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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."

I've lately used Gyrados as well on my teams. I think it's a rite of passage for everyone to train a Magikarp so it can turn into a killer. My most memorable team with Gyrados was HG. It had him, Feraligatr, Tyranitar, Salamence, Arcanine and Ampharos. Yes two water Pokemon.

Stage On

I can't wait to get Genesect!

I hope the launch event in Toronto is going to be good and I'm not wasting my time going, especially since I won't have the actually game until tuesday at the earliest assuming futureshop ships tomorrow that is :(


I've never bothered with text speed before, but I just found out how much faster it makes the games yesterday. (especially on the TCG game)


I've lately used Gyrados as well on my teams. I think it's a rite of passage for everyone to train a Magikarp so it can turn into a killer. My most memorable team with Gyrados was HG. It had him, Feraligatr, Tyranitar, Salamence, Arcanine and Ampharos. Yes two water Pokemon.

I used two Water Pokemon in Crystal and Ruby as well, well in the former Red Gyarados was just my HM Slave, and in Ruby I used Starmie as a Special Sweeper and Gyarados as a Physical Sweeper.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
True story; I once used a clearly hacked shiny mew with perfect ivs as my hm slave for two generations straight.
I'll give you that one as well. That Kingdra was a pretty tough fight, especially since your options for getting a dragon before the fight were...lacking.


I've never had any issues with Whitney myself, or any of the Gym Leaders in any game. Well, maybe Brock when I picked Charmander, but it wasn't that difficult to win.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The internet has all that same info for free, guys.

I've been lucky in that since the end of gen 3 I'ved either worked in a bookstore or had a friend at Gamestop who would save me a copy of the guide when they got pennied out and I can tell you this. The Pokémon guides since gen 4 have been incredible and well worth the reading. I still use the Platinum guide to prop up a table with a broken leg considering it is thicker than old 90's style phone directories.

This one also comes with a code for Shadow Tag Gothitelle.

Stage On

YES! My credit card has been charged for Black and White 2! Happy Day...

If only Monday wasn't thanksgiving I wouldn't have to wait until Tuesday to have the games :(

Oh well at least I have the event in Toronto to look forward to on Sunday. Gonna dress up as Ash and take pictures to share with ya all.


I've lately used Gyrados as well on my teams. I think it's a rite of passage for everyone to train a Magikarp so it can turn into a killer. My most memorable team with Gyrados was HG. It had him, Feraligatr, Tyranitar, Salamence, Arcanine and Ampharos. Yes two water Pokemon.
Dragon Dance Gyarados basically turns the rest of the game into easy mode.


Dragon Dance Gyarados basically turns the rest of the game into easy mode.

I Gyarados swept every E4, except the Johto one because I never got around to finishing SS.

The Sinnoh one was the easiest to sweep, a Level 44 Gyarados took out everything. The funny thing is, afterwards, I checked what moves they had, and Mr. Mime had Thunderbolt. Why didn't he use it on me?

Stage On

I Gyarados swept every E4, except the Johto one because I never got around to finishing SS.

The Sinnoh one was the easiest to sweep, a Level 44 Gyarados took out everything. The funny thing is, afterwards, I checked what moves they had, and Mr. Mime had Thunderbolt. Why didn't he use it on me?

The Ai was probably too much in awe of it's Magnificence to think straight.


So we can get Genesect as soon as we get Black2/White2? That's actually really cool.

So far my team is:

EV trained Gengar from Pokemon Black (about lv. 25 right now)
EV trained Hydreigon from Pokemon Black (about lv. 23 right now)
Lv. 15 Keldeo
Lv. 15 Genesect

Stage On

I envy you since I'm still having trouble deciding my team.

The only thing I know for sure so far is that I want to use a Golurk



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