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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."



I don't care what its learnset is or what type weaknesses it has.

Those stats don't belong in OU.

Hilarious. o.o
I vote Pikachu for president of Earth


Dwebble can be the scheming visier of Earth.

Yes, serving under Empoleon as the undisputed ruler of the Universe.

Again it will be up to Scrafty and Arcanine to form an underground revolutionary group to stop the evil Empoleon's plans. Just when we think things will turn around with the honorable Pikachu as leader, Empoleon's top agent Dwebble slips into power as a member of the president's Cabinet. Using his powers of persuasion, the little Bug/Rock Pokémon has turned the naive, impressionable electric mouse into a horrible tyrant and puppet to the Empoleon empire!
Poor Empoleon, his short complex has driven him to world domination, yet the only world he rules is the one inside his puny steel brain.


Haha, I don't think so.

I can see it now. Esura to be the sole author of the Pokédexxx.

Wish my skills with the pen was a good as it was when I was younger or I could've pulled it off right now.

added an addendum :p

...they should make Gardevoir female only since they got Gallade. I can't imagine a male Gardevoir...

Rule #999

Gallade is shit.


Gardevoir should be like the Asari....female only.
Again it will be up to Scrafty and Arcanine to form an underground revolutionary group to stop the evil Empoleon's plans. Just when we think things will turn around with the honorable Pikachu as leader, Empoleon's top agent Dwebble slips into power as a member of the president's Cabinet. Using his powers of persuasion, the little Bug/Rock Pokémon has turned the naive, impressionable electric mouse into a horrible tyrant and puppet to the Empoleon empire!

Wait, wasn't I dead?

Or have I become some sort of super Zombie-Ghrost-Scrafty that's just as capable as my living form?

Or is this just a remakequel in which the events of the first film become non-canon?

Oh man; we're sitting on a veritable gold mine of ideas!

EDIT: I will eat the spouses of whoever says Gallade sucks. He's in my top 10 :s
Again it will be up to Scrafty and Arcanine to form an underground revolutionary group to stop the evil Empoleon's plans. Just when we think things will turn around with the honorable Pikachu as leader, Empoleon's top agent Dwebble slips into power as a member of the president's Cabinet. Using his powers of persuasion, the little Bug/Rock Pokémon has turned the naive, impressionable electric mouse into a horrible tyrant and puppet to the Empoleon empire!

Not bad, but I'd prefer Dwebble to knock Pikachu and Empoleon and rule the universe with an iron adorable little pincer thing.
I'm actually going to post something Pokemon related for once. The 15th Anniversary movie will be airing the same day in Canada as it does in the US, December 8th.

give me traffic
Done and done.

Although I haven't been informed about that new Beyblade-universe series. I WANT TO BE INFORMED ABOUT THAT.
H-H--H-H-H-Here we go!
So they're finally here, performing for you
If you know the grunts, you can join in too
Put your hands together, if you want to slap
As we take you through this Poke rap!

Poke...Poke Mon!

He's the leader of the crew! You hate his guts!
He's finally back to lose to you!
His yellow tail can zap you dead
If he shocks you, you'll hate him too
He's fatter, slower and dumber too
He's the first member of the Poke crew
Pika...Pikachu What
Pika...Pikachu is here!
H-H--H-H-H-Here we go!
So they're finally here, performing for you
If you know the grunts, you can join in too
Put your hands together, if you want to slap
As we take you through this Poke rap!

Poke...Poke Mon!

He's the leader of the crew! You hate his guts!
He's finally back to lose to you!
His yellow tail can zap you dead
If he shocks you, you'll hate him too
He's fatter, slower and dumber too
He's the first member of the Poke crew
Pika...Pikachu What
Pika...Pikachu is here!

This mon's got style, so listen up dudes,
He can shed his skin, to fit his mood,
His hood can stretch, and change its length
He can KO his foes to boost his strength!
If you choose him, you'll not choose wrong,
With a jump and a kick, he's one cool 'mon!
He cannot dance, he has no funk
This Poke...has a face
He can throwdown when he wants to
And touch the world, just for you
He'll hammer you down just like he can
This no funk Poke just hates this rap
Poke...Pokemon are here!


Neo Member
I can give you one. Do you still have my friend code?

Yes! I still have you! Got mine? Ready to go?

Update: Thank you so much! If there is anything I can do (which I doubt I can, I don't have many pokes :(), you let me know! Thanks to you I now have my Japanese Ditto. I bred the Torkoal you gave me so that I have an extra and GTS traded for the Ditto. Yay!!! <3
Yes! I still have you! Got mine? Ready to go?

Update: Thank you so much! If there is anything I can do (which I doubt I can, I don't have many pokes :(), you let me know! Thanks to you I now have my Japanese Ditto. I bred the Torkoal you gave me so that I have an extra and GTS traded for the Ditto. Yay!!! <3

You're very welcome! I'm glad to help.
There's not really anything left that I want. I've already caught everything and built all of the teams that interest me. Thank you though!
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