Welcome Singapore VR gaffer!
Fellow sg psvr gaffer here!
Welcome Singapore VR gaffer!
Fellow sg psvr gaffer here!
My wife was mocking me a tiny bit for buying another gaming peripheral that I'll put aside after a week or two. So I made her play Batman VR, with motion controllers and while standing. Her jaw droped a couple of times while playing through the game and now she is playing rush of blood.
GAF I've made a terrible mistake, I now have to share my PSVR.
Haha, better buy a second PS4 & PSVR then
For real though, half of the fun of VR is sharing it with the people you love and seeing their expressions.
Will likely buy soon:
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Surgeon Simulator
maybe Tumble and Sportsbar
and I already preordered Superhot VR
I know the feeling. I didn't buy at launch because I wanted to wait for some opinions on the Aim controller, and now I can't find it anywhere. None of my local EB/BB/Walmarts have received any inventory since launch. At least my backlog is large enough that I won't be tempted to pay way over retail from Amazon.Is Farpoint OK without the Aim? I was waiting for Aim before playing but I am losing hope finding one, Sony doesn't seem to keen on making more.
Try picking something from your ears, eyes, nose. And how far are you? I really need to figure out how to do that damn catapult.
Doom VFR in store pick up or shipping $22
I want something that makes my stomach drop. Not motion sickness but something that makes me feel like I'm on a rollercoaster. Until Dawn didn't quite do that for me but it was definitely close.
Also, is Doom VFR a full game?
Wow this game is real. With Move support.
Paranormal Activity
Dem smooth locomotion. Honestly I thought it works really well, especially in Arizona Sunshine, maybe missing a walk back button but that's about it, usually I will just strafe backward.
Do we know if Doom is a full game? or just a short thing?
Unfortunately it's pretty awful. Played it on the Vive.
Gameplay consists of walking around inside a house with a bunch of locked doors. You don't find keys to the doors, they just automatically open after you've walked through a trigger volume somewhere in the house. So it's basically walk everywhere in the house, then backtrack and try to open every door that was locked previously... find an unlocked door, backtrack again trying every door handle.
It's like it was designed by an ad agency creative director who had never played a game before (which is probably exactly what happened).
I've been thinking about it, but honestly I might just wait for a sale in the future. My PSVR backlog has been growing.Anyone excited about, or preordering Tiny Trax? Futurelab make some great games and this seems like it was developed from the ground up for VR.
Is Farpoint OK without the Aim? I was waiting for Aim before playing but I am losing hope finding one, Sony doesn't seem to keen on making more.
I'm one of those that played it without the Aim, as Farpoint was bought for me as a gift.
The DS4 works fine, It tracks the movement of the pad in your hands, So you can twist and turn the gun, Bring it close to your eyes, Even still look down the sights, The gun is the DS4.
Farpoint alone is worth playing in VR, The Aim makes the game 10/10 no doubt, But a 9/10 game is still worth the purchase. Not to mention you'll wanna jump back into it further down the line when the Aim is more readily available.
How does FarPoint play with the Move controllers compared to the DS4?
Gunjack is cool from an atmosphere standpoint, pretty average from a gameplay POV. You sit in a turret and fend off waves of enemies. There are power-ups that I assume are EVE related like heat seekers and a focused laser beam. It's basically just a series of missions doing the same thing with increasing difficulty. I got it for really cheap (5 bucks-ish) and don't regret it.Anyone have impressions of Gunjack and/or Bandit Six?
Guys, is the upcoming White Day PS4 release VR? Doesn't appear to be...despite the initial information![]()
I've got some awesome news for you. Sony reached out to us regarding the game, so there is a very high chance that not only will it support AIM controllers, it may support future in-development controllers that they may be working on as well
The game itself has a beta planned for fall for a steam release (Vive and Rift)
We estimate the PSVR beta to be shortly after that (if everything gets finalized in time!)
It will be co-op campaign/story mode and for multiplayer you can expect 16vs16, or less depending on the power capabilities of the PSVR hardware!
Nope. The prequel, Swan Song is the one with VR stuff.
These ass holes keep hinting something. Damn it. Either they are working very closely to Sony on something big (like how Impulse Gear worked on Aim with Sony) or they are just spewing random words.
They were the one that talk about this thing during E3 too.
Also full credit to me (heh) on them sharing/joining the reddit community promoting their game. I talked to them in Facebook Messenger and they asked me on how they should build their community/promote their game, I told them to join the community and request a "developer flair" from the mods. This way, hopefully the amount of response there will push them on making PSVR version happen sooner.
These ass holes keep hinting something. Damn it. Either they are working very closely to Sony on something big (like how Impulse Gear worked on Aim with Sony) or they are just spewing random words.
They were the one that talk about this thing during E3 too.
Also full credit to me (heh) on them sharing/joining the reddit community promoting their game. I talked to them in Facebook Messenger and they asked me on how they should build their community/promote their game, I told them to join the community and request a "developer flair" from the mods. This way, hopefully the amount of response there will push them on making PSVR version happen sooner.
Microsoft Are Focussing On PC For VR, Not Xbox
Microsoft General Manager Dave McCarthy confirms that Microsoft are not currently developing Xbox One X VR capabilities.
Anyone have impressions of Gunjack and/or Bandit Six?
Those are your standard mobile VR up ports. In other words, gaze based aiming and controller only.
End of this month is the best PAVR game release period especially Superhot VR.
Sup PSVR Gaf. I have been a proud owner of this nifty little gadget for the past two weeks now. I'm definitely a believer now, there is just so much potential!
Been (re)playing RE7, Until dawn rush of blood, Statik (which is really cool!).
Also pulled the trigger yesterday for Super Hot VR. I pre-ordered this sucker just because of the overwhelmingly positive reactions i've been reading. This will the first time I'll be playing this game.
I'm excited![]()
Dino Frontier, go, it's not too late, $24 from $30.
Following 2 clips will convince you.
Semi-related but:
My take on the whole thing: Him saying about "we are still searching for that one killer app" bla bla bla is weird, felt just like a "we're waiting to see how the market performs". Yes that will definitely help, but millions and millions of people are already enjoying even with the smaller games. Will "killer app" ACTUALLY help on selling it? I mean in this day and age, there's really no such thing as killer app. Even if they release Uncharted, Halo or whatever in full VR, people will still bitch about how expensive it is, and it is going to stay expensive for awhile. People will keep saying VR needs killer app, but then they introduce Fallout 4 or Skyrim in VR, they complain about it.
Also one extra thing (not in the article) on people who keeps saying it's a good thing they are focusing on PC and not the X for VR because console can't do VR. Uhm...