I am so tired of Team Plasma's antics; the dialogue is so bad (in general). -_- I'm at the Driftveil Gym now, at least I'm at the halfway point almost. The pacing is so bad, but at least the gyms have cool gimmicks.
For the new pageSchmitty said:Is training a Dragonite for attack evs and then not full speed (252 evs) dumb if I wanted some more for hp?
Schmitty said:For the new page
EvilMario said:The Wings are definitely handy, but I don't think collecting hundreds of them is any less time consuming.
http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/WingSlermy said:What are these "Wings" you speak of?
Could using a repel prevent the encounter?Rapstah said:http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Wing
They drop from the sky on that drawbridge you can go over after the electric gym. The rate is slow and there's a chance of encountering Duckletts from the shadows too so you can't really farm them quickly.
I don't think so. They're the same thing as rustling grass and those still appear with Repel applied.ninj4junpei said:Could using a repel prevent the encounter?
They're more similar to the dust in caves, but yeah.Rapstah said:I don't think so. They're the same thing as rustling grass and those still appear with Repel applied.
Well the exact IV's are:quabba said:How low is not so hot and how insane would you like to drive yourself?
I usually go for 31 in Speed and then try and get as many others high ivs as I can, even then I still end up with one non crucial IV that's under 20.
Considering you have the important IVs maxed out and how long it takes to hatch Larvesta, if that one has the nature you want then I'd probably go with it.
Rapstah said:http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Wing
They drop from the sky on that drawbridge you can go over after the electric gym. The rate is slow and there's a chance of encountering Duckletts from the shadows too so you can't really farm them quickly.
Why so long away? I will never understand their decisions.upandaway said:The Global Link site now says we'll be able to take the Eevees on May 19th.
I love the logos, but how does a team tournament work in Pokemon? Is a random person selected from each team per battle?Firestorm said:Or a league-style tournament like Smogon's SPL: http://www.smogon.com/tournaments/spl/rosters
Bunch of team logos there!
The manager and assistant managers draft players based on their strengths in different metagames (Smogon BW OU, Smogon DP OU, Smogon DP UU, VGC 2011, etc). They then assign each player a metagame for the week and they get matched up with the other team's player for that metagame. Most wins that week between the two teams is the winner of the week's game.OMG Aero said:I love the logos, but how does a team tournament work in Pokemon? Is a random person selected from each team per battle?
Android18a said:I thought it'd be fun to try make some Pokegaf team logos in the style of sports teams. Never tried stuff like this before so I thought I'd give it a go. Here's my first. Is it worth making more?
http://i.imgur.com/XKEI4.png - Huge version with transparency.
Lone_Prodigy said:So did I miss the Eeveelution Dream World event? The link to the online game doesn't work.
yeah, pretty nice.Android18a said:I thought it'd be fun to try make some Pokegaf team logos in the style of sports teams. Never tried stuff like this before so I thought I'd give it a go. Here's my first. Is it worth making more?
http://i.imgur.com/XKEI4.png - Huge version with transparency.
Lone_Prodigy said:So did I miss the Eeveelution Dream World event? The link to the online game doesn't work.
I heard all the Eevees from the event will be male.. that will really suck.EvilMario said:There will undoubtedly be a bunch of female Eevees around, so I'm certain people will be willing to breed more females for handouts.
upandaway said:I heard all the Eevees from the event will be male.. that will really suck.
IntelliHeath said:I'm looking for "LEGIT" Darkrai, Deoyxs, Manaphy and Shaymin to catch up with pokedex then I will be done with pokemon until they release last 3 legendary pokemons.
I know it might be too much to ask for since I don't have much to offer. my luck with pokemon white is pretty bad. Over 150 hours and I haven't spot any shiny pokemon.
Those were the days.Gravijah said:Oh hey, Pokemon. I played this game when I was a kid!
Quick Ball got him for me without damage on my second ever encounter. Pssh.upandaway said:Now to waste my masterball on Tornadus, and I'm done kapish.
I wasn't bragging, was a serious suggestion.upandaway said:That's pretty cool of you. But after I got both Darmanitan and Archeops adamant (without really trying), I have a feeling I'll be juggling ultraballs for a while if I don't go for the master. That's simply the way it goes.
Even the gyms, which were pretty well done in this game were linear - it was always obvious which route to take to get to the gym leader. There was barely any puzzle element (or maybe I just got lucky?)
Gravijah said:Oh hey, Pokemon. I played this game when I was a kid!