Kowloon’s Gate VR: Suzaku, is scheduled to release this summer in Japan for PlayStation VR, as yet there’s no word on a release for western players.

Teaser Trailer: https://youtu.be/s2xb_p_-tzY

Source: https://www.vrfocus.com/2017/05/jet...or-kowloons-gate-vr-suzaku-on-playstation-vr/
Hard to play psvr when it's hot. Damn. 80•

That's why I had to pass on Farpoint, eventhough I was and still am very hype, summer is around the corner and I already pretty much stopped using PSVR because of it. Can't stand the heat.

Summer lesson will have to wait for autumn too, I'm so sorry Hikari-chan ;(

Found some images of Light Tracer:



more at link: http://bitsummit.org/2017/projects/1448/


How much better does Farpoint look on the Pro? I take it there's no Digital Foundry report...

I was never a fan of those complex/realistic graphic on PSVR because it ended up being blurry, washed out and aliasing destroying the immersion, like DriveClub, EVE Valkyrie and Robinson. Some games handled it better than others, Statik and RE7 are gorgeous.

But Farpoint for me is beyond those, not too far but definitely the best on Pro.
Those valleys and rocky mountains are so good looking that this might be the first realistic graphic VR game that I'm fully immersed in. Not sure about standard PS4, on the Pro is easily the best looking PSVR game.


Kind of a weird discussion to have, but when I read other threads about VR (like the one about whether people would want Sony to focus on PSVR at E3), some people are angry about VR. I get that some people aren't going to like VR in general, but where do you think the blind rage comes from? Like how did some people get so personally upset by the very existence of this technology?


Kind of a weird discussion to have, but when I read other threads about VR (like the one about whether people would want Sony to focus on PSVR at E3), some people are angry about VR. I get that some people aren't going to like VR in general, but where do you think the blind rage comes from? Like how did some people get so personally upset by the very existence of this technology?

The cost.


Kind of a weird discussion to have, but when I read other threads about VR (like the one about whether people would want Sony to focus on PSVR at E3), some people are angry about VR. I get that some people aren't going to like VR in general, but where do you think the blind rage comes from? Like how did some people get so personally upset by the very existence of this technology?

One argument I've heard is the resentment that developers that could be working on "real" games are wasting their time on a dead platform. Like how Harmonix and other developers got caught up with Kinect. They feel like VR is cheating them of more quality games that could have come from these devs if they hadn't been conned into a dead end, and if those same studios shut down as a result of lack of sales, then VR killed them.


where do you think the blind rage comes from?
Adolescent egocentrism. I never tried it because it looks shit (= below Horizon on a 4K screen), most games are Indies so it has no real games, thus I hate it and that makes hating it the only viable notion. So clearly everyone besides a few nut jobs hate VR. Spending time on something everyone hates is stupid. How could Sony be so stupid?


I started playing RE7... WOW.

This is a true VR game that can sell the hardware.

The experience is incredible, totally game changing for real. The sense of terror is there, the fear to be hit, to hide, to fight... to be hurt. It's amazing.

I never feared so much in a game to open a door, to peek on a corner, or right where I am now next, to go down some stairs to open a door, knowing I will have no idea of what there will be inside and in the same time I will be trapped on the stairs if someone come in the back of the stairs...

Also the game is fantastic, is a real survival horror in a creepy mansion like the first original game.

Also little spoiler on the first hours of game
there is a room with a shotgun that reminds me a lot of the first game, i'm sure that I will trigger some trap grabbing it,
so I just leaved it there... the VR make it uncomfortable the idea to find out what will happen... XD

Really buy it. Now.


How much better does Farpoint look on the Pro? I take it there's no Digital Foundry report...

Its kind of hard to tell, everything looks better. The guns have better models, I only played one level but it looked better. It really helps with the sense of presence. However I feel like I now truly see the limitations of the PSVR screen. The best way I can describe it is that on most games I tried it looks both better and the same at the same time. Its mainly due to being able to somewhat see the pixels. But again the sense of presence was somehow better on Farpoint and RE7; I'm guessing that although its still pixelated, you can make out more things around you which helps your brain.

Granted this is after a bunch of small sessions on a lot of games. I'm sure after more time I will be able to see more of a difference. A noticeable difference is EVE's cockpit though.


How much better does Farpoint look on the Pro? I take it there's no Digital Foundry report...

Astonishingly, despite all their bluster at the Pro event, I'm pretty sure it's sub-1080p (i.e. rendering below the native 960x1080 / eye) on Pro. Resolution looks really soft. Since this is strictly eyeballing it, I will allow it could possibly be just at native resolution, with no super sampling. Aside from the overall blurry look, I'd say it looks pretty good, but not exactly a benchmark or mind blower.


Kind of a weird discussion to have, but when I read other threads about VR (like the one about whether people would want Sony to focus on PSVR at E3), some people are angry about VR. I get that some people aren't going to like VR in general, but where do you think the blind rage comes from? Like how did some people get so personally upset by the very existence of this technology?

Gamers are passionate folk, but also pretty paranoid that folks want to take away their hobby (or in this case shift it into VR). My theory is it all comes back to being kids and having mums confiscating our games.

VR is legit, just wish it was easier for folks to try out as it needs all the support it can get


Abysmal coverage from the mainstream media also feeds into this VR is dead notion. Just look at e.g. the upcoming PSVR only games according to Metacritic:
Metacritic said:
No Results Found
We know it's bullshit, but does Joe Average?

Another thing, I am currently unsure if I should take the small plunge and get the ass upgrade... XD


Context: I am not really a racing game fan (anymore), but I bought the season pass bundle of the base game when it was at €10 itself. Played it 2 or 3 times since, and it is really low on my "could play" list. I liked the feeling in the VR demo, though the graphics sure are rough.

How open for casual play is the full game? Are most courses / cars locked behind progress bars? Does the demo already have the Pro enhancements or is the full game a tiny bit better?
How open for casual play is the full game? Are most courses / cars locked behind progress bars? Does the demo already have the Pro enhancements or is the full game a tiny bit better?

Can't speak for the last part, except to say the game still suffers on a Pro. The problem is that driving games by default cause you to scan the horizon, which is where detail is lowest, blurriest and blockiest (in DC, at least). But ... You get used to it.

The car models are lovely, and the experience of sitting in various high performance and luxury cockpits is a very nice thing. I've enjoyed the racing itself (good handling, fun tracks) but haven't pushed myself to get particularly good at any of it.

The structure I found quite weird as it's very open, basically an ever expanding series of challenges, each giving you a selection of cars to use. Some might be about pure racing, but others might challenge you to excel at drifting for example.

It didn't work so well for me as I worry about all the challenges I'm not doing, that I wouldn't enjoy anyway >_<


Posting my farpoint/Aim impressions from the other thread

Great googly moogly.

I had an absolute blast playing farpoint online with a friend of mine.

Tracking is soooo good. Looking at your shadow is pretty mind blowing. Leaning/peeking, crouching, blind firing, run-and-gunning feel very immersive. It's so cool how you can look, shoot, and walk in three different directions.

Graphics are pretty good even on an OG ps4.

There's something really remarkable about your actual moves being displayed to another player. Showing each other your guns; doing stupid dances. Online VR is something else...I'm eagerly anticipating the e3 game announcements. And hopefully they'll add some dlc to this game

I was having a great time until I realized how much I wished there was a resistance game just like this. This now tops my wishlist.

One minor gripe, my dpad on the aim controller is pretty squishy. A step back from the sharpshooter, imo. Did I get a bad unit or are they all like that?

Also, how cool would a co-op VR escape room game be?
Farpoint has got me thinking about what sorts of games I'd like to see.

One of the most surprising things for me was how each weapon feels different, despite holding the same aim controller for each of them. The shotgun gives me a pretty good sense of security, the sniper rifle feels super powerful (thanks to the vibration when you squeeze off a shot) but makes me feel really exposed. It's a great, immersive feeling and really adds a personal connection to the weapon you a holding.

I want Battle Royale VR, a multi-player game where you basically have to kill the other players by crafting various weapons, and most items can be used (or augmented) to bludgeon, shoot, trap and generally fuck up the other folk.

Maybe some game modes like reach the evac point first, last man standing etc, and having the social voice aspect to allow people to form up adhoc teams then stab each other in the back, similar to werewolves within.

I agree with everything in this post. The closest we can get atm is playerunknown's battlegrounds


Statik, I Expect You To Die?

Similar but not exactly. Granted I haven't played the full games. I'm referring to those "breakout" places that you go to and you have a time limit to solve the puzzles and get out of the room. Playing one co-op in vr with motion controls would be a really cool experience. Since it is a game, the puzzles/rooms can change (even be procedurally generated) Plus it could be easily supplemented with extra levels


Similar but not exactly. Granted I haven't played the full games. I'm referring to those "breakout" places that you go to and you have a time limit to solve the puzzles and get out of the room. Playing one co-op in vr with motion controls would be a really cool experience. Since it is a game, the puzzles/rooms can change (even be procedurally generated) Plus it could be easily supplemented with extra levels

I Expect You To Die might be what you want. It has a time limit and you are trying to escape from the puzzle. Short game but wonderfully crafted. Also uses both move controller.
Another thing, I am currently unsure if I should take the small plunge and get the ass upgrade... XD


Context: I am not really a racing game fan (anymore), but I bought the season pass bundle of the base game when it was at €10 itself. Played it 2 or 3 times since, and it is really low on my "could play" list. I liked the feeling in the VR demo, though the graphics sure are rough.

How open for casual play is the full game? Are most courses / cars locked behind progress bars? Does the demo already have the Pro enhancements or is the full game a tiny bit better?

I've platinumed this game and the original so it's probably fair to say I like it a lot.

There's not a great deal of pro enhancement to the game (reflections on car external views, bodywork on open top models), sadly the team didn't get long to work on the pro version before being disbanded.

Cars are locked behind driver levels but unlock pretty quickly so you've always got something new to drive.

The tour is all new for vr and there's 12 new circuits (that have since been added to regular dc).

Online is quiet but you can usually get a race within a few minutes.


Felium Defensor
"VRFocus has recently learned that Sony Santa Monica is developing a full VR videogame title for PlayStation VR."

Anyway, just finished Farpoint, can someone tell me what is going on with the story? Really enjoy the story and writing but have no idea what is up with the ending.
Nice. Glad they got SSM working on the next wave of first party PSVR game. Easily some of the most talented, agile folks in the video game industry.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
That's why I had to pass on Farpoint, eventhough I was and still am very hype, summer is around the corner and I already pretty much stopped using PSVR because of it. Can't stand the heat.

Summer lesson will have to wait for autumn too, I'm so sorry Hikari-chan ;(

You don't have Air Conditioning in your house?
You don't have Air Conditioning in your house?

I'm not an american ;) around here AC is the exception but we have central heating!

"VRFocus has recently learned that Sony Santa Monica is developing a full VR videogame title for PlayStation VR."

Anyway, just finished Farpoint, can someone tell me what is going on with the story? Really enjoy the story and writing but have no idea what is up with the ending.

Now that's what I'm talking about, some more real 1st party support, sounds great, if true that's almost megaton territory for PSVR.

Edit: could be COLONY WARS, right???1
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