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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."

I like tiggerkiddo's avatar, but Dawn is my favourite design for a playable character.


Stage On

Fighting Team plasma by moonlight,
Winning Pokemon battles by daylight,
Never running from a real fight,
She is the one named Sailor Rosa.


What's the easiest way to get money in Black/White?

I already got the relic crown from the ruins, but i don't know if it respawns or not.
I went back and found my posts chronicling my Black 2 journey.

Everyone pulled their weight, but if there was an MVP it would have to be Scrafty. He saved me on two occasions when I should have been toast, both times while he was over ten levels lower than his opponents!

Damn, I never have the patience to raise all 6 slots. Usually 3 is a nice sweet spot for me.
I went back and found my posts chronicling my Black 2 journey. Everyone pulled their weight, but if there was an MVP it would have to be Scrafty. He saved me on two occasions when I should have been toast, both times while he was over ten levels lower than his opponents!

Commerative MVP art!


I hate to pat myself on the back... but I'm pretty darn awesome.

Stage On

What's the easiest way to get money in Black/White?

I already got the relic crown from the ruins, but i don't know if it respawns or not.

Use an amulet coin to double to amount of money you get from trainers, their are several you can battle once per day that give out a nice amount that way.
Damn, I never have the patience to raise all 6 slots. Usually 3 is a nice sweet spot for me.

Six was easy, and I never used the Lucky Egg or did any grinding against wild Pokémon (outside of using Audino to get the level 1 guys caught up at the beginning). I only fought the trainers. The key is to always train your lowest level Pokémon first! That way you get the most experience out of each battle.

That's.... Pokemons have feelings, you know :(

Ahhh, maybe I worded it a little too strongly. I care about my Pokémon, I just don't worry about them too much. I sort of expect them to take care of themselves. You six I would obsessively keep healed with Potions after every battle. I'd actually feel bad for you if I let you get knocked out.

I'm not usually so invested in every little detail!
Also keep an eye out for anyone (Usually Nurses) who have Chansey's or even Blissey's. Those Pokemon will really level up stragglers in a hurry, especially with the Lucky Egg.


Ahhh, maybe I worded it a little too strongly. I care about my Pokémon, I just don't worry about them too much. I sort of expect them to take care of themselves. You six I would obsessively keep healed with Potions after every battle. I'd actually feel bad for you if I let you get knocked out.

I'm not usually so invested in every little detail!

It's too late now, all your pokemons in BW are releasing themselves from your PC boxes :(

What you did was very nice, thank you :)


Why would I stop you? It's a great game :)

I was gonna clean my room, but then I bought White 2
I was gonna get up and find the broom , but then I bought White 2
my room is still messed up and I know why (why man?) yea heyy,
- cause I bought White 2 [repeat 3X]

Soul Beat

I don't wanna buy it yet 'cause I'm saving up for the WiiU.

Though I'll probably buy it if I get a job next week.

I was gonna clean my room, but then I bought White 2
I was gonna get up and find the broom , but then I bought White 2
my room is still messed up and I know why (why man?) yea heyy,
- cause I bought White 2 [repeat 3X]

I think I managed to blast through the entirety of my 3DS's extended battery. It's a super time sink! I think I need to take a break from all this filming.

Now I want more plush toys for some reason.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
TODAY, IN THE ANIME: Ash dexes both Corphish and Buizel.

Writers, I know you're trying to target the young kids just getting into Pokemon. But once in a while, maybe you should go over the summaries of old episodes to remind yourself if Ash has ever scanned that Pokemon, or actually CAUGHT THEM BEFORE.


Absolutely loving the replies to a Pokémon post on the official Nintendo 3DS UK Facebook page.

Eddie Jun Yeap Lee said:
This is too complex, I'm on Pokemon Blue on my Samsung Galaxy S with my Gameboy emulator. Win win situation.

Aaron Bukalo said:
most people pirate pokemon, so much cheaper. until a reliable flash card comes out on 3ds it wont be as successful

Slightly more than 8 hours before a dead battery seems to be really good given Wi-Fi and C-Gear being on, some standby time, and brightness 5 for a DS game. It was a good time :)
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