I can give you both!
My friend code is 4213 1795 5994.
UltimateIke, friend and benefactor to all earthly Pokemon trainers alike.
I can give you both!
My friend code is 4213 1795 5994.
Mareep would fit in better with the fluffy theme...=P
All I know is that the anime made me want a Marill (Oh and Lyra is awesome in the anime) and it made me really want a Meleotta.
If there was any justice in the world, they would have retired Ash and had Gold, Crystal and Lyra as the main trio for the Johto arc.
Problem with that is they didn't invent Lyra until years after the Johto arc.
It would have started with Gold by himself and then they'd be able to introduce Crystal later once her game came up much like what happened in the manga
If there was any justice in the world, they would have retired Ash and had Gold, Crystal and Lyra as the main trio for the Johto arc.
learn to rng, seriouslyGah.... started soft reseting for a Genesect.
Not sure if I want to keep this one or try for something better:
HP: 18 - 24
Att: 1, 3, 5
Def: 5, 7, 9
SpA: 14, 16, 18
SpD: 11, 13, 15
Speed: 30
Edit: Screw it, I'm trying for better!
learn to rng, seriously![]()
learn to rng, seriously![]()
I'm nuking that Medabots Community Thread Boney. I'm the only one who posts in it. ;_;
I'm nuking that Medabots Community Thread Boney. I'm the only one who posts in it. ;_;
Is it Zorua time now?
Whenever you want it to be.
EDIT: Not that I'd object to Krokorok time, naturally.
Sorry guys it's Kyogre time
I hate that Togepi has a 12% chance of being a female.
All I want is a Calm, Serene Grace, female Togepi. Just give me this, you stupid game. PLEASE.
For something that specific Your best bet is to have someone random number generate one for you rather then try and get one by plain luck
For something that specific Your best bet is to have someone random number generate one for you rather then try and get one by plain luck
RNG? That bad, huh? I really want to use one for my Black 2 playthrough (non-hatched so I could be the OT.) Argh...I've been using the Everstone method and everything.
Everstone only guarantees natures if I'm not wrong.
Gah, screw it. I guess I'll try RNGing for my Genesect. I can deal with breeding stuff as that's finally become decent enough in the number of variables you can control (though Hidden Power is still atrocious and a huge issue), but Wonder Card stuff is ridiculous. Any good guides for trying to RNG a wonder card? I think I'm just going to try learning from the giant mound of text on Smogon if nobody has any better suggestions.
Am i the only one who thinks that using the computer tools for breeding et similia it's very sad?
Gah, is the pokemon I'm getting when trying to figure out my parameters supposed to be the same every time? Because it isn't. Is Lostlorn forest still an okay place to do this with Sweet Scent?
Am i the only one who thinks that using the computer tools for breeding et similia it's very sad?
I really want to see goofy N appear in the anime...has he shown up?
Way less sad since he work hard to get it but still sadBecause this isn't?
It's sad people have to even bother with it. It shouldn't be that complicated at times. I mean it doesn't have to be easy but it doesn't have to get so complicated.