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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."


Are you like the official chewtoy of Game Freak?


Listen, you fuckers, you screwheads. Here is a man who would not take it anymore. A man who stood up against the scum, the cunts, the dogs, the filth, the shit. Here is a man who stood up.

Bad moves = unexpected moves = surprises.

Special Attacking Gyarados sets always make me laugh, I remember seeing it take out Cloyster and Skarmory and laughing at how random it was.

Listen, you fuckers, you screwheads. Here is a man who would not take it anymore. A man who stood up against the scum, the cunts, the dogs, the filth, the shit. Here is a man who stood up.

But can he stand up against cuteness overload?

Special Attacking Gyarados sets always make me laugh, I remember seeing it take out Cloyster and Skarmory and laughing at how random it was.

I wonder whether messed-up movesets could come in handy...


But can he stand up against cuteness overload?

Cuteness Who?

wonder whether messed-up movesets could come in handy...

Mixed Gyarados is really just a gimmick but Thunder in the Rain hits the likes of Bulky Waters and Skarmory, where as Earthquake even without full investment can still hit Tyranitar and especially Ninetails for good damage anyway. Fire Blast can hit Ferrothorn but the Rain will weaken that anyway,

Still, I wouldn't recommend it.

Cuteness Who?

Cuteness Who!

Mixed Gyarados only niche is hitting the usual Gyarados counters. Its really just a gimmick but Thunder in the Rain hits the likes of Bulky Waters and Skarmory, where as Earthquake even without investment can still hit Tyranitar and especially Ninetails for good damage anyway. Fire Blast can hit Ferrothorn but the Rain will weaken that anyway,

Still, I wouldn't recommend it.

Huh. Then again, I've already had enough of the current competitive landscape anyway.


Cuteness Who!

Huh. Then again, I've already had enough of the current competitive landscape anyway.

The set I remember was Earthquake/Ice Beam/Thunder/Fire Blast @ Life Orb on a Rain Team. Earthquake hit Ninetails and Tyranitar (the main opposing weather starters), while Thunder hit omnipresent Water types, and Fire Blast hit through Ferrothorn, while Ice Beam is filler for random Dragons. It can work as a surprise but it wont sweep teams, especially with lack of STAB and Gyarados' average speed. Plus, with the metagame changes in BW2, I don't even know if this would even make for a decent surprise. But still, it was a fun set to use.
Favorite trading card, go!
I actually found this particular card in a box of my belongings the other day, so that's why it's on my mind.

I don't know about/never collected any of the cards past the Gym Challenge set. :(


I need to run Natural Gift Scizor with Occa Berry, sounds like an awesome Scizor build. Saw it on a youtube video the other day.

Cuteness Who?

Mixed Gyarados is really just a gimmick but Thunder in the Rain hits the likes of Bulky Waters and Skarmory, where as Earthquake even without full investment can still hit Tyranitar and especially Ninetails for good damage anyway. Fire Blast can hit Ferrothorn but the Rain will weaken that anyway,

Still, I wouldn't recommend it.

I swear that movelist resembles the ones I use with my Pokemon and I don't even play competitively.

I swore I've had Swift miss on me a few times. AI cheats.
I have wisen from my gwave. Good evening ladies and gentlemen.

Anyone going to talk about Pokémon game music in here, anymore? I wish school wasn't such a trifle.

Hey, you're back! Long time no see!

I mentioned Gen III's awesome music on page 1, and we did visual rankings of generations (including music) near the end of the last thread. That's about it as of recently, though. October needs to come faster so I can gush about BW2's music


I did make that first half of the 8bit music, but I didn't get to the next part yet as I didn't feel like it. I like to listen to the music again to become more familiar with it so I'm not just going by memories, and I don't want to miss any of the ones I like so it's a little time consuming.

I'll finish it eventually.
Hey, you're back! Long time no see!

I mentioned Gen III's awesome music on page 1, and we did visual rankings of generations (including music) near the end of the last thread. That's about it as of recently, though. October needs to come faster so I can gush about BW2's music

As good as BW2's music is, sometimes I wish they went full on streamed music. DS audio hardware is showing its age, and the title screen music is on a completely different league from everything else in the same game. Why? It's prerecorded!


DS Carts get up to 200 MB, so it makes sense. I personally like that sound quite a bit, and don't think it's aged at all, just a different style.
That's unique, but that actually still wouldn't be enough for mp3 styled soundtracks. Pokemon has a lot of music, 12 songs could reach up to nearly(if not) 200 MB.

Then again, there's a lot of layering around in BW and B2W2, too, so... but then again, audio compression, but then again, obsolete hardware ruining streamed audio quality if compressed.

No wonder. :p (Should've went with at least all the battle tracks.)


Game Freak did an amazing job with compression (at least in B/W; I haven't played B2/W2 yet). The intro video looks pixel-perfect.
I think Game Freak pulled every last bit of juice they could out of the DS with BW2. It's pretty damned impressive, considering the amount of assets they use.
It's like they are not able to stop making games, and that might be a good thing. :3

The way they've totally blown through the event legendaries, both in Japan and in the West, says to me they're prepping for a new batch next year. There is no other reason why they're giving away Genesect in such a throwaway manner.

Serebii agrees with me, too. :p
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