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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."


MikeMyers, is that Chikorita gif like, your signature or something? Just be careful, because people have been banned in the past for doing similar things.

Also, I love Tyranitar because he takes 4x damage from Hi-Jump Kick :>

Haha, I did it the first two times for a joke, and decided to keep on doing it until someone said something.

I guess it'll be my signature. I wont post it in other threads though, so I dont get in trouble

Actually they seemed to be easier to catch in Platinum...when you ran into one of them that is. Now all of a sudden they're easier to find but tougher to catch.
So these online battle sims are pretty awesome. Instead of taking weeks to build a team it's just a few minutes. Gamefreak needs to make PvP more accessible, there's a lot of fun people aren't getting a chance to experience.


You guys might know this.

Anyone remember that poorly translated Pokemon G/S guide that came out months before the actual release of G/S in NA? I can't find it anywhere online; I've been trying to find the cover of it.
But Primeape is still awesome.


Remember when Ash caught one, and then released it like the next episode?

Even better is that he gave it away after it won him a fighting type tournament, he must have felt it was too good for his underpowered team.
Must suck for the guys Hitmonchan who now plays second fiddle to champion Primeape.
Meanwhile Brock entered Geodude into the same tournament, hilarious!
I've gotten yelled at for talking about stuff before the postgame.

Wasn't that when you had a spoilery avatar quite a while before the Western release?

It's pretty straightforward; officially revealed pre-launch stuff up to western launch, up to the League after western launch, and postgame stuff a reasonable amount of time after launch.
So, I went shopping today and bought some neat-o PokéSwag. Check it out!

I've actually had this hat for a while (and got it signed by Veronica Taylor at FanExpo XD), but I just wanted to show it off :p

I needed a new satchel (my old one is all worn out and falling apart), so I figure this one will do for smaller items such as my 3DS, game case, and phone.

I was inspired by Cuteness Overlord to purchase this fly Scraggy plushie, and I also picked up Red Scraggy while I was there. Don't comment on his colour; he was born that way.

Finally, Derpalon. I don't even particularly like this Pokémon, but I couldn't resist picking this one up for the pure entertainment value.
Even better is that he gave it away after it won him a fighting type tournament, he must have felt it was too good for his underpowered team.
Must suck for the guys Hitmonchan who now plays second fiddle to champion Primeape.
Meanwhile Brock entered Geodude into the same tournament, hilarious!

A newcomer getting pushed to the moon over an established fighter? Where have we heard that before?
It took me a while to get used to it because I was still curious how he could go from looking like a sheep to...well that but I kind of like it now. Doesn't help his back sprite isn't horrible looking and he can be so useful...
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