Anyone put any significant amount of time into RE4?
I don't mean this as a negative but this VR mode is really interesting to me because I feel like the game is better in flat. It's not even the cutscenes being flat or seeing Leon in third person for many things, it's a moot point to me because I like the cutscenes and the cinematography in them. For me, the overall atmosphere just isn't as effective having the camera in first-person. It's really bizarre because I feel like I should be more immersed but I'm not. It ends up feeling like an arcade mode and I don't think raising the difficulty would change that (playing on standard).
I'm really enjoying it all the same though, the mechanics work great and combat is fantastic.
Curious if anyone else feels the same?
Edit: made it to Chapter 8 last night so nearly 50% done.
I should also point out that I played through RE7 and Village roughly 3-4 times each in flat and the transition to VR was totally game changing in a positive way. I don't think it's a, 'played it first in flat so I soured the VR experience' type thing.
Unfortunately couldn't play yesterday so I'm a bit behind but got myself to the start of the castle today (chapter 7). Still having lots of fun. I doubt they'll do it, but I'd love to play through Ada's campaign in VR.
I too think the game is better in flat but only because they didn't add as much environmental interactivity for the VR mode. Played a lot of the Quest RE4VR and peaking through doors, opening drawers, using cranks, lifting handles, etc. really added to the immersion aspect. Mashing X to grab and do everything is indeed great for speeding through stuff but at the cost of immersion.
I didn't have PSVR1 but did finish both RE7 and Village in flat. I wasn't a big fan of either (3rd person RE for life) in general but I did pick up Village for VR and got to the Lady D & daughters chase sections in VR. I never got further (namely to the
second area) because I hadn't figured out a good setup for my headset to be comfortable for longer sessions. Luckily I have now so I'll give it another whirl down the line. That said I think the fact that both were already first person games made the transition much better since everything was already tailored for that style and view which was enhanced for VR. RE4, on the other hand, is not and would require much more effort to bring it in line (as was done with the Quest RE4 version) and Capcom did not put in that same effort. Not to say what they did was lazy but it's obvious they could've done much more with it given time and money.