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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."

hey guys what's going on in this... oh, gen wars



Booo at 3D Zelda. Link's Awakening is still tops.

I liked Beedrill. Just sad he was half poison and died to that stupid Alakazam in a flash.

Bug is actually Super Effective against Poison in RBY, which is really helpful considering there are Grimer's and Koffing's EVERYWHERE in Kanto.



Machamp is badass as fuck.

And I used Psychic Gengar in RBY as well.

Actually I'm running Gengar in my current Platinum Battle Tower team, it tanks Earthquake and Fighting moves for my Tyranitar.

Booo at 3D Zelda. Link's Awakening is still tops.
LA is in my top 3, don't you worry.
But is he better than the Peoples champ?

My friend had a female Machamp in Pearl called John Cena, is was all kinds of wrong.

Of course Machamp is better than the People's Champ. He's even better than Scott Steiner! Steiner may have the LARGEST ARMZ IN DA WURLD, but Machamp has 4 of them, all bigger than Steiner's.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I don't get the encounter rate complaints with Gen V.
I encountered way more in Heart Gold.

I couldn't take like 2 steps without getting into those slow and awful battles.
But in Black/Black 2, I've gone entire screens without running into something.

Heck, I was trying to run into a Rattata in Castelia Sewers for like 20 minutes.

HG/SS used GSC's encounter rate.

DPPt's encounter rate is the best in the series, and it's not really up for debate.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Yeah I remember trying my Silver out a few years ago and my save being gone.

The only trace of all my old guys are in Pokemon Stadium 2.
I need to buy that Pokemon GBC system...just for collection purposes.

I should give Gengar Psychic again...his special attack is all levels of stupid. Hmm Dream Eater or Psychic...tough choice.


I like Psychic on him to troll all the fighting attempts who try to take on my Tyranitar. Gengar doesn't appreciate the Sandstream though.

Yeah I took those screenshots of my RBY Pokemon in case the save files for them deleted. I actually caught all 151 in Yellow.

Of course Machamp is better than the People's Champ. He's even better than Scott Steiner! Steiner may have the LARGEST ARMZ IN DA WURLD, but Machamp has 4 of them, all bigger than Steiner's.
I hear Machamp's wrestled a lot of regions.

You know they say all pokemon are created equally and you look at Machamp and you know that's not true.
Normally if you go one-on-one with another pokemon you have a fifty-fifty chance of winning. But Machamp's a genetic freak with four arms, and not normal. You've got a 25%, at best, of beating it.
Tyranitar is a joke to the Gible line because...Gible and friends are awesome. Otherwise, Tyranitar isn't so bad (Though I much prefer Larvitar all day)


Its a shame kids these days don't like Tyranitar, they just see all those weaknesses and think its crap. Same situation for Celebi.

MikeMyers, is that Chikorita gif like, your signature or something? Just be careful, because people have been banned in the past for doing similar things.

Also, I love Tyranitar because he takes 4x damage from Hi-Jump Kick :>
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