You know, NeoGAF is unusually anti-fat considering the demographic of people that come here. :/
You know, NeoGAF is unusually anti-fat considering the demographic of people that come here. :/
W-What should be my issue with this?
Is it offensive to draw or depict people as being more plus-size?
What demographic would that be? Young adults who post on the internet? I'm fit as shit.You know, NeoGAF is unusually anti-fat considering the demographic of people that come here. :/
All of the pictures here are of white women.
Why aren't there any women of colour?
You know, NeoGAF is unusually anti-fat considering the demographic of people that come here. :/
I think that fat shaming is disconcerting. There's too much pressure for women to be skinny. Fat women are beautiful, too.
Even though I'm skinny and I weigh less than 140, I believe in fat acceptance. And I think that fat shaming is mean and awful.
This isn't showing that plus size women can be beautiful. Do that with a real plus sized woman, not one that's creepily photoshop from someone skinnier.
You know, NeoGAF is unusually anti-fat considering the demographic of people that come here. :/
Beauty is entirely subjective. The health concerns of morbid obesity are not. That's the issue.
Beauty is entirely subjective. The health concerns of morbid obesity are not. That's the issue.
I agree that there needs to be more representation and acceptance of plus-size women in entertainment.Do that with a real plus sized woman
You know, NeoGAF is unusually anti-fat considering the demographic of people that come here. :/
Beauty is entirely subjective. The health concerns of morbid obesity are not. That's the issue.
I have no idea how someone can be pro-fat.
I have no idea how someone can be pro-fat.
Shaming someone for their bodies is horrible and shouldn't be done.
But why actively encourage being massively unhealthy as a counter to that?
Just as we shouldn't have extremely skinny and/or shopped role models being used, we shouldn't have obese ones as well.
If these pictures are now considered plus-size, we're going to get a point in the future where overweight today is considered average tomorrow.
People like different things, news at 11.
I think that fat shaming is disconcerting. There's too much pressure for women to be skinny. Fat women are beautiful, too.
Even though I'm skinny and I weigh less than 140, I believe in fat acceptance. And I think that fat shaming is mean and awful.
I'm not talking about physical attraction, beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all.
I'm talking about completely ignoring the fact that being obese has health ramifications.
If one were to make a thread about fat, non-tipping, smoking, racist, feminists who are pro-circumcision would this forum approach singularity?
It was published by a bad journalwhy does no one ever read the academic articles I link?
If one were to make a thread about fat, non-tipping, smoking, racist, feminists who are pro-circumcision would this forum approach singularity?
If one were to make a thread about fat, non-tipping, smoking, racist, feminists who are pro-circumcision would this forum approach singularity?
depends, what is their stance on child spanking?
There is nothing healthy about promoting this body size, just as with stick thin supermodels.
Body acceptance shouldn't be about feeling ok with being dangerously overweight or skinny, but about understanding how your body specifically reacts to dietary changes and physical exertion.
It's strange how the whole Body Positivity movement seems to be more about trying to normalize obesity than anything else.
Yes Ive noticed this too. Worrying.It's strange how the whole Body Positivity movement seems to be more about trying to normalize obesity than anything else.
Most importantly, do they wipe standing or peeing in the shower?
Why would you wipe peeing in the shower?
Why would you wipe peeing in the shower?Most importantly, do they wipe standing or peeing in the shower?
To save on toilet paper
You actually use the pee to clean your butt.
I mean, it's obviously fake, and taking the "Photoshop women to look like how we want them, not how they actually look" issue to the extreme.
Still though, I think they look much better this way, and still would even if it were real.