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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."

Stage On

This doesn't look bad.

And the ones on ebay look fine.

Not bad, even the shipping to Canada isn't completely horrendous. ($5 per item
+ $8 per shipment means it'd be $13)

I'm not too sure about the look however, it seems.... off. I was hoping more for a larger version of this


The only one's I've seen on Ebay are either too small, obvious pirated versions or obscenely overpriced.

But Thanks for the link, I'll have to think about it a bit but it might make a good birthday present to myself.
That Marril looks cuter than the one linked.

In other news, the collector edition version of the Black/White 2 guide arrived. Always like the hardcover and flashy cover.

Still no game yet though.


Well, it depends on what you do with it. With Action Replay you can unlock event Pokemon, and unlock all these extra modes that are locked.
Do gotta say I am pretty impressed with the collector's guide.

Sure, same walkthrough stuff, does contain a bunch about special events, lacks a real pokedex since they decided to force you to buy a full one now in the future, but it does contain a nice developer's interview and most importantly, concept art!
Day two of the Trainer's Log is up, this time with some action! Once again, feedback and comments are appreciated!

ScraftyDevil said:
I awoke early this morning, slipping out the door without a sound as not to arouse my mother. There's nothing I hate more than long, sappy goodbyes, and I didn't want her to change her mind before I could leave.

I met Brett at the entrance to Route 19, and we set off together on our journey. Bianca had suggested I catch a few more Pokémon to add to my party (and had graciously provided me with 5 Pokéballs as a parting gift), but after scouring the tall grass for a while I deemed none of them worthy of a slot on my team. Jake did get lots of early battle experience out of it though, so it wasn't all for naught. Brett decided to go ahead to Floccesy Town on his own, saying that if I was going to do this every route then I would just be slowing us down.

After I had been walking for quite some time, a young boy approached me and asked for a battle. I wanted to decline as I'm not overtly fond of children, but he insisted that the Trainer's Handbook stated that anyone challenged to a battle was obligated to accept. Two minutes and one sore loser later, I had arrived at Floccesy with a Level 8 (according to my PokéDex) Jake by my side.

I made a quick stop by the Pokémon Center to give Jake a rest, and asked the nurse if she had seen Brett. She replied that he was waiting for me at Floccesy Ranch. Knowing how impatient he could be, I hurried past Route 20 (defeating a few more simpering children along the way) and made my entrance into the Ranch.

I searched the grass to see if any strong Pokémon would show up but alas, they were all built like tin cans and hit like a bag of marshmallows. Once I was done, I strolled on up to the Ranch's main building, where I was approached by Brett and the Ranch's two owners. They each took turns explaining that a Herdier belonging to a farmhand had gone missing (highly unusual for a Pokémon that loyal; Desmond's never gave up on him even after he had gone missing), and that they needed us to help find it.

Brett and I worked our way to the deep forest behind the Ranch, and Brett even managed to catch a Pidove, the first new member of his team. While he was distracted by his achievement, I noticed something rather strange: a very faint voice was coming from a hollow in the woods. I followed it to find a red-headed man dressed all in black wrestling with the missing Herdier.

As he turned to face my approaching footsteps, I noticed a small black and blue symbol on his chest. It seemed oddly familiar, but I couldn't really remember how. He began to ramble about controlling Pokémon and obtaining "ultimate power," but I wrote him off as just another power-hungry screwball. We used to monitor the world news at Trainer's School, and between Team Rocket in Kanto, Galactic in Johto, and Aqua in Hoenn, it seemed as though everyone and their father were trying to achieve ultimate power through one means or another.

I would've turned him into the police, but he managed to escape after whipping a Technical Machine at my head to cover his getaway. The disk contained the move Frustration, but I had little use for it considering how attached Jake seemed to be to me. Brett arrived just in time to help me carry the tired-out Herdier back to his owner, who rewarded us with a good meal and some well-deserved rest.

No sooner then I had left the Ranch, I received a call from Bianca on my Xtransceiver (a gift from my mother so we could stay in touch while I was at school). She excitedly exclaimed that the long-awaited Gym had been opened in my hometown of Aspertia, and that the Gym Leader was now formally accepting challenges. When I asked her who the Leader was, she dodged my question and abruptly hung up after wishing me luck.

I dreaded having to face my mother after leaving so suddenly, but I decided to make the trek back to Aspertia anyways. The Gym was on the other side of town from my home; maybe if I was lucky, she'd never even know I was there.


As luck would have it, I managed to make it to the Gym without any eventful run-ins, and strode through the doors confident that I would exit with my first Gym badge. As I gazed up at the pedestal on which sat the Leader, I was shocked to see that it was none other than Cheren, my brother's longtime rival and friend. I asked him the usual questions regarding Desmond but the answers were both unfortunate and familiar. I would have talked for longer, but he cut me off and stated that as a Gym Leader, it was his duty to test my strength in battle and nothing else.

Happy to oblige him, I called forth Jake, who sprung from his Pokéball with great drive and excitement, as if he knew what was about to go down. Cheren called on a Lillipup, who according to my PokéDex was rather strong (being only one level lower than Jake). I immediately ordered a Water Gun from Jake, soaking the poor dog with a concentrated stream. Gritting his teeth, Cheren called for Lillipup to use Work Up, the pup bracing itself against the ground as its tiny muscles tensed and its power level grew. I knew that if I could not defeat it soon, it would bring a premature end to my Gym challenge. Jake shot forth another Water Gun, but this time his attack was cut short by the small dog tackling him off of his feet. Jake struck the ground with such force and impact that I thought he might not get up, but the valiant little otter rose from the earth with a triumphant smirk on his face. I rushed to his side and quenched him with a bottle of Fresh Water I had stored in my pack, bringing his stamina back to a more reasonable level while Cheren's Lillipup just growled. With a final cry, Jake launched the decisive Water Gun before the puppy could act, knocking it out cold and earning me my first badge, the Basic Badge. As I secured the shiny medal in my case, Cheren handed me the TM for Work Up, stating that although Jake could not make use of it, perhaps a future member of my team would. We said our goodbyes and I returned to the Floccesy Pokémon Center for the night, flinging my Oshawott into the air in victory the whole way.

Tomorrow I head towards Virbank, and the apparent end of my trip. I don't want to make Mom angry or worrisome, but I will track Desmond round the caves of Mistralton, and round the building of Castelia and round perdition's flames before I give him up.

I hope I find refuge in sleep, for I have a great feeling of uneasiness for what lies ahead for me.

-Amaya Kane
I like it so far!

Thanks :)

Beginnings are always hardest to write for me due to the high amount of exposition and character introduction that has to go into them (the style I'm presenting it in isn't helping either -_-), so it should pick up in a little bit. I'm trying to cut out as much fluff as possible to focus on a unique story (note the complete omission of Alder), and that should also help things.
Don't go too fast or you'll leave your readers confused and dazed.

That's good advice. This entry was supposed to be 2 seperate parts (ranch & gym battle) but a friend of mine is leaving on a trip tonight and I wanted to get the battle done for him. Future episodes will be more appropriately paced.


We cannot.

Gary is the definitive rival
Barry is hilarious
Silver is too stylish
Well, Gen III wasn't really good with that aspect.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
So we can all agree that Gen V has the best rivals/friends, by far, right?

I thought Cheren was pretty bland. Basically Silver without the jerkassness that you love to hate and which made for a nice character arc. (Also, his B2W2 design is laughable. XD)

Bianca was OK but annoying in the first half of the game, and mostly missing in the last half, from what I remember.

Hugh... no idea what to think yet. Seems like a spikey-haired less-hilarious Barry, so uh, props for that, but anti-props for walking on ground already trodden.

We cannot.

Gary is the definitive rival
Barry is hilarious
Silver is too stylish
Well, Gen III wasn't really good with that aspect.

I agree with most of this.
Browsing Smogon and discovered that Alakazam is OU in gen 5. Alakazam is perhaps my favorite pokemon, this almost makes me want to go buy another DS and B/W.


Well, I have made a list of the most unpopular Pokemon. (or at least the ones I think are) By unpopular I mean that no one ever talks about them.

Finneon Lumineon
Furret Sentret
Ledyba Ledian
Surskit Masquerain
Makuhita Hariyama
Kricketot Kricketune
Shieldon Bastiodon
Burmy Wormadam
Cherubi Cherrim
Stunky Skuntank
Tympole Palpitoad Sesimitoad
Tirtouga Carracosta
Deerling Sawsbuck
Karrablast Escavalier
Klink Klang Kinklang
Elgyem Beheeyem
As a casual pokemon fan that's a great list, reminds me of one of those quizzes where it asked you if the word was a pokemon name or a drug name.

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Holy cow that trainer maker is insanely useful, I've been able to FINAL get a visual of all the main characters from the Pokemon fan fic I've been working on!

It's not perfect but it's pretty darn close to the descriptions I've written! Thanks a bunch ScraftyDevil
Holy cow that trainer maker is insanely useful, I've been able to FINAL get a visual of all the main characters from the Pokemon fan fic I've been working on!

It's not perfect but it's pretty darn close to the descriptions I've written! Thanks a bunch ScraftyDevil

I promise I'm still going to read Coordinated. It's been in my favorites since we first talked about it, but I've only read the prologue and first chapter (which seemed interesting!). I feel bad for putting it off for so long. ;~;

Stage On

I promise I'm still going to read Coordinated. It's been in my favorites since we first talked about it, but I've only read the prologue and first chapter (which seemed interesting!). I feel bad for putting it off for so long. ;~;

It's ok I'm taking forever on Chapter 20 so it's not like there's a big rush.

Originally I was going to have the main character sweep the 5th gym leader but that seemed boring so I'm reworking it.

Posting all the characters at once would take a lot of space so I'll do it bit by bit.

The main character

Aura Guardian/Corrdinator Jason

Remember how we have Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny? Well I decided to add a reoccurring Referee as a joke homage to them

Presenting Referee Julia(s) Are they a large family or a product of a cloning experiment?

Her outfit colors is a total homage to the games. She's such a popular character a younger version of her has ascended to the main cast.
Well, I have made a list of the most unpopular Pokemon. (or at least the ones I think are) By unpopular I mean that no one ever talks about them.

Quilfish: Pokemon I most want to get an evolution
Octillery: second favourite water type, cool gimmicky moveset, deserves like 95% more love
Shieldon/Bastiodon: Not fun to actually use but I like these guys quite a lot, plus Shieldon is totally a Helmasaur from Zelda
Cherrim: I'd love it if you didn't need Sunny Day to actually see its proper form, I actually used one in Pearl
Escavalier: One of Gen5's best, part of my Black team, where's the love guys?!
Heatmor: Another one of my Black team, awful moveset though
Best pig? send for the man!

Oh come on, you all knew this was coming.

You know at least the pig side of things is well represented, Grumpig and Emboar are cool with me.
Well, I have made a list of the most unpopular Pokemon. (or at least the ones I think are) By unpopular I mean that no one ever talks about them.

Finneon Lumineon
Furret Sentret
Ledyba Ledian
Surskit Masquerain
Makuhita Hariyama
Kricketot Kricketune
Shieldon Bastiodon
Burmy Wormadam
Cherubi Cherrim
Stunky Skuntank
Tympole Palpitoad Sesimitoad
Tirtouga Carracosta
Deerling Sawsbuck
Karrablast Escavalier
Klink Klang Kinklang
Elgyem Beheeyem

WHAT at the bolded. Escavalier is my favorite new Pokemon, Stantler was brought up CONSTANTLY in my Heart Gold run posts and Castform I know has a huge following.


provides useful feedback
I started playing White again the other day after picking up a Keldeo from GAME. I forgot just how polished it was compared to the previous Pokemon titles. It caters to us longterm Pokemon fans much better too, with multiple avenues for levelling Pokemon to L100.

Are Meloetta and Genesect officially out yet? Can I borrow those two from somebody just to complete my Pokedex? I'm sure I can find a way to nab them off GTS for keeps afterwards.
I started playing White again the other day after picking up a Keldeo from GAME. I forgot just how polished it was compared to the previous Pokemon titles. It caters to us longterm Pokemon fans much better too, with multiple avenues for levelling Pokemon to L100.

Are Meloetta and Genesect officially out yet? Can I borrow those two from somebody just to complete my Pokedex? I'm sure I can find a way to nab them off GTS for keeps afterwards.

Genesect is out already and should be able to be grabbed off Wi-Fi. On B2W2, that is.

Stage On

Man I wish they gave us a free Lucky egg in earlier gens. Trading it to another of your files makes speed running the early parts of the game much faster.
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