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PlayStation VR2 |OT| I heard it has a single cable. Is this true?


Gold Member
I’ve just tried Pistol Whip for the first time and it’s great. I tried it sitting down to save me from having to move the settee back to get the 2 metres of space, but it still plays pretty well. I probably look like I’m being attacked by a wasp when I’m dodging the bullets though 😂
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Man, Moss is BEAUTIFUL. I audibly gasped when it started up. It really feels like you're looking down onto this little world, in control of this tiny creature. Had a smile on my face more than once watching Quill just be friggin adorable. You just don't get anything like this in flat-screen gaming.

It's a bit more puzzle-centric than I would like, but that's just a preference thing. The combat is pretty satisfying too - I can just imagine an overhead Zelda game like this. Whoo boy, that would be something.

Weird thing though - when looking down, you kind of tend to look down with your eyes more than your head (like when reading a book), but the game looks best when you're looking out of the center of the lens. So you kind of have to keep your head tilted straight down to center everything, if that makes sense. I guess I'm not sure exactly how foveated rendering works. If I gaze over to the far right with my eyeballs, it's still not really clear since just because of how the lenses work. It still requires a combination of head position and eyeball position, is that right?


Im tempted by Kayak - heard alot of positive impressions, but isnt it more of a tech demo than anything? Looks pretty.

Also really tempted by Townsmen VR and Cities VR - any impressions?

Also considering the Jurassic World Aftermath Collection, but I heard not great things about it prior releases - not sure. Speaking of licensed games- is the Star Wars one worth it?

My post is all over the place, but Im jsut trying to control myself from just buying up everything since it is new.


Interesting theory about a coating to mask artifacts. That would make sense to me as I always thought the first one's "screen door effect" looked different from vive because it was that grain pattern more than a grid. And yeah it does seem like it could be closer when you focus on it. That is interesting. I always preferred that to the grid look on the vive but never understood the difference in kind.

The spot is smaller but I am used to the psvr1 and when I fussed with it a lot trying to get the band on right. There are a couple positions you can wear these in and still get the scope lined up, but some stay put better than others. As far as getting it on the head with sub-millimeter accuracy... Idk bout that. I don't think any of us would ever be able to get it lined up much less playing a game for 1 minute if it was so narroe a range. The band is not good for craning your head up like must be done constantly in horizon (bad showcase, in that way) and it slips forward. But then I just reach back and push the back of the band down and I'm good.

So it seems there very likely is a layer/coating in play that masks the pixel structure, which (for new readers) I theorized was responsible for the mura grain or SDE artifact everyone complains about, and perhaps explains why the artifact's focal distance appears to be closer than the rest of the image.

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The Male Lewinsky
Also really tempted by Townsmen VR and Cities VR - any impressions?
My wife has been caning Townsmen. Nice easy pace, charming visuals with a lot of attention to detail. Light narrative missions lead you through the campaign. She’s loving it. I’ve been watching her play it and it’s looks quite good,


My post is all over the place, but Im jsut trying to control myself from just buying up everything since it is new.
Buy Pavlov! It has a lot of content, isn't that much to buy and is nothing short of amazing. It's the biggest surprise of the launch line up and I own most of the games available.
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My fantasy is that my girlfriend was actually a young high school girl.
How do you all like the included earbuds?
Reviewers say they are decent but I find them extremely bad. Like the worst earbuds I've ever had.
Am I doing something wrong? I've tried all the fits that are included but none of them fit well. Maybe that's the reason?
I find the sound very tinny and sharp. No bass at all, not even a little bit.

For those that have the Quest 2, do you like them better than the build in audio form the Quest?

In Rez in area x near the end there is some really bassy rumble and they reproduced it quite loudly. So I find them not bad.


My fantasy is that my girlfriend was actually a young high school girl.
Yeah sounds like you fall into the category of many people not finding the sweet spot. The image is very clear. Just you mentioning "Vaseline vision" reveals it. I've owned several VR headsets with good IQ and psvr2 is a big step up. It's much closer to a 4k image than 1440p, which is leagues from a CRT SD. No way in hell you're seeing the full potential of it.

I’ll keep on trying to adjust the headset, maybe my eyes need to get adjusted as I nerver used vr before. I’d love to try another headset to see if mine is faulty, so at least I know if it’s me or not.
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Gold Member
I’ll keep on trying to adjust the headset, maybe my eyes need to get adjusted as I nerver used vr before. I’d love to try another headset to see if mine is faulty, so at least I know if it’s me or not.
I had minor problems when I first played and thought I was fine. My eyes are not great, so I attributed some of it to that. I hit the sweet spot and it made a big difference. It turns out, I had the back "strap" of the PSVR2 nit sitting too high on my head. I lowered it and readjusted the visual option. Much better experience and I did not think I was having a bad one.


If you think things are blurry because your headset is on wrong, hit the Pass-Through button. The text that tells you to press Circle to go back should be absolutely crystal clear. It follows you around, so there's no confusion involved about foveated rendering or things being blurry in the corners of the lenses. Use that to adjust, then confirm in the IPD calibration (double-tap PS button -> Adjust Visibility). If you're good on these fronts, things are looking the way they're supposed to look.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Man, Moss is BEAUTIFUL. I audibly gasped when it started up. It really feels like you're looking down onto this little world, in control of this tiny creature. Had a smile on my face more than once watching Quill just be friggin adorable. You just don't get anything like this in flat-screen gaming.

It's a bit more puzzle-centric than I would like, but that's just a preference thing. The combat is pretty satisfying too - I can just imagine an overhead Zelda game like this. Whoo boy, that would be something.

Weird thing though - when looking down, you kind of tend to look down with your eyes more than your head (like when reading a book), but the game looks best when you're looking out of the center of the lens. So you kind of have to keep your head tilted straight down to center everything, if that makes sense. I guess I'm not sure exactly how foveated rendering works. If I gaze over to the far right with my eyeballs, it's still not really clear since just because of how the lenses work. It still requires a combination of head position and eyeball position, is that right?

Moss looks good. Is it just me though or is it a little fuzzy? I don't think it's native res


Anyone else find resident evil 8 demo buggy as hell?

Also still refuse to except my left eye isn’t blurry ingame. Do people with glasses play?

Maybe one thing to take a look at- One thing that could be better about the alignment screen is that it's really hard to look straight out dead on and see the real result. It would be good to be able to take a snapshot to inspect. With a helper, I found that mine has to be tilted sideways in a way that apparently doesn't look like much from outside, but to me it feels like the thing is so crooked. Both my eyes and my ears are uneven. I don't think more than normal but in such a way that it needs to be tilted in that way. I would have never thought it was straight with my eyes if I didn't have that eye-tracked helper screen. Anyway, it effectively made the sweet spot bigger. So maybe one thing you can try.

Skyrim is the one I wanted most. The PSVR version was pretty shit. I doubt it will happen though.

It was sad to say bye to my favorite psvr1 game. Till we meet again on pc, I said.

So I've been playing some VR! Fun times and some headscratchers.

The screendoor effect should be called beekeeper effect. I feel like a mountain climbing beekeeper on Horizon.

One question. The foveated rendering, does it not include where your eyes are looking? Just the direction your head is at? Let's say my head is pointed straight forward but my eyes are looking around. I'm seeing a lot of blurry stuff. If I move my head as I look around, it's much less blurry. Normal, I guess. I was under the impression that where ever your eyes are looking (gazing), the foveated rendering would come to the rescue.

But overall, fun, but perhaps not as good looking as I was hoping for, but still fun. I've been playing in 15-30 minute sessions to get used to the VR experience. Nausea kicks a bit in but I force myself to stop when I feel it creeping in.

Also... blue/red aberration. Normal?

Those big fish bowl lenses. Fresnel lenses. We're barely getting out of there era of tech. The edge of them is going to distort things until you get all the way to the end were it's a total mes. The greater central region of the lens where you can see without distortion is where the gaze spot operates. That spot is super small and it is working as you pick out smaller things to focus on in the general forward arc.

Weird thing though - when looking down, you kind of tend to look down with your eyes more than your head (like when reading a book), but the game looks best when you're looking out of the center of the lens. So you kind of have to keep your head tilted straight down to center everything, if that makes sense. I guess I'm not sure exactly how foveated rendering works. If I gaze over to the far right with my eyeballs, it's still not really clear since just because of how the lenses work. It still requires a combination of head position and eyeball position, is that right?

Ah. See above about the lenses. Don't be afraid to tip the headset down for that. Think of it as a huge set of readers lol.

So it seems there very likely is a layer/coating in play that masks the pixel structure, which (for new readers) I theorized was responsible for the mura grain or SDE artifact everyone complains about, and perhaps explains why the artifact's focal distance appears to be closer than the rest of the image.

There we go. Whatever that is, I can tell you the first one did it too. That's why I always thought the psvr screen door was distinct from the typical. And also why some people said it didn't have screen door. Classic screen door literally looks like a screen door (rectangular grid). Especially The older ones. The psvr version looks totally different. It looks like a grain. I suppose it's a matter of taste but I though the psvr version was easier to forget about, which is what one has to do with screen door.

The new one has it equally easy to pick out in an "is it there" sense, but super fine. The effect in normal use (universal screen door sop: forget about it an play) is closer to film grain. For me, it looks really good. I hear a reverb g2 is a little better in this price range.

Buy Pavlov! It has a lot of content, isn't that much to buy and is nothing short of amazing. It's the biggest surprise of the launch line up and I own most of the games available.

I did buy it and I figured it was going to be all multiplayer. I've been practicing with the bot modes. Is there any more than that for sp?


The climbing mechanics in horizon: not sure if this is intentional, but there's no way they didn't notice in play testing so I suppose it must be: This really strongly encourages being really physical. Bigger, faster movements actually get you hauling ass and it's starts feeling like ring fit lol. That is very surprising to me. I suppose you can go as slow as you want, but that's when the climbing seems to take so much time.

I have a handle on the mechanics of the climbing, and it's actually pretty nice. So getting impatient with these climbs I am going faster and faster and it's like I am actually working out. "Strong core!!" And it works. You go real fast. I just did not expect that out of the "beginner game".

Still don't like looking up climbing with this headset. That plus the shoulder reaching up pushes the back of the strap right up and the scope onto my nose is a dramatically shitty way. It's to the point where to aggressively do a climb like that I have to pull out the scope two clicks and slide it up on my forehead to get into climbing mode.

The climbing is kinda fun especially if you are looking for a workout but in the context of the game and the sales pitch and the hardware it's for, it's ill-considered.

The combat is good though. And it's kinda physical too because you WILL fire 1 million arrows before that thing hits the floor. They should have doubled down on the combat. More of those with a slower ramp up on the difficulty and get some more rpg mechanics mixed in that plays off that. I'm basically asking for a different game.


Been playing a tonne of Zombieland, which is sensational! Perfect arcade type shoot ‘‘em up and looks great as well.

Kayak is awesome. Relaxing in that stormy night time area in Norway I believe is unbelievably beautiful and scary cause it all looks so real! Or as real as my brain can imagine sitting in a chair with a headset on!

Horizon is cool but haven’t really delved much into yet.

Resi 8 looks really good but I wasn’t the biggest fan of the game to begin with to be honest. I mean, it’s a fine game but a highly overrated one. Still, being able to reload each weapon whilst enemies are coming towards you gives of fear unmatched in any other game WITHOUT a vr headset.

And I’m a massive synthwave fan so Synth Riders is right up my alley. Basically a synthwave version of beat saner without the technicality of beat saver, if that makes sense?! Still, a cool game with an awesome soundtrack.

Gran Turismo 7 is unb cool in vr! Looks fantastic and, paired with headphones really feels like you’re driving these cars!

As for the device itself, massive step up over psvr and the controllers are brilliant. The clarity on the headset is fine, especially playing something like GT7 and seeing the interiors of those cars… WOW!

Basically, I love VR and psvr2 is a brilliant device which will only get better once more games are released on it (hurry up Resi 4)!!! It is the proper future of gaming in my mind.


I finshed Horizon today (~7 hours).

Fun game, I enjoyed it a lot. I tried the machine safari and holy shit was that impressive.

I realized I haven't even tried No Man Sky yet. :messenger_expressionless:
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The first reviewers not mentioning how blurry it is is a fucking fail. It might be amazing quality if you been looking at Vaseline smothered SD Crt screens for the last decade, but coming from glorious 4k LCD screens it is shit.

Last time I trust anyone that gets early review hardware. How the fuck do you not mention the Vaseline-o-vision?

Rant off my chest, but the sense of immersion is unmatched... Just wish they would match the image quality of 2d hardware.
As someone who noticed the blurryness when I first put it on.... I've found that 4 days later, I don't find it blurry anymore. It's wild. I find it really sharp now, even though it's not 4K resolution, it looks way better than when I was first using it.

I don't really understand what's going on. But I think your brain just gets used to how to focus on it correctly.


As someone who noticed the blurryness when I first put it on.... I've found that 4 days later, I don't find it blurry anymore. It's wild. I find it really sharp now, even though it's not 4K resolution, it looks way better than when I was first using it.

I don't really understand what's going on. But I think your brain just gets used to how to focus on it correctly.
yeah I've seen others say the same.


I've never tried the original PSVR, but I've used the Vive and Quest2. The Vive was my first try in VR and I remember that it was a learning curve to like tell your body it wasn't real, so you didn't "wobble" irl on the floor while moving ingame. Im now at a point where this isnt an issue. Still, I remember that after that first VR experience, it felt like my brain was still in "VR mode" several minutes after the experience. I remember driving my car after a session and there was a queue of cars infront of me. I got the feeling that I could just use my hand to select the different cars and then just move them out of the way. Trippy feeling. I've never had that same feeling again during my Quest2 time. After my first experience with PSVR2 in Horizon and GT7, I got the same feeling agian. My brain was obviously tricked on a more subconscious level than I would know, because after my session I picked up my phone, and my brain was obviously still in VR mode, 'cause I got a feeling I watched my phone in VR. Surreal feeling. Obviosly I knew I wasn't but the feeling was kinda same as when you experience Déjà vu.

It's obviously because the VR is so good that the brain is fooled, even though you know it's "fake", but still some synapses say's it's real.
Is it only me that's experienced this? I've never heard anyone talk about it, so i'm actually curious to know...

Edit: My Vive experience was obviously some years ago when it was brand new.
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Maybe one thing to take a look at- One thing that could be better about the alignment screen is that it's really hard to look straight out dead on and see the real result. It would be good to be able to take a snapshot to inspect. With a helper, I found that mine has to be tilted sideways in a way that apparently doesn't look like much from outside, but to me it feels like the thing is so crooked. Both my eyes and my ears are uneven. I don't think more than normal but in such a way that it needs to be tilted in that way. I would have never thought it was straight with my eyes if I didn't have that eye-tracked helper screen. Anyway, it effectively made the sweet spot bigger. So maybe one thing you can try.

It was sad to say bye to my favorite psvr1 game. Till we meet again on pc, I said.

Those big fish bowl lenses. Fresnel lenses. We're barely getting out of there era of tech. The edge of them is going to distort things until you get all the way to the end were it's a total mes. The greater central region of the lens where you can see without distortion is where the gaze spot operates. That spot is super small and it is working as you pick out smaller things to focus on in the general forward arc.

Ah. See above about the lenses. Don't be afraid to tip the headset down for that. Think of it as a huge set of readers lol.

There we go. Whatever that is, I can tell you the first one did it too. That's why I always thought the psvr screen door was distinct from the typical. And also why some people said it didn't have screen door. Classic screen door literally looks like a screen door (rectangular grid). Especially The older ones. The psvr version looks totally different. It looks like a grain. I suppose it's a matter of taste but I though the psvr version was easier to forget about, which is what one has to do with screen door.

The new one has it equally easy to pick out in an "is it there" sense, but super fine. The effect in normal use (universal screen door sop: forget about it an play) is closer to film grain. For me, it looks really good. I hear a reverb g2 is a little better in this price range.

I did buy it and I figured it was going to be all multiplayer. I've been practicing with the bot modes. Is there any more than that for sp?
Bots in the MP modes and Zombies.


As someone who noticed the blurryness when I first put it on.... I've found that 4 days later, I don't find it blurry anymore. It's wild. I find it really sharp now, even though it's not 4K resolution, it looks way better than when I was first using it.

I don't really understand what's going on. But I think your brain just gets used to how to focus on it correctly.

I've never tried the original PSVR, but I've used the Vive and Quest2. The Vive was my first try in VR and I remember that it was a learning curve to like tell your body it wasn't real, so you didn't "wobble" irl on the floor while moving ingame. I'm now at a point that this is not an issue. Still, I remember that after that first VR experience, it felt like my brain was still in "VR mode" several minutes after the experience. I remember driving my car after a session and there was a queue of cars infront of me. I got the feeling that I could just use my hand to select the different cars and then just move them out of the way. Trippy feeling. I've never had that same feeling again during my Quest2 time. After my first experience with PSVR2 in Horizon and GT7, I got the same feeling agian. My brain was obviously tricked on a more subconscious level than I would know, because after my session I picked up my phone, and my brain was obviously still in VR mode, 'cause I got a feeling I watched my phone in VR. Surreal feeling. Obviosly I knew I wasn't but the feeling was kinda same as when you experience Déjà vu.

It's obviously because the VR is so good that the brain is fooled, even though you know it's "fake", but still some synapses say's it's real.
Is it only me that's experienced this? I've never heard anyone talk about it, so i'm actually curious to know...
Edit: My Vive experience was obviously some years ago when it was brand new.

This is like it's own thread of a subject. I really don't want to sit here for an hour stoned writing this so sorry im going with bullet points:

- I don't think full immersion in flat screen or vr is different. Interaction is fundamentally different but but the quality of immersion is just a feeling. You can get it playing civilization at two in the morning. VR uses technology to help you get there, though. You can feel sucked into a platformer in 30 seconds where you might have to settle in for 30 minutes on flat screen.

- The effect of immersion is totally subjective. Some people even say it doesn't exist.

- I'm not necessarily seeking full immersion at all times. I'm playing pavlov here... and for me I do not need any extra immersion for a game that is demanding so much attention. For re8, sure. You want to forget you are in your room. But this hyper-physical and fast shooter? Nah, I'm good. I need LESS immersion. I've removed the face gasket and turned the lights up so I have more air and I can get at least a little bit of help with orientation. I've mcguyver'd some off-ear sound so I can talk to my wife while I practice and stay chill. Trying not to fall here trust me it's immersive enough without trying to pile on top.

- The above story about actively tuning back immersion is because there is another side to vr for gaming and that is the fundamental human interface. Normally your output is a tv and your input is a controller. The input and output methods here are capable of way waaaaaayyyyyy more than normal. The reason I am so take with pavlov right now (I have not even played a round online) is that this is an incredible GAMEPLAY challenge like I have never seen. I'm not here for immersion. If anything, I'm trying to remember "it's just a game. "
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dude get some lenses
or lasik
I had PRK done, similar to lasik. Best money I ever spent. The unfortunate side effect is that I can see the pixel grid of PSVR2. I guess it's not mura, as it is present in every scene, not just in specific situations. I need to get used so my brain can ignore it and focus on the games.


For those that are unsure or are thinking of getting Townsmen for PSVR2 here is a Youtube video I came across with some actual game play. Game seems to be very chill and managing resources. This convinced me to get the game in the next few days.



For those that are unsure or are thinking of getting Townsmen for PSVR2 here is a Youtube video I came across with some actual game play. Game seems to be very chill and managing resources. This convinced me to get the game in the next few days.

I meant to ask how this was. Thanks so much. This was a game I even had pre ordered but wanted to make sure I wasn’t gonna get sick


I meant to ask how this was. Thanks so much. This was a game I even had pre ordered but wanted to make sure I wasn’t gonna get sick
Yeah, this video sealed the deal for me. The player kind of sucks so if you watch it know that going it...but it gives you a good ideal of the game flow etc. I still have not seen or read what the end goal is. I know there are a lot of islands with different goals etc...but just not sure what it means in the end or if there is an end to the game etc.

You know a cool RTS in VR would be neat!


Well I knew GT7 was special the first time I booted it in VR.

I just scrolled through r / virtualreality and there is a lot of anger at PSVR2 right now, highlighting it's flaws and trying to trash it. Of course it's not perfect though and only cost $550.

Back to GT, many of the PCVR guys (I also have a Q2 with a 3070) are saying there is nothing like GT7 in the PC space right now though.

Not a gloat thread. After reading several posts I realize how good it is comparatively and I appreciate the fact we have it. It's good to know it's one of the best right now.

Once you put on the headset it looks so real. Sony obviously built these with both in mind.

This is a nice launch and things should definitely only get better.


Gold Member
What's everyone using to clean the soft cushion pads on the headset? So far I'm just wiping with a damp cloth, but I think given how sweaty they can get, I should use something a bit more... sanitising


What's everyone using to clean the soft cushion pads on the headset? So far I'm just wiping with a damp cloth, but I think given how sweaty they can get, I should use something a bit more... sanitising

It's silicon so you probably want to use mild soap.


VR sense charging station already sold out in most stores.... Deja vu to the dualsense charging station at launch.
I love it. I kept adding it and deleting it from my cart when pre-ordering but it's really high quality. Very heavy. The only annoying thing is figure out how to sit the controllers on it but you eventually get used to that.


Man, Moss is BEAUTIFUL. I audibly gasped when it started up. It really feels like you're looking down onto this little world, in control of this tiny creature. Had a smile on my face more than once watching Quill just be friggin adorable. You just don't get anything like this in flat-screen gaming.

It's a bit more puzzle-centric than I would like, but that's just a preference thing. The combat is pretty satisfying too - I can just imagine an overhead Zelda game like this. Whoo boy, that would be something.

Weird thing though - when looking down, you kind of tend to look down with your eyes more than your head (like when reading a book), but the game looks best when you're looking out of the center of the lens. So you kind of have to keep your head tilted straight down to center everything, if that makes sense. I guess I'm not sure exactly how foveated rendering works. If I gaze over to the far right with my eyeballs, it's still not really clear since just because of how the lenses work. It still requires a combination of head position and eyeball position, is that right?
Its so good. The little things too like when he asks you for a high five or when you're sitting around looking around the environment for collectibles and he tries to get your attention to point to where to go next. I actually talk out loud "I know where to go buddy" lmao.
Hadn't received my headset yet but got a question.......is there a way to quickly adjust the headset eye tracking/config between users? I'm sure my wife and son will want to try it out as well.


Hadn't received my headset yet but got a question.......is there a way to quickly adjust the headset eye tracking/config between users? I'm sure my wife and son will want to try it out as well.

here is the quickest:

1. make sure to slide the scope all the way out before they put it on.
2. double tap the home button to bring up the vr menu, go to "adjust visibility" its the screen with the representation of the headset on your face and your eyes.
3. This screen is awesome. But it's way easier with a helper. Tell them to stare dead ahead and you adjust the ipd so the eyes are in the middle. Careful not to push it too wide especially because it'll strain the eyes.

And that should be it. Don't touch that dial. The rest, they can just wiggle the thing around till it looks right.

Hey now that I think of it, there is no marking on the dial and no value shown on the adjuster screen. But once you set it perfect for one person, you can use something to mark the dial! Then just rotate it to their mark when you change!
here is the quickest:

1. make sure to slide the scope all the way out before they put it on.
2. double tap the home button to bring up the vr menu, go to "adjust visibility" its the screen with the representation of the headset on your face and your eyes.
3. This screen is awesome. But it's way easier with a helper. Tell them to stare dead ahead and you adjust the ipd so the eyes are in the middle. Careful not to push it too wide especially because it'll strain the eyes.

And that should be it. Don't touch that dial. The rest, they can just wiggle the thing around till it looks right.

Hey now that I think of it, there is no marking on the dial and no value shown on the adjuster screen. But once you set it perfect for one person, you can use something to mark the dial! Then just rotate it to their mark when you change!

Awesome. Thanks!
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