HES in the game? What route? I must battle him.
that's true, dump that swablu asap. Let em find a new home.but I don't want to be a Swablu master, I want to be a pokemon master
Not sure if I'm ready for that level of challenge yet lol
Homika/Roxie is easily the best character to ever appear in Pokemon.
Bugged about the localization of her gym themeDoesn't sound quite right.
Anyone know how many EV's the Power Lunches in the Join Avenue bistro give you? Serebii says it's "increased by the amount the level is." What level?
level of the avenue/store?
There's one way you could test - get a fresh poke, give it the meal, then check the increase with pokecheck.The thing is, I'm sure that the description above was copy and pasted from the Fitness shop's description, which actually contains visible levels (i.e, Sp.Attack Lv. 4 ). The bistro has no such indication aside from hints like "a lot" and "significantly".
The thing is, I'm sure that the description above was copy and pasted from the Fitness shop's description, which actually contains visible levels (i.e, Sp.Attack Lv. 4 ). The bistro has no such indication aside from hints like "a lot" and "significantly".
The thing is, I'm sure that the description above was copy and pasted from the Fitness shop's description, which actually contains visible levels (i.e, Sp.Attack Lv. 4 ). The bistro has no such indication aside from hints like "a lot" and "significantly".
So what exactly does challenge mode do?
Levels up all the trainers (first fight is with an L6 Pokemon, most trainers go up anywhere between 1-5 levels), gym leaders get an extra Pokemon designed to bone you and get better movesets.
Why is Dunsparce so impossible to find
Why is Dunsparce so impossible to find
Does anyone want to trade a Snivy for a Tepig? I finally got a Ditto on my copy of White, so I'm trying to make eggs of the starters.
A sad sad story:
After getting the 6th badge, ITook a plane to the other side of the map, then went into a volcano. I found Bianca there and battled pairs of pokémon there. After a while I found ashiny swoobat! I tried tossing a ball to it, but the game said I had to get rid of one monster. I used swords dance and prayed Bianca would kill the other beast so I could capture swoobat, but she decided to ko swoobat.
That's a really easy trade to make on the GTS, just fyi.
I'm not actually. I only wanted to catch it to add it to my collection of shinys*, I just feel it was a huge missed opportunity. After the incident, I now find Bianca 10x more annoying, haha.Uh... are you looking for one.
*currently my vast collection holds a purple quagsire and.. er.. that's all.
Levels up all the trainers (first fight is with an L6 Pokemon, most trainers go up anywhere between 1-5 levels), gym leaders get an extra Pokemon designed to bone you and get better movesets.
How can you have been playing challenge mode from the start?
Is this a glitch? I keep getting challenged by trainers i've already beaten. The trainer in the beginning of Losthorn forest challenged me again after I had beaten him the first time.
Is this a glitch? I keep getting challenged by trainers i've already beaten. The trainer in the beginning of Losthorn forest challenged me again after I had beaten him the first time.
How can you have been playing challenge mode from the start?
Not a glitch. All Pokemon Breeders will rebattle you every time you reenter the area.
Unique moves?Question, guys like every starter starting with gen 3 has had like a "unique" move. What about the two other gens? Like what would be the moves for the other starters that didn't have this?
By having a friend who has already beaten Black 2 and trading the Key for Challenge Mode.
Hmm? I never noticed your question before -_-
Unique moves?
Tepig series = Heat Crash (currently unique)
Oshawott series = Razor Shell (also known by Shellder)
Snivy series = Leaf Tornado (shared with Victreebel, Shiftry, Tropius, and Carnivine)
I don't think the G4 starters had moves specific to them, though.
I meant for the 1st and 2nd gen. I thought the unique move for piplup's line was brine?
Nah, a lot of pokes could get Brine in G4, not just Piplup. I don't think starter-specific moves became a thing until a bit later, after G3.I meant for the 1st and 2nd gen. I thought the unique move for piplup's line was brine?
Brine is a TM, breh.
Nah, a lot of pokes could get Brine in G4, not just Piplup. I don't think starter-specific moves became a thing until a bit later, after G3.
In Gen 2, I think it was just Cyndaquil, with Flame Wheel (and one other), and Squirtle with Skull Bash. As for other unique moves, you can find 'em all over here: