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PlayStation VR2 |OT| I heard it has a single cable. Is this true?


Alright finally got into it. Overall this thing is great. These are impressions from someone who has only played a few sets and only owned a psvr. The other set I played the most on was an original vive. I preferred the strange fine grain version of screendoor to the vive that was always a rectangular grid. That was something I could look past tho. Literally look past like get used to it and it never really bugged me. Vive tracking was amazing, psvr1 tracking was something I really had to work with it but I got by. I actually got pretty good at setting up the camera on that thing.

Anyway. Notes after setup and 1 hour in horizon:

- I can see why people are tripping over the image. They need some time to get used to it. I'm used to using the halo band and as soon as I got video on it, I wiggled it around and lined it up in a few seconds. It's not hard but I totally understand people tripping on it with the $550 new thing. I personally find it easy to adjust. Maybe harder than the first one.

- Woah if the lens unit get's on your nose that fucker hurts!! Round off those corners, sony. It should touch your nose but when I look up to climb it get pushed a bit that way and ouch.

- Otherwise it's a little more comfy than the psvr1. The gasket is very soft and flexible, the pads feel puffier (though they'll be better when they break in a bit), and it's lighter and the scope doesn't stick as far out, which means it has less leverage.

- These controllers are outstanding. I tossed the wrist straps. The way you can slide your hand though and hold the controller on your wrist is delightful. And I found towards the end of my hour that if I open my hand completley, the controller hangs there. Finger tracking is well.... it kinda works lol. Love these things.

- I was prepared for the eye tracking. I've been gorging stupid youtube videos for two weeks and after hearing a hundre people freak out about it... I got the idea and expected it to be excellent. It was excellent. You know, the first thing you have to do to navigate a menu is find the thing you want with your eyes. Then you can start using your controller. Here, you find what you want and hit the button. Eye tracking for menus is a big winner. It also makes firing the bow feel way more natural. It's like an aim assist but instead of going to enemies if goes where you look. Just excellent technology.

- Me and hunny bunny did some foveated rendering checks and she could clearly see the where I was looking as it instantly jumped in quality. People looking at screenshots and not understanding this are not seeing how good the game looks.

- Yes there is some chicanery going on in horizon with the frame re-projection or whatever. Id how that works bu I heard other people talk about it in this game. It's actually pretty common. Depending on when you see it, it can look like a ghosting or a stutter or even something animating at a lover framerate. Games should avoid doing whatever that is in the future. I haven't heard anyone mention it in any other games.

- The image is excellent. If anyone thinks this is just okay I'd like to know what headset they're coming off of. The levels of light and dark and the color is so good. The psvr flavor of screendoor is back but it's so fine that it's approaching a film grain effect. If that's too much for you, then idk if vr is for you yet. This is a clean ass image and with with the oled it looks better (not shaper though) than my chease pizza tv. (ltt: why is everyone buying this $400 tv?!?!?!?!!?)

- Tracking is nice and steady. It will lose your hand here and there. I'm pretty sure its software because when I hide the controller momentarily it doesn't wig out but it did it once when I knew the controller was in visual range. This is not lighthouse tracking not by a long shot. But what is. I found it overall very good though! Losing a hand does not happen very often lol. My hands feel nice and steady with great response. I fucking juggled and apple and a maraca for a second there! I can't ask for more than that at this price.

- It's almost weird seeing graphics this good in vr.

- This game is ass. jk I've only played and hour and it's trying to be a slow intro. But I know that my fear came true and it will be a ton of climbing. Super basic, that climbing gameplay. protip in the accessibility options there's a slider to extend your reach a bit.

I've shopped for headsets for a minute because that psvr1 was gettin oooold. And I wanted to play alyx. But this shit aint cheap. And during covid years the used prices were nuts. Once psvr2 was announced I knew I should wait to see it and over the last couple months it started sounding like the best headset you can get for under 4 figures and it's well under. I have hardly tried any as I said, but on paper it's the best thing going. I am really impressed with it and I'm taking a long weekend to get busy with this thing. I really want to play some nms. And I want to try pavlov. An GT7. And RE8. And Rez. You guys are nuts with the talk about the bad launch lineup. It's day one and I am set for a minute.

Great Impressions! A Half Life Alyx announcement would be HUGE.


Moderated wildly
Clip this to your side with 2 USB cables running to your controllers lol


You know what, banger of an idea. I would legit use this as to be honest, being sat down or even stood up moving around I don't think 2 wires would really get in the way going g from your waste to your hands.


The scale in Village is dogshit in general. Not just the tiny guns and hands, but the entire first person perspective seems to be least 1-2 feet shorter than me, which makes everything looks weirdly distorted and unnatural. RE7 (and honestly most PSVR1 games) had this same problem, which I always blamed on the lack of floor height awareness and IPD adjustment with PSVR1. If every game has this problem again I'm probably going to return it.

Same issues PSVR1 had. The "Halo" strap design is terrible and simply doesn't work with the symmetry of many people's faces. Aside from the fact that putting all the weight on the frontal bone of the skull is stupid as fuck from a headache inducement and itching follicles perspective, the molding of the front pad greatly limits the height adjustment a user can make to the lenses (which is where most of the complaints of blur and chromatic aberration are coming from, the vertical Y-axis of the lenses. This is clearly the product of a stubborn and insulated Japanese Engineering team that wasn't interested in any way but their way. The Index strap, HTC DAS, and several aftermarket Quest straps shit all over PSVR 2's strap from a great height.
Maybe it's because I have been playing in sitting mode, but the werewolves and Lady D are fucking gigantic. I found the sense of scale to be the exact opposite of your experience.


Great Impressions! A Half Life Alyx announcement would be HUGE.

Thanks for reading. I went back and fixed all those typos.

. _.

The alyx announcement will be huge. I've swung in favor of it being more likely to happen now. As long as no leaks is explained by them just doing a good job keeping it secret, there is no reason it wouldn't be a done deal. Sony is waiting for some strategic time to announce it. I can see why that time wouldn't be now when you can use a single game to kick the momentum and time in the spotlight later in the year.


Love this thing, almost blown away by it.

Fired up NMS and have been playing it all night, with a recharge break, the controllers took about 50 minutes to recharge, not too bad.

But damn, the graphics look good! I still mainly play on my old gaming computer with a 1070, 1080p, and this headset made me go "wow!" over the graphics, really nice. It's miles better than the PSVR 1. Still in the honeymoon phase, only think that makes me wish to be further in the future is the cable, but I don't really notice it. The lighter weight of the headset compared to the PSVR 1 is noticable too.

Love it, guess I'll try HCOTM tonight, but having too much fun in No Man's Sky again. Who knew it would go from such a turd on release to this.


Simps for Amouranth
Can't understand the gripes about the screen tbh, SDE effect, mura, resolution, fov etc.. maybe it's just me but the colours pop, the HDR looks great, blacks are blacks and I am in the fucking game with zero compromises, I can see no SDE or Mura without specifically hunting for it whilst paused in a game, in motion everything melts into the background as you just look around you like a big kid, have you seen the price of high end VR headsets I honestly can't see how they could be 3x better for 3x the cost


Moderated wildly
Can't understand the gripes about the screen tbh, SDE effect, mura, resolution, fov etc.. maybe it's just me but the colours pop, the HDR looks great, blacks are blacks and I am in the fucking game with zero compromises, I can see no SDE or Mura without specifically hunting for it whilst paused in a game, in motion everything melts into the background as you just look around you like a big kid, have you seen the price of high end VR headsets I honestly can't see how they could be 3x better for 3x the cost

I'm so used to VR I don't think the SDE would even phase me. As long as I can get the position right to get a nice clear image I'm golden!

Until we have like 20k screens I bet someone could see pixels.
Yeah I don't think RE8VR is compatible with trophies at all. Looking at the trophy list and I'm still at a big fat 0 even though I should have gotten a few by now. Kinda lame to be honest, but it's not gonna stop me from playing the game in VR.
Thanks for reading. I went back and fixed all those typos.

. _.

The alyx announcement will be huge. I've swung in favor of it being more likely to happen now. As long as no leaks is explained by them just doing a good job keeping it secret, there is no reason it wouldn't be a done deal. Sony is waiting for some strategic time to announce it. I can see why that time wouldn't be now when you can use a single game to kick the momentum and time in the spotlight later in the year.
Assuming PS5VR can run it (I would think so!) it's as good as done. Valve has had years to use it to push their hardware (which they routinely abandon), and Sony would definitely be willing to pay for it.

Even if you start from a capable PC, it would be cheaper to buy a PS5, PSVR2 and HL: Alyx than to purchase the Valve Index VR kit. Easier access means more software sales, which is Valve's bread and butter.

It's a win/win from both sides.
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Having this issue, been playing mostly GT7 and wanted try try demos of other titles. Controllers work perfectly fine in the OS menu but once a game is booted up the motion is picked up but not the button inputs.

Tried the clear cache, rebuild data base and reset the controllers with a needle, no luck.

Guessing a firmware update is in order and it will be sorted out. Till then back to GT7. 😁

Boxed mine up for the return to get a replacement. Only have 30 days and I just don’t want to wait on a firmware update that may or may not fix the issue. Am I jumping the gun here?


I've only played GT7 so far as got in late last night and had to wait for Horizon and Village to download and the controllers to charge. It's weird but I think GT is making me a bit nauseous. It was the same with GT Sport but I just put that down to the terrible graphics. The effect is still much the same, though. I guess I'll just have to play it in short bursts.

Overall so far I've been a bit underwhelmed, unfortunately. There's that same strange film/grain effect on the image - not as bad but still very obvious. GT7 looks way better than GT Sport did, but it's still quite a long way from where it needs to be to really feel like 'being there'. Again, the FOV is better but still a major impediment to immersion.

And I've found getting the sweet spot really quite difficult this time - it seems worse than the original PSVR tbh. Oh and why the cinematic mode was getting so much praise god only knows - I had been a bit baffled how a gigantic 1080p screen could ever look decent but the impressions were so glowing. Turns out there's no magic ingredient - it looks shit compared to just about any big TV you can buy. I honestly don't know what people are playing on if they think this looks good.

I'm hoping Horizon and Village are more impressive. I mean for all my moaning, GT7 is a big visual improvement so the main thing I wanted is there. I guess the issue is really that PSVR was so basic that a huge improvement still involves plenty of compromises.


It's time for me to eat a pretty big crow here. I had issues with the visuals, and the launch line up. Mine arrived yesterday even though I had tried to cancel it. I had decided to return it, after not giving it enough of a chance. I dunno why, but last night I decided to give it one more try. I had pew pew'd Horizon as I thought the series was crap personally. I dismissed Star Wars as a demo.


I downloaded the demo for both of them.

I own the first PSVR but not the move controllers.

I was blown away by what is possible with these controls. Throwing a little droid from hand to hand, picking up the items in chests, taking the lid off baskets and throwing it, smashing plates on a barrel, pulling a bow out and drawing an arrow, I mean I felt like a fucking kid and I'm 46 years old.

How wrong I was. Put 150 in my wallet and bought Horizon, Star Wars and Kayak, and upgraded Rez and Thumper. I'm keeping this fucker 🤣🤣👍🤎


After being a little underwhelmed by horizon in my first session, I played some more and am enjoying it way more. The graphics really do look nice, and the sense of height is very cool. I also started to actually put my hands above my head to emulate actual climbing and it's way more immersive even though my arms hurt lol.
The fight with the glinthawks felt so awesome.

And then I booted up GT7 for the first time... And yea, the hype is real as fuck. This thing feels like a gamechanger. As someone who never found GT engaging, this has completely floored me. I can't imagine ever wanting to play a 2D sim again.

Oddly my second play session of PSVR2 has been even better than my first session. Once you get past some of the compromises and enjoy it for what it is.

It's not perfect, but it's a fantastic experience in total.
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Boxed mine up for the return to get a replacement. Only have 30 days and I just don’t want to wait on a firmware update that may or may not fix the issue. Am I jumping the gun here?

Oh shit is that an issue? I had the same thing when trying the Village demo but thought it must be something I was doing wrong. Man that would really suck. Also, I noticed when plugging in the left controller to charge that the light only came on once then went off completely, whereas on the right one it's intermittent. Anyone else had that?


Great Impressions! A Half Life Alyx announcement would be HUGE.
That would sell it to me instantly tbh right now only RE Village and GT7 appeal to me and I own both of those, Beat Saber and Horizon look fun though, so I'm not sold on shelling out £600 just yet, maybe a nice Xmas bundle later in the year would be more ideal


Some good tips:

"Speaking of tracking performance, if you feel like your headset is having tracking issues, you can turn on an additional option which will use your TV as a tracking marker to make it easier for the headset to have something to lock onto.

To enable Tracking Support on PSVR 2, go to Settings > Accessories > PlayStation VR2 > Tracking Support and turn the option on.

In our testing we found that PSVR 2 tracking is really solid, and for most people this option shouldn’t be necessary. In some specific cases (ie: a room with lots of skylights letting in tons of bright sunlight), or a completely white room with no discernable features, it could be helpful.

Note that this option will only improve head-tracking; if you’re having tracking issues with only your PSVR 2 controllers, something else is likely to blame."

"You’ll be prompted to run the calibration initially when you set up your headset for the first time, but since you put the headset on a bit differently every time (and sometimes the lenses can get bumped which adjusts their spacing) it’s worth running the calibration every few sessions to make sure you’re seeing the clearest image through the headset. You should also run the calibration step any time a new person puts on the headset so they can get the ideal fit.

To run lens calibration on PSVR 2, double-tap the PlayStation button on the controller, then select Adjust Visibility from the quick settings menu."

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Kinda gutting to hear about the sweet spot and Sony not using AA batteries...I sometimes do an all night session in pokerstars VR with the squad, looks like that is out the window here.

I hate silly little issues. Hopefully they release controllers that take batteries. Ffs Sony.

Steve Bannon Bingo GIF
PSVR 2 feels very premium (as it should for the price) I really like the controllers, they feel great in hand and the headset is super comfortable, like easily the most comfortable VR headset out there, even more so than PSVR 1, they did a great job with the hardware.

Even the Official Controller Charging Dock is premium, it's a beast with some real weight to it lol I expected it to be cheap plastic, so really glad I got that too.

I only got chance to have a quick go on Horizon and Kayak VR so far but the graphics look fantastic in the headset. Really looking to diving in more over the next few days.
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So after a couple of days of use, here's my mini-review.

The device - I have some mixed feelings about this one. It probably didn't help that I have just upgraded my PC VR setup by getting a very high quality and solid head strap, and upgraded my GPU which suddenly made everything look like 10 times better and sharper. As a result, the leap forward with PSVR2 suddenly didn't feel like a leap and more like a half-step. First of all, the head strap sucks. The plastic feels flimsy and it's not the sturdiest piece of equipment by a long shot. And I know this is something that will feel different for each person since our heads come in different shapes and sizes, but sadly for me, the experience of fitting it on my head was less than stellar. On a plus side, these goggles won't give you the "Oculus face" like Quest 2 did, the rubber that covers your peripheral vision gently wraps around your face and the lenses are mostly held up by the head strap instead of the entire device pressing against your face for support. It's also very light so overall, great for comfort, but pain in the ass when it comes to adjusting the goggles into a correct position. Often enough I found myself having to readjust the headset and even restart the eye calibration when I played the game too enthusiastically and the device moved on my head a little. The back of the head strap is also annoying because it often slips from whatever position that I'll put it in on at first, and I have to wait until it sets in before adjusting the lenses and shit. It's a bit of an annoying process that takes way longer compared to something like bobo VR which takes about as much time to put on as a baseball cap.

Now, the controllers, those were alright once I started playing, although it feels like my mitts are just on the verge of being big enough to barely fit through the rings. Also, if I put the safety strap around my wrists and then try to grab the controller again after I let it go to fiddle around with the goggles, it's a nightmare to try to grab the controller again without looking at it. I just stopped using the safety strap after a while because every time after I let go of the con, I'd spend way longer than necessary trying to figure out how to grab it again while blindfolded. There really should be a virtual controller displayed in front of you whenever you let go of it, like it does on Quest. It would make it so much easier.

As for picture quality, it's pretty good. Though it really depends on whether you adjust the lens position correctly, as even the slight misalignment can make a pretty significant difference in how sharp the image is. It's like a difference between looking at regular nice picture and suddenly cranking up the depth of field effect by 30%, and as I already mentioned, adjusting the strap and lenses is kind of a pain, at least for me. But when you get it right, it looks fucking good, no doubt about it. It feels so good to use VR goggles that are free of light shafting and lens flares. The only other weird thing I noticed is this weird effect where you can see grainy specks all over the image, and it's mostly evident when everything goes dark. At first I thought that maybe I didn't rip off some safety foil from the lenses but nope, there weren't any. It's not that noticeable when you're playing but if the screen happens to go black it's grainy all over and it's a bit off-putting. Like suddenly you're reminded that you're looking at the world around you through a pair of glass lenses.

That stuff is really intuitive and cool. Setting up play area on Quest always felt like a pain in the ass because you have to do it manually, and especially since the device has a tendency to lose tracking and you have to redo it every time. But on PSVR2 all you gotta do is press a button and look around your room and it will scan everything automatically with this cool-as-fuck visual effect that looks like something straight out of a cyberpunk movie, lol. It's awesome. The eye tracking and lens position setup is also very nice and helpful. I wish other goggles had this kind of calibration setup because it makes it so much easier to find the correct position for the lenses and ensure the best possible picture quality.

The games
Gran Turismo 7
It looks crazy. I busted out my racing wheel and set it up on a wheel stand especially for this occasion and it's hands down THE VR racing game to play if you wanna feel completely immersed behind the wheel. The visual fidelity of this game is almost life-like when looking at it from that perspective and I frequently found myself losing control of my car because I just got so distracted looking at my opponent's vehicles when passing them by. The cockpit view is also super realistic and immersive, possibly the most immersive cockpit in any video game I played in VR so far. Most other games usually had some janky visual elements that served as a reminder that this is just a game, but GT7's attention to detail is impeccable. And I love the fact that the goggles themselves will rumble if you crash and trade paint.

RE: Village
In this game the dynamic resolution reducing the image sharpness to maintain smooth framerate became very obvious, which is a bummer, but the game still looks crazy good. One of the best-looking VR games I played so far for sure. It's especially recommended to plug in those ear buds when you play this, because I found myself way more easily startled and immersed that way. I'm not even that easily scared by horror games anymore because I played so many of them, but this thing managed to make me jumpy at times, lol. Two things that really kinda ruin the experience, though:
1. Hand tracking - sometimes it goes out of whack and it's really annoying. It was mostly my left hand but sometimes it either got misaligned or the arm got completely lost somewhere in the scenery and it took a while before the game realized something's wrong and it plopped back to where it should be. Really janky and annoying, especially when it happens in combat.
2. Non-interactive scenes. There are way too many of them and the game wrestles the control from you even where it shouldn't be that necessary. I get why it's required when my in-game avatar is being dragged somewhere by another NPC but when I'm just opening some fucking doors or manipulate other objects, these shouldn't be fucking cutscenes and you should retain full control. It's jank city and instead of paying attention to the story, I find myself just wishing the scene would finally end so that I could stop looking at my character's empty neck stump or holdding the options button to reset camera into a correct position.
Other than that, the game plays awesome. I especially enjoy the weapon handling which is completely badass and satisfyingly interactive. If a game lets you pull the slide on your handgun just enough to see if you have a chambered round but without ejecting it, then you know that weapon handling is 10/10. It's also kinda funny how much easier it is to play because it's just easier to aim your gun and land headshots in VR. I'm definitely a better shot with full motion controls than gamepad or mouse, lol. Playing this also makes me super psyched for RE4 Remake. It's gonna be off the fucking wall, man.

That's all I played so far.
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Knocked off all Licenses in GT7 yesterday, was quite the ride, especially B-10 which gave some nausea after spinning out a few times.
All in all it's a nice step up, sharp enough, but need to do some more setup sessions, still have to resync occasionally.
Gonna check out NMS today, since it's the only space/flight stuff available, sadly no SW Squadrons or EVE:Valkyrie.


Got my ;d Resolution is still not there (8k would be perfect but for sure ps5 wouldnt handle it) and sweetspot is little problematic but yeah, gt7 vr sense of depth, speed and elevation is on another level ! Its funny but automaticly you try to drive safer and avoid any accident ;d
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Even the Official Controller Charging Dock is premium, it's a beast with some real weight to it lol I expected it to be cheap plastic, so really glad I got that too.
How is the charger in daily life?
I saw there are some small adapters for the controllers. Is that a lot of hassle?
How is the charger in daily life?
I saw there are some small adapters for the controllers. Is that a lot of hassle?

It's really great, I was very impressed with it.

The 2 little adapters are USB C, they just slot into the controller USB C ports and you can forget about them, they just stay in place and are tiny so you don't notice them. You can then just place the controllers into the charger and they start charging, simple, quick and super easy.


It's really great, I was very impressed with it.

The 2 little adapters are USB C, they just slot into the controller USB C ports and you can forget about them, they just stay in place and are tiny so you don't notice them. You can then just place the controllers into the charger and they start charging, simple, quick and super easy.
Seems in Germany the charger is sold out, but I guess I will get it once it is available 👍


Played some more horizon. Damn man... I want initially impressed, but for some reason the more I play it the more it grows on me. Might end up as one of my favourite VR games.

Pick axe is so fun


I can't believe more isn't being talked about the light blocker 'gasket' that the PSVR2 uses. It's perfection. I was playing with my lights off earlier and then while trying to look for something I turned my lights on and went back to playing. After I was done I took my headset off and completely forgot I left the lights on and I had no idea because it blocked 100% of the light. No bleed or anything.


I'm having a hard time with the sweet spot. I got to the playing area configuration and found the AR stuff amazing.
Controllers came dead so I need to charge them for a bit before continuing. But this is looking great so far.
Reading the impressions on reddit and REeee, it seems like there's a swing back down to reality.

Fucking tech youtubers, i swear, they're cancer. It's always like this nowadays :


Read this goddamn review

adult swim look GIF

Is there no editors left at IGN or something? A writer that comes to me with this shit will get a mug thrown at them and revoke their right to even review a VR headset. The fuck are they doing? Its not helping anybody. Its creating false hype. Let peoples be pleasantly surprised, not selling them impossible expectations.

Hopefully, impressions such as blur while turning the headset or ghosting (Horizon amplifies this problem?) and tracking issues are patched, should be easy enough. Again, very strange that the media didn't mention a goddamn thing on that. Digital foundry lost a couple of feathers on this coverage.
Digital Foundry is premium at reviewing TECH - and the psvr2 blew John away. He was critical, but at the end of the day - As far as VR goes, this is premium.


so uh... if I buy a physical RE8 disk I can still play it in VR, correct?

PlayStation store has it at $39.99 but I can amazon it for $10 less.
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Simps for Amouranth
After a right session this morning I gotta wonder how in the holy hell you can't be blown away by Horizon, the game is insane looking and when you look up real close to objects the details are incredible, from the individual blades of grass, fibers on the ropes and those vistas baby... They stretch on for miles with no loss of detail. As for the wire, no issues as I played for an hour or two standing turning this way and that and didn't get tangled but man Ill be going back to seated for most of my gaming on this as standing for hours breaks this old dudes back


As a total noob in the VR field, this black circle tunel vision around the image should be this pronounced? i find it kinda distracting at first. I guess I should get used to it.
Well, my returns label has been printed, awaiting collection. The Left hand Sense will NOT stop spinning and I can't even get past the setup screen. It sucks, but it gives me more time to sit and bloody wait and stare at my game icons :messenger_persevering: Enjoy your new toys folks, I'll be back in VR in ~ a week.


It's time for me to eat a pretty big crow here. I had issues with the visuals, and the launch line up. Mine arrived yesterday even though I had tried to cancel it. I had decided to return it, after not giving it enough of a chance. I dunno why, but last night I decided to give it one more try. I had pew pew'd Horizon as I thought the series was crap personally. I dismissed Star Wars as a demo.


I downloaded the demo for both of them.

I own the first PSVR but not the move controllers.

I was blown away by what is possible with these controls. Throwing a little droid from hand to hand, picking up the items in chests, taking the lid off baskets and throwing it, smashing plates on a barrel, pulling a bow out and drawing an arrow, I mean I felt like a fucking kid and I'm 46 years old.

How wrong I was. Put 150 in my wallet and bought Horizon, Star Wars and Kayak, and upgraded Rez and Thumper. I'm keeping this fucker 🤣🤣👍🤎
Star Wars is fucking legit and I never heard of the damn game. It looks like the original was a borefest but the new enhanced one for PSVR2 added a ton of new missions like 7 hours worth and they're what makes the game so good (according to reviews). So definitely don't give up on it until you hit the new shit. Do I wish it was $30 or 40 at most? Yes but it's damn fun. Kayaking is cool as hell and it gives you quite the upper body workout lol.
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That would sell it to me instantly tbh right now only RE Village and GT7 appeal to me and I own both of those, Beat Saber and Horizon look fun though, so I'm not sold on shelling out £600 just yet, maybe a nice Xmas bundle later in the year would be more ideal
It's 100% gonna happy the question is just when. We all know the headset has the tech capabilities and it helps out Valve with their VR push as well and I'm sure Sony is gonna pay good money to get it. Can't wait for the State of Play today.


Gold Member
Ok hear me out.
Everyone must experience Rez Infinite - Area X with eye tracking settings on. Holy fucking shit, thats some futuristic stuff. Amazing showcase of the tech. Rez is so so good on the PSVR2
Eye tracking is next gen innovation that people have been decrying with the phrase “where’s the innovation” every single gen.


It's 100% gonna happy the question is just when. We all know the headset has the tech capabilities and it helps out Valve with their VR push as well and I'm sure Sony is gonna pay good money to get it. Can't wait for the State of Play today.
Depends though, Valve have a bad history with Sony, remember the whole Portal 2 stuff? Never worked with them again
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