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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."

I have played Blue, Yellow, Gold, Crystal, Emerald, and Platinum, but for me HeartGold is the best pokemon game to date (that I have played - will have to catch up with Gen 5 eventually).
Platinum supersedes those two so it works out in the end...imho.

And BW are on the mediocre side.


Aren't opinions wonderful? /sinceritymode
There's nothing opinionated about BW being mediocre, especially with that absolutely awful excuse of a post-game.

It's pretty darn opinionated, considering the amount of critical acclaim the games received. Plus, there are plenty of GAFers who think that they're awesome (probably more than those who think they're bad), so there's that, too.

Also, where's the Ace Attorney Community Thread at? :p

Aren't opinions wonderful? /sinceritymode

Gen 4 has:
Better characters
More Pokemon designs I love
More enjoyable postgame content
Better regions
More character
Better rematch options

Gen 5 has:
Too many awful Pokemon designs
Fewer interesting characters
Story is okay
Side stuff is much better than the meat of the game
Wasted potential
Encounter rate can get really stupid
PWT is disappointing
Better music


I don't get the encounter rate complaints with Gen V.
I encountered way more in Heart Gold.

I couldn't take like 2 steps without getting into those slow and awful battles.
But in Black/Black 2, I've gone entire screens without running into something.

Heck, I was trying to run into a Rattata in Castelia Sewers for like 20 minutes.
Gen 4 has:
Better characters
More Pokemon designs I love
More enjoyable postgame content
Better regions
More character
Better rematch options

Gen 5 has:
Too many awful Pokemon designs
Fewer interesting characters
Story is okay
Side stuff is much better than the meat of the game
Wasted potential
Encounter rate can get really stupid
PWT is disappointing
Better music
There's nothing opinionated about BW being mediocre, especially with that absolutely awful excuse of a post-game.

BW postgame doesn't actively ruin something that was good before.

As a result, it's better than HGSS postgame.

We all know that BW2 has the best postgame in the series anyway, so the point is moot.


Pokemon Platinum Battle Tower:
-I send out Tyranitar
-He sends out Cyndaquil

Made me laugh so hard.
Pokemon post games are usually just fluff anyway, it's basically a pokemon sight seeing tour where you find a few new legends and face some stronger trainers.
HG/SS are the games with the most robust amount of post game content since the Kanto gym format gives an extra goal to strive for and then there's a fair bit more on top of that, but don't kid yourself that it's on a whole different level B2/W2 and possibly Platinum are right behind it. Thing is why the hell are you fools judging these games by their post game?!
That's like judging a Zelda game based around the sidequests and heart piece locations instead of the maingame and its dungeons ya weirdos.
Both versions of Black and White have a main game that handily tops HG/SS which clings too much to the botched legacy of the original games, I mean maybe the rest of you enjoy a surplus of caves, shitty pokemon selection and awkwardly balanced trainer levels in a region that lacks any real distinguishing features besides caves everywhere but that's not my scene at all.

When I say shitty pokemon selection by the way i'm not talking about designs, i'm talking about the amount of pokemon available to you within the main game from dispersion of new pokemon for that game to type distribution, only one that's worse in this regard is original Diamond and Pearl before Platinum salvaged it.
N is the highlight of Black White's story and otherwise Team Galactic was just as interesting. It just needed to last a bit longer...and the less said about the main game of BW2, the better.
I actually did not like Black 2's main game very much for various reasons which I may elaborate on later, despite Black 2 being the technically better game i'm still for Black 1 all the way.

Okay i'll give one point now, really awkward pacing especially regarding Team Plasma.


The Virbank gym episodes were really bad.
The animation in the series isn't exactly something to write about, but the cycling going on in this was just ridiculous.


Does anyone here have a Lotad they would be willing to trade? Only ds games I have are Platinum, Black, and Black 2 so it's impossible for me to get one.


Generation wars?


Where's that Dictator Wiseblade picture at?

I actually did not like Black 2's main game very much for various reasons which I may elaborate on later, despite Black 2 being the technically better game i'm still for Black 1 all the way.

Okay i'll give one point now, really awkward pacing especially regarding Team Plasma.

I think I liked Part 1 better as well.

Thanks. Pacing was definitely a problem in BW2...when it came to Plasma.

I know, that almost made me quit the game.

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