Seems like there's alot of momentum on twitter, I just saw Tim Schafer tweet about it. I'd be pretty surprised if it didn't hit 1 mil.
Yacht Club Games just plugged it too.
Seems like there's alot of momentum on twitter, I just saw Tim Schafer tweet about it. I'd be pretty surprised if it didn't hit 1 mil.
Do you have faith in Playtonic?
4/6 of the Rare veterans at Playtonic still worked at Rare at the beginning of 2014 which means that they worked on the games that you didn't like.
Huh?I think you should move on.
Not necessarily. Haven't he said that would make the soundtrack if MS asked him?even if Microsoft are doing a Banjo Threeie, it won't have grant kirkhope
playtonic are indeed the real deal, googly eyes and all
That's besides the point.Pretty sure they didn't like them either
How much do I have to pay for this stretch goal?
I get real suspect when you bring up DK64 as some highlight. I had a lot of fun with that game but I'm not sure its aged as well as you think it has in your head. Anyway, there are certainly obvious differences in how their levels/worlds are structured but for some reason you seem to think one is inherently better than the other? It's fine if you have your preferences but the level/world structured in the Mario 3D games are nowhere near "dumbed down", that' just an absurd statement to make. Controls and gameplay are pretty nebulous so I'm not really sure how to address them. I guess you are one of those who feel that because Mario has lost some moves from Mario 64 to the present that the later games are inherently inferior (if I've made a wrong assumption forgive me but that seems to be what's going on here)?
Anyway, as your personal opinion its absolutely fine if you prefer the earlier games but calling the later games "dumbed down" or trying to argue a large swath of players agree with your peculiar opinion is an endeavor I don't expect to be fruitful for you.
Stop talking about games you haven't played. Thanks.
Playtonic if you are reading this, make a tier that includes physical copy + Amiibo for $100 - $150 and I'm upping my pledge instantly
Honestly, anyone else thinking that MS is worried right now considering the people behind this game and how much attention/support it's getting? I'm saying more in terms of trying to reveal something that has the Rare logo on it.
Haha, I don't think that's up to them to decide.
This comic was obviously made before the genders were revealed lol.
Thanks everyone for continually funding awesome games I can play later.
Not if it's being created by whatever's left of Rare at Microsoft right now.Can you guys imagine if MS actually announces a Banjo-Threeie (like rumors suggest) and both of them come out the same year? My tears will be bottled on that day.
why would microsoft be worried?
1. it's going to be available on their console. they will benefit.
2. £1m is a pittance compared to microsoft's usual budget.
3. if they do have banjo 3 in the works, this excitement will only help them in the long run.
I've pledged £20. I really want it on console day one, so let's see that million! Now I'll be forced to choose a platform; my brain says PS4, but my heart says Nintendo.
Honestly, anyone else thinking that MS is worried right now considering the people behind this game and how much attention/support it's getting? I'm saying more in terms of trying to reveal something that has the Rare logo on it.
Not if it's being created by whatever's left of Rare at Microsoft right now.
The people who count are the ones making this game. It will be the Banjo-Threeie we deserve. Someone will create a mod that replaces all the character and object models with Banjo-Kazooie assets and it'll be like Banjo never died.
If you could play the game with a N64 controller replica...
Can't believe how well the kickstarter is doing. 1 million £ is definitely possible now.
Easily my most anticipated game of 2016.
I believe Playtonic stated that they are still in communications with Rare and may even collaborate at some point, so the two studios are talking obviously.
The team has also talked about including a vast range of non-player characters in Project Ukulele, who will then star in their own spin-off titles. Intriguingly, they have even expressed an interest in working with Rare again in some capacity. “You never know, there are some good old mates of ours down the road, they may might want to do a little multi-studio collaboration,” says Price. “We’re just going to be open minded. We’re not trying to look too far ahead. We’ll make the right decision when we get there.”
you can technically play it with a real N64 controller if it has Wii Pro Controller support on the Wii U. Adapters exist.
Its only pre-alpha right now. 3 months of work
I kind of wish stuff like the quiz was a surprise when playing the completed game