On the other hand
*shudders at 100% Blizzard*
Says the Haxorus/Turtwig.
On the other hand
*shudders at 100% Blizzard*
Says the Haxorus/Turtwig.
Find a list of all the effects of Sunny, Rain, and Sandstorm and then look at what Hail does.
It's not even on the level of Sandstorm which itself is a distant third to the other two.
Hail heals certain Pokemon while active, has two generators, hurts non-Ice types, and gives Blizzard 100% accuracy. Not to mention it helped make one of the best surprise teams in all of Gen 4.
I'd say it does pretty well for itself compared to say, Sandstorm.
Sandstorm boosts rock types special defense (which makes tyranitar as dangerous as he is), doubles excadrill speed, raises landorus attack and garchomp's evasion (which was the cause of his banning to ubers in the first place).
Hail should boost ice types defense.
Ice should resist Dragon.
Ice should be immune to dragon. Regice and Cryogonal suddenly become OU.
Sandstorm boosts rock types special defense (which makes tyranitar as dangerous as he is), doubles excadrill speed, raises landorus attack and garchomp's evasion (which was the cause of his banning to ubers in the first place).
Hail should boost ice types defense.
So other then tweaking Ice so it resists Dragon is their any other way it should be modified?
Resisting water would probably make them amazing.
Won't make any sense in physics though. Types are somewhat rooted in reality and common mythology.
Since when does even half of Pokemon make any sense in physics thought?
You're all going to be my Wii U friends, right? '~'
You're all going to be my Wii U friends, right? '~'
Sorry, gonna have to turn that Arcanine smile upside-down.
I don't plan on buying a WiiU whatsoever.
They'll announce stuff...one day. :|I'll be your Wii U friend...but I'm not getting one for the forseeable future, so you'll have to wait.
*realizes there are no games in the foreseeable future I want* Not good...
You're all going to be my Wii U friends, right? '~'
I should go line up behind Triforce.
You're all going to be my Wii U friends, right? '~'
Well I'm getting one at Christmas, so I'LL be your friend. We don't need those others.![]()
I don't think I'll be able to get one until March-April-ish, but I'll definitely be your friend!
The types and weaknesses, not the Pokemon themselves. Don't be dense.
I'm holding you guys to it! :3
Ice should be immune to dragon. Regice and Cryogonal suddenly become OU.
Dragons should be nerfed by now. If this were run by Capcom, they would have beat Dragons to death with the nerf bat. Or be like Namco and be as blind as bats with it and go whack someone who didn't need a nerf.
That'd be too big of a nerf though, Dragon is supposed to be overpowered.
Dragons should be nerfed by now. If this were run by Capcom, they would have beat Dragons to death with the nerf bat. Or be like Namco and be as blind as bats with it and go whack someone who didn't need a nerf.
Mishimas were big time nerfed in Tekken 6.
Yes they are top tier in TTT2 but I'm just saying at least Namco nerfed them by killing the movement of the Tekken 6 system...
So undecided on the way to rng heatran mmmm
Dragons should be strong but it's kind of ridiculous right now. Don't carry Steel? gg. Draco Meteor is the most bullshit offensive move created.