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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."


Well, It's been a while since people have brought up their top 10 favorite Pokemon of all time, so let's share them again.

I suppose this is an accurate list.

10. Jigglypuff
Originally my favorite Pokemon, I always liked the song and design of it. Smash Bros always makes it look different, though.

9. Snorlax
It consumes food and sleeps, and while it's appearance is just priceless, It's too bad there wasn't a gigantic Snorlax plushie, like in the original Gold and Silver.

8. Groudon
Wow, this Pokemon looks cool. And the fact that it's Ground with instant Solar Beam is awesome. I'm not really into the color Blue, but this Pokemon shiny should have been Blue and Kyogre's Red.

7. Milotic
The first glance I had with this Pokemon I knew it was going to be one my favorites. The fins resemble hair which add to the beauty of it's appearance, while the end of it's tail is a work of art. My party always feels empty without this one.

6. Shadow Lugia
Shadow Pokemon yes, but that doesn't stop it from being in my list. Lugia is an awesome Pokemon, but this recolor with modifications just amplified it's appeal for me 100 fold. The purple on it is excellent.

5. Venusaur
The first Pokemon I took to fight Gary(Blue). Grass type Pokemon are my favorite, and the Bulbasaur line is what I consider to be the greatest Grass Pokemon ever.

4. Charizard
The original Pokemon that practically everyone liked, even if they didn't consider Pokemon "Cool". I remember back when Pokemon came out, I would always hear from those who didn't play, "I don't like Pokemon, but Charizard is cool.".

Indeed it is.

3. Bulbasaur
Red eyes, appears to be some kind of reptile/dinosaur, and has this charming bulb on it's back. What's not to like? If I were stuck with a starter Pokemon for all eternity, Bulbasaur would be my pick.

1/2. I cannot decide between Mewtwo and Rayquaza.

It was only until I saw Rayquaza the first time that I realized I liked other Pokemon more than Jigglypuff. Green happens to be my favorite color, and the design on this has these really awesome markings that Groudon and Kyogre have, which appeal to me greatly. I'm not entirely sure what it is, but whatever is, it certainly has what makes it in my top 2.

I've always like Mewtwo's humanoid like design with the white/purple clashing. It's personality from the movies is great, especially from the second one. (Which is also my favorite Pokemon Movie) What I also like about this Pokemon is all the moves I could use with it, and there hasn't been a single Pokemon game where I haven't had it in my party.(Unless I have to swap out for non-ubers)

Surprisingly enough, I always use a "Elemental Mewtwo" which I don't think is popular, although I don't tend to see other players with Mewtwo often so I don't really know. What I do know is when I got to the end of Pokemon Stadium for the first time, seeing Mewtwo use all those elemental moves was quite shocking. It was as if they took my Mewtwo and put it in the game, although the difference is that Mewtwo uses moves like Blizzard and Thunder, while mine uses the more accurate ones.

I also thought it was kind of cool that Mewtwo does hadouken/kamehameha when using these moves in the Stadium games. I still remember my first encounter with this Pokemon, which happened before the movie came out. I was exploring the Unknown Dungeon and when I ran into, I think I heard slight rumors of the Pokemon before, but was still surprised by it. Needless to say, I caught it. It's been a favorite since.


10. Flareon
I wanted to include an Eevee evolution, and either this guy or Glaecon have my favourite design.

9. Dewgong
I always thought this guy had a cool design, and he was my first Level 100 in Pokemon Yellow, had the traded CEZANNE.

8. Lucario
Meh, I know this is cliche pick for a 4th Gen Pokemon, but I love his design

7. Bulbasaur
Grass is my favourite type, so I always made sure to pick this guy in the Kanto games. So many memories with this guy.

6. Haunter
I loved the Ghosts antics in the Kanto season of the anime, and Haunter has my favourite design of the 3.

5. Salamence
I loved the build-up and hype that Dragonite got in RBY, but sadly, Dragon wasn't well executed in RBY. Kingdra came in 2nd gen, but not really a fan. But then this guy came along, and solidified its place as a badass.

4. Tyranitar
Most badass design ever. PokeDex for Larivtar says it can eat an mountain, I wonder what the fuck Tyranitar eats then? Either way, manly as fuck.

3. Rayquaza
Oh man, if I had to pick one legendary, it'd be this guy. Ever since I found him at Sky Pillar all coiled up at the top, I have loved this guy.

2. Chikorita
C'mon, you know it was coming

1. Gyarados
The only Pokemon that is on my team every single time. I loved the concept of Magikarp to Gyarados, and Gyarados is certainly awesome. I also have a legit Shiny version of him...not many people can claim that about their favourite Pokemon haha.

Honourable Mentions: Machamp, Suicune, Vulpix, Roserade, Rhydon
My favorites change on a near weekly basis.

But these are some of the best (in no particular order).



10. Celebi
It's adorable

9. Mew
It's adorable

8. Plusle
It's adorable

7. Shaymin
It's adorable

6. Joltik
It's adorable

5. Eevee
It's adorable

4. Jumpluff
It's adorable

3. Jirachi
It's adroable

2. Pikachu
It's adorable/marketing

1. Whimsicott
I know other people have probably done this already, but my friend is making a team of Pokemon in B2 named after MGS villains and I thought it was pretty awesome. His Oshawott is called Revolver and he caught an Elekid and called it Volgin. He's currently planning on catching a Beedrill and naming it The Pain. Just so cool and I wish I had thought of it first.

Anywho, my top 10 Pokemon probably go like this:

1. Darkrai
2. Chimchar
3. Typhlosion
4. Lucario
5. Zoroark
6. Poliwhirl
7. Rampardos
8. Groudon
9. Umbreon
10. Mightyena

I know there's a lot of cliche answers in there, but whatevs.
10. Kabutops
Always loved this guy's design. Charmeleon or Scizor could have gone here too.

9. Blastoise
My favorite pokemon to beast through with in RBY. Surf/Ice Beam/Earthquake/Body Slam ftw.

8. Tyranitar
Had no idea this pokemon existed unitl I decided to raise Larvitar on a whim. Amazing sense of discovery once he fully evolved, and was a lot of fun to fight with.

7. Bulbasaur
First pokemon I ever raised. Love his design and the way he's portrayed in the show. The entire evolutionary line is fantastic.

6. Mewtwo
No legendary gave you that sense of raw power that Mewtwo did. His backstory in the movie is just icing on the cake.

5. Ho-Oh
I remember seeing this pokemon on ads for Gold and Silver version and waiting months to finally obtain him. Also his appearance in the very first TV episode was awesome.

4. Haunter
The perfect design for a ghost pokemon.

3. Alakazam
Just a badass pokemon to the core.

2. Mew
The Mew and Mewtwo story always fascinated me, and Mew being so mysterious just fueled my curiosity. I was one of many to waste hours of my life trying to discover Mew in the original game.

1. Articuno
My favorite pokemon design, and one of the few whose Gen 1 sprite may be cooler than how he actually looks. Also has an awesome cry. If I could choose one pokemon to own in real life, it would be Articuno. Flying on that thing would be amazing. My favorite pokemon, legendary or otherwise.

ScraftyDevil is finally a man.


Thanks for all of the feedback, everyone! I really appreciate it!


10. Bisharp

9. Blaziken

8. Hydreigon

7. Togekiss

6. Crobat

5. Dwebble

4. Gallade

3. Espeon

2. Munchlax

1. Scrafty

Honourable mentions:
Dunsparce, Krokorok, Flygon, Arcanine, Scizor.

Fun fact: If I had joined here during the Gen IV days, my username would've likely been Laximus (it was my name for everything back then).
Working in a charity shop earlier I stumbled across the greatest of literary goods, pokemon kids books where they took episodes of the anime and turned them into a cash grab book with such dialogue as "Togi!" Togepi said with a smile.
One of the books covered Ash's one league victory, that Orange Island final against the Dragonite, oh Ash, the only league he can win is the one that's made up.
Top 10 favorite Pokemon? Well...

1. Gengar: I think it's that grin, it's the best grin ever. Plus he's full of mischief, like every good ghost should be. He was also my first level 100 Pokemon.

2. Monferno: I just really like the design. Shame about his final form.

3. Mareep: It's a cute and fluffy sheep...I always say I won't use him and then I encounter one and then I have to use one.

4. Ludicolo: It's just a fun and cheerful design. The typing also comes in real handy. It needs more moves suited to its happy fun lifestyle.

5. Ambipom: Yea I kinda have a thing for the monkeys. I know a lot of people hate his design but I like it and he really packs a punch.

The other 4 in no particular order...

Larvitar: He just has a cute look...I think it's the eyes mainly.

Gible: He's basically a baby shark, what's not to love?

Farfetch'd: I want more Pokemon with a weapon like him.

Dratini: It's cute is what it comes down to.
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